Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Colonial Corporations Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Colonial Corporations - Term Paper Example Their main intension was to strengthen their own economy at the expense of their colonies. Here in this case study the American Revolution is mentioned in a detailed way. Many American countries were under the rule of British. Their sufferings and problems which were aroused for the British rule are highlighted in this case. Colonialism is defined as the establishment of political power by a country in another territory. The powerful country maintains their authority over the occupied country and expands their territory over there. It explodes the acquired colonies. Colonialism develops unequal relationship between the colony and the colony power. The British colonial period started from 16th century and continued till 20th century. During this period many European powers acquired many colonies in Africa, Asia and America. By following colonialism the British Empire became the most extensive empire of the world. The country became the strongest global power. By 1921 this empire ruled around 570 million people. Their colonialism started by the territorial expansion through maritime policies. The British established commercial links with different colonies and ended in acquiring those colonies. They build up a Chartered company for the purpose of trade, colonisation and exploration. It was an association which was composed of shareholders or investors. This company permitted the British merchants to undertake different ventures. Gradually the companies started earning profit from the exploited colonies. Some of the British companies developed extensive administration on the colonies for their business ventures. England expanded its colonies in America by war. It gained control of New Amsterdam by negotiation. At the time of the Seven Years War the greater part of North America was controlled by British. Exploitation of the American colonies resulted in The American Revolution where thirteen colonies rejected the authority of British rule. The
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Understanding The Definition Of Holy Books Religion Essay
Understanding The Definition Of Holy Books Religion Essay Where do they come from? What role do they have in our lives? How do they work? Do they have any benefit? Most people think of the holy books as a set of heartless rules, laws and ancient story empty of clear meanings, which are difficult for our mind to comprehend fully. Their languages are strange to our modern languages, we do not know their true meanings and their purposes, and we do not have any clue how they can help us in life. Prove 30:5-6, Romans 7 :12-14 Every word of God is pure he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Gods law is holy just good and spiritual. All of these concepts are justifiable because we do not know any thing about them as much as we should do, just to reach them for some religious events. No wonder we are not able to experience God because we do not know his words, the more we learn about Gods word the more we become that close to God. The Torah of Moses, the Psalms of David, the Gospel of Jesus and the Koran of Mohammad, they are magnificent holy books, pure truth, with matchless value, which come from the one and the same source. These heavenly books have been the most influential books in history all of them are miracle with no equal, beyond the capacity of human. Divine religions help people to save and develop their faith , their original holy books are best references which are exclusive from any personal preference, if the people do not add or take away from them for better translation or some times for personal advantage. Koran 32:2 This is scripture free from all doubt has been sent down from the lord of the worlds. They provide us with all the information we need to get enlightened and advanced. Through considering and appreciation our holy books, we could become conscious and to realize the universal realities, secrets, messages and cods. These heavenly books are, slightly cross bridge between visible and invisible worlds, connection between the creator and creature we have been honored with this amazing set of connections. These luminous books tell us how to purify our soul from the impurities for perfection in order to prepare ourselves for our journey toward God, we are people of love who want to observe and experience his love and truth. Their messages have addressed directly to all people regardless to their class, gender and age, they have instruction and information in different styles and ways for all classes of human beings in favor of their happiness. They are the source of truth and true knowledge, which teach us all rational, moral, spiritual matters and principle of happiness, make us aware of our creator through his magnificent creation, and explain our divine purpose for his creation. Romans 10:17 So then faith comes from hearing the words of God. These revelations are the life-maps for us to find our right path and any one could find his own share, they are Gods timeless speeches for whole universe regardless of era, sex, ethnic group and location. They reveal the tremendous meanings and purposes of life and are inspired by God for eternal life and salvation they are heavenly divine truth, religious beliefs, laws and mortality. These practical books contain different subjects; philosophy, sociology, history, psychology, physics, biology, law, tradition, spirituality, mortality, and religion, every body with different level of understanding can obtain benefit from them. Through them, we are able to see how God acts and rules in universe, their insignificant historical events have verity meanings we could draw universal conclusion from those ordinary events. They hold the vast store of divine purposes, facts, and bear hidden universal principle and general law even the rules of personal, social conduct and principal of happy life. Koran 3:164In deed God conferred a great favor on the believers when he sent among them a messenger from among themselves reciting to them his holy book and purifying them. These divines words are a gift of mercy beyond our expectations which enable us to attach ourselves to the spirit of God to see the source of truth, understand the way to the eternal life, find out about the secrecy of life and our magnificent destiny. They are healing for any kind of spiritual sickness that treats any patient in a certain way since human beings are different in the condition of their heart. They invite us to the unlimited peace and delight, the most important thing is to train our heart and our mind to unite with God. To have all answers to all our needs (physically and spiritually) according to our moral purity and our intellectual capacity, we would achieve perfection, and to elevate and revive our soul through learning and understanding these scriptures. God shows his true signs to people through his divinely revelation in order that they find out about the reality of creation. 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works All revelations have specific purposes, to know and believe our creator through his creation, to open the door of more love and blessings, to achieve lasting happiness, to give inner power for faith testing trail. We should take Gods words prayerfully with all our heart because their truth protects our spirit and our body. God has blessed us with extensive knowledge and guidance we should learn and internalize the true meaning of his word through understanding, experiencing, following our heart and our conscience. The most important matter is, to apply Gods principles into our ordinary lives and avoid regretting from making wrong decisions in additional, to build our lives upon the solid rock of divines word in order to achieve eternal happiness. We should recite them over and over to fix them in our scattered heart firmly it means to recite them with the tongue of our heart. KORAN 5:15-16 In deed there has come to you from God a light and a clear book with which God guides him who seeks his pleasure to the ways of safety and brings them out of darkness into light by his permission and guides them to a straight path Every time we read them, our mind and our soul recognize the new truth and meaning from them. When we read them with holiness and sincerity, we discover new meaning and understanding. There is no point in reciting them with out understanding and contemplation. We believe in heavenly books because we follow our heart and our conscious, they are supported by light of faith and signs of Gods wisdom and power and mercy we glorify our God through thankfulness, obedience and specially loving attitude. James 2:21-24 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he offered his son Isaac upon the altar? You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by works, and the scripture was fulfilled which says, Abraham believed GOD, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the evidence
Friday, October 25, 2019
Religion as a Tool of Conquest in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart Ess
Religion as a Tool of Conquest in Things Fall Apart     In the novel Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, the white men who come to Umuofia find success in conquering the village by challenging Ibo religion. Because the first white men to appear in Umuofia were missionaries, the slaughter of Ibo society began with the challenging of the highly-regarded religion of the Ibo people. The white men began their religious assault by openly denouncing the many gods worshipped by the Ibo in order to convert them to the new faith. After accomplishing this, the white men set out to prove that the Christian religion was superior to all others by defying the powers of the Ibo gods when they built their church upon the cursed ground of the Evil Forest. With the Ibo religion being proved powerless, the converts began challenging their former religion by killing the sacred python, revered by the people of Umuofia. By attacking the fundamental teachings of the natives’ religion, the Christians were able to effectively conquer the Ibo people. The Christians first step in taking over the people of Umuofia was to preach that the Ibo gods were false. As the white man spoke against the Ibo gods, saying that worshipping gods of â€Å"wood and stone†(Achebe, 125) was fruitless, the natives were confused. They did not understand how this could be so, and they were both amused and shocked that anyone would suggest an idea that they perceived to be so ridiculous. The Ibo questioned the white man, wondering â€Å"who will protect us from†¦ our neglected gods and ancestors†and were curious about his teachings. In doing so, it becomes apparent that the white man had succeeded in planting doubt in their minds about their religion. The Ibo were then unsure as ... had been tested several times, and had failed on all occasions. The Ibo people, at this point, had given up, and the Christians were victorious over the village and its clan. By forcing the Umuofians to question their religion, the Christians were able to successfully take over the village. They first challenged the Ibo religion by telling the villagers that their gods were not real. After this, the Christians built their church in the Evil Forest and defied the Umuofian gods who did nothing to stop the church, letting down the Ibo people. At the point of the killing of the python by a clansman, the Umuofian religion had been defeated in the eyes of its believers, and no longer held any real weight. The Christians were therefore able to effectively conquer the Ibo by attacking their religion, which had been uncontested up until that point in history. Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Overview on Ipsec
I. Abstract2 II. The need for IPSec3 1. Internet threats3 2. TCP/IP security vulnerabilities4 3. The need for IPSec5 III. What is IPSec5 1. What is IPSec5 2. IPSec properties6 IV. IPSec structure6 1. Authentication header (AH)6 2. Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)7 V. Security Associations (SA)8 1. Security Associations8 2. Combining Security Associations9 3. SA and key management10 VI. Building a real VPN with IPSec11 1. VPN overview11 2. IPSec in VPN11 VII. Future Research13 VIII. Conclusion14 IX. References14 I. Abstract It can be seen clearly that the Internet has developed with a very high speed in many recent years. In the 80s of last century, the Internet was only used in US army, but nowadays, the Internet has come to every country, every home and everyone. However, such fast develops also go along with the increasing number of security issues from the Internet. Therefore there is a need to find a security solution for this issue and that is the season why Internet Protoco l Securities exists. * In this paper, i will introduce a overview about this security protocol: what is it?What are its core components? And how this protocol was implemented in the practical? II. The need for IPSec 1. Internet threats * The Internet is quickly changing our world, particularly in the way we do business. The fast development of technology has helped to increase the connection speed of Internet and decrease the cost also. This has given the opportunity for people who know how to take advantage of it. The Internet enables such things as: * Extranets: companies can easily link with their business partners and their customers.In the past, we have to use dial up line with low bandwidth, so we have to wait a bit long to get the connection to a web sites or send messages to our friend via yahoo messenger. But today with the quick development of the technology, the speed of the Internet has been increased significantly, therefore the Internet can enable instant and on-demand high-speed communications with our business customers and partners around the world . * Intranets: a powerful tool is widely used for providing the communication in a organization.. Remote users: the Internet also provides a solution for users who don’t need to go to the company till can connect and access to the company network. This will help to reduce the transport cost and also increase the productive of the company. * It can be said that the Internet provides many business opportunities, but if there is not the proper controls, your data can become a subject to various kinds of security attacks. * Loss of Privacy There are many ways that the Internet users can lose their privacy information such as: the address, family information, phone number, credit cards and so on.This information can be used in marketing purposes such as send spam mail about a new product to many people or more dangerously, It can be used for thief or criminal purposes such as: credit care stealing , disclose personal information to the public and so on. * Loss of Data Integrity Even in case your credential is not stolen but there is still need a solution to help ensure the integrity of data. For example, when you do an transaction, your password are not be disclosed but if the number of money of your transaction was modified, you still got a big problem. Identity Spoofing The Internet is an un-trusted network so be careful with your identity when you surf on the Internet because an intruder can impersonate you and get the access to your confidential. * Denial-of-service As organizations take advantage of the Internet, there is a issue that the service being performed is almost always a constant time operation, so it is easy for an external observer process to detect a Dos attack. These attacks are generally transient. 2. TCP/IP security vulnerabilitiesThe main reason lead to Internet threats mentions above is that TCP/IP – the foundation of Internet – has many s ecurity vulnerabilities. When IP, TCP, UDP and the infrastructure protocol of TCP/IP were designed to use in a very small network and all hosts and users are known, hence the security concerns were almost non-existing. But today, with a very quick development of the Internet, there are more and more security vulnerabilities of TCP/IP were exploited. In this section I will reveal an overview about popular kinds of attacks in TCP/IP. a. TCP SYN or TCP ACK Flood AttackThis is a form of DOS attack in which an intruder sends a successful SYN request to victim’s system to consume the resources of the victim’s sever to make the sever cannot respond to the legal connection b. TCP Sequence Number Attack By predicting the IP sequence number, an attacker can inject data or take over a pre-established connection. c. ICMP Attacks Attacker could use either the ICMP message can make a host stop working such as â€Å"Time exceeded†or â€Å"Destination unreachable†messa ges. Attacker can make use of this by simply forging one of these ICMP messages, and sending it to one or both of the communicating hosts.Their connection will then be fallen apart. d. Smurf Attacks The â€Å"smurf†attack is a modification of the classic ping flood attack. An attacker instead of sending ICMP echo packets from his system to the victims network, he send a packet to a broadcast address of middle network with a return IP address of the victim’s network. 3. The need for IPSec To solve issues was mentioned in the previous sections, it is necessary to have a protocol suite which can provide the authentication and decryption to IP packets to increase the security level in data communication over the Internet.And that is reason why we have Internet Protocol Security (IPSec). III. What is IPSec 1. What is IPSec? * Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) has revolutionized Internet Protocol (IP) security. The IPSec protocol suite utilizes cryptographic techniques to ensure data confidentiality, and digital signatures to authenticate the source of the data transmission. IPSec also brings a new level of interoperability to the Internet that never existed before. It doesn’t rely on proprietary protocols or techniques to establish secure links between network nodes.By utilizing IPSec in virtual private networking solutions organizations can exchange sensitive data over public networks with the knowledge that the parties they are exchanging the data with are the intended receivers, that the data was kept confidential in transit, and that the data did not change during transmission. * IPSec has two goals: * To ensure the integrity and confidentiality of IP packets. * To provide a defense against network attacks. Both goals are met through the use of cryptography-based protection services, security protocols, and dynamic key management. 2. IPSec properties IPSec has following properties: * Anti –replay (replay prevention): ensures the un iqueness of each IP packet, any packet was captured by the attacker cannot be put back into the network to establish a session or steal information. * Integrity: protect data from being modified in transit, ensure that received data is the same as the first data. * Confidentiality (encryption): ensures that data is only know by the authorized recipients. To do this, data will be encrypted before being send, and the received has to use a public, private key to decrypt the data when receiving it. Authentication: verifies that a message can only be send from a receiver who knows the shared, secret key. The sender will include a authentication message to the data before sending, the receiver has to use their key to encrypt the authentication message to enable watching the data. If the key is wrong, the data will be discarded. IV. IPSec structure 1. Authentication header (AH) * AH is used to authenticate- but not encrypt – IP traffic, or in other words this protocol guarantees con nectionless integrity and data origin authentication of the packet.Moreover, it can optionally guard against replay attacks by attackers who obtain a copy of authenticated packet and later put it back to the network. * Structure of AH: The AH header consist of 6 parts: * Next hdr (8 bits): this identifies what the upper-level protocol following the AH is * AH len (8bit): this field indentifies the size of the authentication header. * Reserved: this field is a place holder for future use. * Security Parameters Index (32bits): this is a random number that indicates the setting that being selected by the transmitter to communicate with the receiver.This includes the encryption algorithms that are being used, which encryption keys are being used, and the information about the validity period for these encryption keys. * Sequence Number: this is a counter that increases incrementally each time a packet is transmitted using the parameters setup in the SPI. * Authentication Data: this is t he Integrity Check Value(ICV) for the packet. The originator will create a keyed-one-way-hash of the packet payload and attach this hash value to the packet as the authentication field.The receiver can check the integrity of the payload data by hashing the payload data once it has been decrypted with the same hash algorithm, which sender used. If two hash values are identical then the recipient can be sure that the data was not modified during the transmission. However, because the data was not encrypted this does not ensure the confidentiality of the payload data only the integrity. 2. Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) The ESP is the portions of the IPSec that addresses the confidentiality of the data that is being transmitted as well as offers authentication capabilities.ESP utilizes symmetric encryption techniques to encrypt the IP packet payload. The symmetric encryption algorithms that must be supported in order to be compliant to standard are DES, 3 DES, RSA, CAST, and Blow fish. The ESP will encrypt the IP header or information, which includes the information required for routing. It will only encrypt the packet payload, which will ensure the confidentiality of the data. There are six elements which make up the ESP which include: V. Security Associations (SA) 1. Security Associations * A key issue appears in both authentication and encryption mechanism for IPSec, that is Security Association (SA).SA is a simply the bundle of algorithm are parameters that is used to provide authentication and confidentiality a particular flow of traffic stream in one direction. Thus in normal bi-directional traffic process, the flows are secured by a pair of security associations. * In order to decide what protection is to be provided for an outgoing packet, IPSec uses the Security Parameter Index (SPI), an index to the security association database (SADB), along with the destination address in a packet header, which together uniquely identify a security association fo r that packet.A similar procedure is performed for an incoming packet, where IPSec gathers decryption and verification keys from the security association database. There are two types of SAs are defined: transport mode and tunnel mode. * Transport mode SA is used to provide security communication between two hosts, and in this mode only the payload of packet is encrypted (with ESP) or authenticated (with AH) so it only provide protection for upper layer protocols. A tunnel mode SA is used to provide security communication between two gateway or between a gateway and a host and in this mode the entire IP packet is encrypted (with ESP) or authenticated (with AH). 2. Combining Security Associations * Any single SA can select AH or ESP to protect the data transmits over an IP network but it cannot combine 2 of these protocols. Therefore, there is a need to combine many SAs to achieve the required security policy. The term â€Å"security association bundle†or â€Å"SA bundleâ₠¬ is applied to a sequence of SAs through which traffic must be processed to satisfy a security policy. Security associations may be combined into bundles in two ways: transport adjacency and iterated tunneling. * Transport adjacency refers to applying more than one security protocol to the same IP datagram, without invoking tunneling. This is only applicable for combining AH and ESP at the same level. * Iterated tunneling refers to the application of multiple layers of security protocols affected through IP tunneling. This approach allows for multiple levels of nesting, since each tunnel can originate or terminate at a different IPSec site along the path. Basic ways of SAs’ combination: documents about IPSec structure has listed four cases of combining SAs based on the compatibility between severs or gateways * Case 1: all securities properties are provided between systems. * Case 2: security is only provided between gateways and there is no any host implemented IPSec * Ca se 3: based on the case 2 but add the End to End security. * Case 4: support the remote access through the Internet in the scope of firewalls and expandable accept of server or host in behind the firewalls. 3. SA and key management Key management is an important part of IPSec regarded to identify and distribute the secret key. And basic demand is four keys to communicate between two applications: receiving key and sending keys include two AH and ESP. IPSec structure allows to support two type of key management is: * Manually: every administrator configure manually their private keys with other communicate systems’ keys. In practice, this type of key management is used for small resources in a static environment. * Automated: it is a system which allows creating keys for SAs and being used in a large distribution system with dynamic configuration. The default automated key management in IPSec is called ISAKMP/Oakley with following components: * Oakley key indentifying protocol : Oakley is a basic key exchanging protocol based on Diffie-Hellman algorithm, but added security condition. Oakley is a general standard; it does not have any specific format. * Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP): ISAKMP provide a framework for establishing SAs and cryptographic keys in an Internet environment VI. Building a real VPN with IPSec 1. VPN overviewVPN (Virtual Private Network) is the expansion of LAN by adding connections over a shared network or public network like the Internet. In other words, VPN is a private network uses public communication infrastructure but still remains the privacy by using a tunneling protocol and security procedures. VPN can be used to establish a connection between a computer and a private network or between 2 private networks. 2. IPSec in VPN * In IPSec, ESP is the unique way to provide encryption, but ESP and AH both can provide authentication, so what is the most efficient way to combine 2 of them together. The traditional solution of wrapping ESP inside of AH is technically possible, but because of the limitations of AH with NAT (Network Address Translation), hence combining AH and ESP by this way will make this tunnel not work with devices using NAT. * Instead, ESP + Authentication is used in Tunnel mode to fully encapsulate the traffic on its way across an un-trusted network, protected by both encryption and authentication in the same thing. * What's especially nice thing about this way of implement is that VPN and other security measures are almost invisible to the end-user hosts.Because a VPN is carried out by a gateway device which treats the VPN as yet another interface, traffic destined for the other end is routed normally. VII. Future Research This paper only provides an overview about IPSec but not focus on securities components of IPSec such as encryption algorithms and detail of mechanism of SAs. Therefore in the future research I will spend more time on those issues. VIII. Conclusion * After covering most of components of IPSec structure, it can be seen clearly that IPSec is a strong security protocol; it can provide both ncryption and authentications. It also use various types of encryption and authentications algorithm such as Triple-DES, 128 bit C4, AES (for encryption) ; MD5 or SHA-1 (for authentication). * However IPSec still have security issue: when a authorized IPSec user access to the network, they can also access to unauthorized resources. Moreover data file is uploaded and downloaded easily also creates the threats from virus infection. IX. References 1. Www. wikipedia. org 2. http://tools. ietf. org/html/rfc2401#section-4. 4. 3
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
You Suck: A Love Story Chapter 31
Chapter Thirty-one Being the Chronicles of Abby Normal: Not Unlike the Toaster, I Control the Darkness So I slept a little that day, and talked to my sweet love-ninja, Foo, a couple of times on the phone, then he came over and we left Jared with some blood for Lord Flood and the Countess when they awoke, and motored to the loft. It took like an hour to clean up all the broken glass and ash and stuff from the night before. We had just finished cleaning and counting the money and making out and whatnot when the alarm went off on the Countess's watch. And I was like, â€Å"Dude, I'm not ready.†And he was all, â€Å"Dude, you are more ready than anyone I've ever known.†And I was all, â€Å"OMG, I am so going to sex you to death if we live through this.†And then he was all bashful and pretended to be doing something technical so we were ready. Then, like an hour after sundown, I heard them coming. I was at the kitchen counter when the security door downstairs opened, and when I turned around they were just, like there. Lord Flood called them the Animals, but now they were kind of the roadkill. And I like touched the snap on my UV jacket, just to make sure it was there. So I was all, â€Å"Hey, vampyre scum.†And the formerly black and now gray one, who was like their leader, was all up in my grille, like, â€Å"We need the money, where is the money?†And I was like, â€Å"Step off, undead-tard. There's no money.†And he was like, â€Å"Don't fuck with us. Flood and the redhead took like six hundred grand from my apartment.†And I was all, â€Å"Actually, its like five hundred and eighty-three thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight.†And he was all, â€Å"Give it!†And all seven of them were like gathering around me – even the born-again one the Countess had thrashed – like they were going to do the massive gang-suck on me, so I had my finger on my light button all the time, in case I needed to flash-fry the motherfuckers. But I stayed chilly and I was like, â€Å"Are you high?†And he was all, â€Å"No, I'm not high. No one is high.†And they all started whining and whatnot, all, â€Å"We can't even take a bong hit. We can't drink a beer. Our systems won't take it. Being sober sucks. We are useless undead stoners.†So I was all, â€Å"Step back and behold, bi-atches.†And I'm all taking a bottle of Stoli out of the freezer, and mixing in a glass with some of the blood from the pouches, just like the ones we left for the Countess and Lord Flood, and they're all drooling when they see the blood, so I was thinking, Dont' make me fry you. But then I give the glass to the gray vamp, and he's all, â€Å"Sweet.†And the others are like, â€Å"Me, me, me.†So I'm like mixing Bloody Marys all around, and the greasy hippyish one is like, â€Å"Can we dunk pot cookies in this?†And I'm like, â€Å"Of course, stoner vamp.†And they're all, â€Å"You are a goddess. And we are not worthy. And oh please, may we have some more?†Until they started to drop. So like two minutes later there's like this big pile of passed-out vampyres in the kitchen, and I'm all, â€Å"Yo, Foo, I got your shit ready.†And Foo comes out of the bedroom, all cute, holding his UV floodlight like he's going to save me, then sees that they are all out cold and gives me a big kiss and is like, â€Å"You rock.†And I'm like, â€Å"You have no idea, my Manga-haired love toy.†And he was like, â€Å"The sedative in the blood, blah, blah, four hours, blah, blah, nerdspeak, geektalk – â€Å" And I'm like, â€Å"Whateva, studmumn. Handle it.†So it took like two hours for Foo to do all his medical stuff with the Animals, taking some blood and doing various medical nerdism stuff to it, then putting it back in, but finally he was done and I called Jared to tell him that we were on our way to get Lord Flood and the Countess. So I like made the other call to make sure everything was all in order and whatnot, and Foo was all, â€Å"Are you sure this is what you want to do?†And I was all, â€Å"Foo, theirs is the greatest love of all time. It's the only thing to do.†And he was all, â€Å"Okay, as long as you're sure. Because we can do them the same as we did the others.†And I was all, â€Å"No, that won't work. They have to be together. And you don't have to live at home anymore. We'll have a completely sweet love lair.†So we did it. Blue watched from the alley across the street as the Animals came out the security door, empty-handed, and stumbled into the street. She knew she should have gone herself, but that whole getting-burned-up thing had taught her that perhaps it was better to delegate. That they didn't have her money was bad enough, but that they didn't have her money and heat was coming off of them was disastrous. â€Å"Those dumbfucks can't get anything right,†she said to herself. â€Å"I'm going to have to kill them all over again.†â€Å"I don't think so,†said a voice from behind her. She whipped around, leading with her long fingernails in a swipe that would have taken off half a man's face. Elijah caught her hand. He'd found another tracksuit, this one powder blue. â€Å"It's time to let it go. The genie must go back in the bottle, I'm afraid.†â€Å"Let me go, I need to go get my money.†â€Å"No, my dear, you don't want to do that. The residents of that loft have recently developed a very unpleasant fashion sense.†â€Å"You're fucking with my income, paleface.†â€Å"You don't need to worry about that anymore.†â€Å"Meaning what?†â€Å"It ends here. Come with me, my dear.†â€Å"You want me to come with you? I don't even know you.†â€Å"Yes, but we share a special relationship.†â€Å"Special? You beat my face into the hood of a Mercedes.†â€Å"Well, yes. Sorry. To the innocent my behavior can sometimes be distasteful.†â€Å"Yeah? Innocent, I've fucked thousands of guys.†â€Å"Yes, well, I've killed enough to fill a city.†Blue shrugged. â€Å"Okay, you win.†â€Å"Revenge is a dish best served cold anyway, don't you think?†â€Å"Or not at all,†said a male voice behind Elijah. Elijah and Blue turned. Three of them stood there in their long coats, looking like sculptures, looking eternal, like they could wait forever. â€Å"Can just anyone sneak up on me now?†said Blue. â€Å"Time to go, Elijah,†said the African woman. â€Å"None of you would be here if it weren't for me,†Elijah said. â€Å"Yes, and we would have been hunted down and killed a long time ago if we hadn't adhered to your rules.†â€Å"Ah, my rules,†Elijah said, looking down now. â€Å"How many left to clean?†Elijah looked across the street to the loft windows, then at Blue. She raised an eyebrow, smiled a little. â€Å"She's the only one left.†He lied. â€Å"Then finish it.†â€Å"I'd rather not,†Elijah said. The Emperor of San Francisco wept for his city. He had done what he could, called the police, alerted the newspapers, even tried to take to battle himself, but by the time he'd gathered the courage to return to the Marina Safeway, it had been finished, and he could do nothing more than speculate to the uniformed police officers how the window had been broken and why the store was empty. They'd tried to track down the night crew, but none of them seemed to be home. And his city was plagued by vampires. Now the Emperor wept and consoled the troops, rubbing Bummer behind the ears and gently patting Lazarus on the ribs as he lay sleeping on the dock. The fog was coming slow off the Bay tonight, not windblown like it was so often here. He heard footsteps before he saw them, then there were five of them. The fiend, the three in the long coats he had seen come in the night before, and a blond woman in a blue party dress. They walked past, and only the fiend turned and paused. The Emperor held Bummer tight, afraid that he would burst into one of his barking fits and all would be lost. â€Å"Old man,†said Elijah. â€Å"The City is yours again.†Then he joined the others at the end of the dock. The Emperor could see their motor yacht waiting outside the breakwater – it had to be two hundred feet long, far too big to enter the marina. â€Å"Very well, then, shall we go?†said Elijah. â€Å"Can I get a coat like that?†asked Blue, nodding toward the tall blond man. The blond man said, â€Å"You'll get one when you learn the secret handshake and get your decoder ring.†Blue looked at Elijah. â€Å"Is he fuckin' with me?†â€Å"Yes,†said Elijah. He offered her his arm. She took it, and stepped down into the longboat. The Emperor watched the vampires disappear into the fog. Rivera had six uniforms in SWAT gear with a battering ram ready to take down the door, so he and Cavuto were more than somewhat surprised when it opened almost as soon as they knocked. A shirtless, sleepy-looking Chinese guy with spiky hair stood in the doorway. â€Å"Yes, can I help you?†Rivera held up the warrant. â€Å"I have a warrant to search this apartment.††‘Kay,†said the Chinese guy. â€Å"Abby, cops are here.†The skinny broken clown girl appeared at the top of the stairs in a kimono. â€Å"Hey, cops,†said Abby Normal. â€Å"What are you doing here?†Rivera said. â€Å"I live here, cop.†She popped the p. Rivera hated that. â€Å"Actually, it's my apartment,†said the Chinese guy. â€Å"Do you need to see ID?†â€Å"Yeah, that would be nice, kid,†said Cavuto. He whipped the kid around and marched him up the stairs as the kid read the warrant. â€Å"Do not bruise the Foo, cop,†said the broken clown girl. Rivera turned to the uniforms and shrugged apologetically. â€Å"Sorry, guys, I guess we got this one.†They shuffled away. â€Å"What are you guys looking for?†asked the Chinese kid. â€Å"Maybe we could speed this up.†â€Å"We're looking for Thomas Flood and Jody Stroud. He's the one on the lease for this apartment and the one down the street.†â€Å"Oh, yeah. I'm subletting,†said the Chinese kid. â€Å"Steven Wong,†Cavuto read off the kid's license. Rivera was feeling very, very bad about this. They had found one more body in the Mission with the blood-loss-and-broken-neck MO – the guy had been naked, supposedly someone had stolen his powder-blue tracksuit, so they logged it as robbery, but then, a week ago, the killings stopped. That didn't mean it was over. He'd made the mistake of thinking it was over with these two before. Rivera had finally gotten the Christian kid at the Safeway to file charges on the redhead for assault. After a long talk with the other stoners, they'd gotten the Flood kid on the arrest warrant for conspiracy. They'd also implied that somehow Flood and the redhead had gotten their share of the old vampire's money. Maybe they had left town. If they had, well, good, but he still had a slew of unsolved murders. â€Å"You're subletting from Thomas Flood?†â€Å"I never met him, actually,†said Steve. â€Å"We arranged it through the rental agent.†â€Å"Yeah, so step off, cop,†said the skinny girl. Rivera looked around the apartment. There was no need to tear the place apart. Obviously everything in here was new. Mostly decorated in Pier 1 Imports cheap wicker motif and some punky Urban Outfitter flair, which he guessed was the input of the creepy little girl. The bronze sculptures were out of character, though. A life-sized nude of a young woman, a large snapping turtle, and a life-sized bronze of a couple posed as if in Rodin's The Kiss. â€Å"These must have been expensive,†Rivera said. â€Å"Not really. I know the artists,†the Chinese kid said. â€Å"Some biker guys down the street.†â€Å"Foo's in biotech,†said the broken clown girl. â€Å"He makes like stupid money, cop.†â€Å"Yeah, that's swell,†said Rivera. He'd watched this neighborhood turn from a rust slum of repair shops and the odd ethnic restaurant to a gentrified hive of hipster professionals in remodeled lofts during the dot-com boom, and it had never turned back. The whole neighborhood was full of kids who spent the equivalent of Rivera's annual salary on a car they wouldn't drive a dozen times a year. This kid apparently was just another one. â€Å"So you don't know these people?†Rivera said, pointing to the warrant. Steven Wong shook his head. â€Å"Sorry, I've never met them. I send my rent directly to the rental agency. You might check with them.†â€Å"Okay then. Sorry to bother you.†â€Å"Okay then?†Cavuto said. â€Å"That's it?†â€Å"They're not here, Nick. These two don't know where they are.†â€Å"But, that's not enough.†â€Å"Yeah? You want to spend some time talking to Allison here, see what you can find out?†Rivera nodded toward the broken clown girl. Cavuto had tried to keep someone between himself and the skinny girl since they'd come upstairs, but now he looked at her full on and shuddered. â€Å"No, I guess that's it.†He turned and lumbered down the steps. â€Å"You need to check your girlfriend's ID,†Rivera said to Steve. â€Å"You may not be old enough for her.†Then he turned and left as well. â€Å"Chill, Foo,†Abby said. â€Å"They're gone. They won't be back. Let's go shopping.†â€Å"Abby, are you sure about this? It seems cruel.†He patted the life-sized sculpture of the couple embraced in a kiss. â€Å"I heard the Countess say once that it was like being in a dream. They just sort of float, all peaceful and dreamy. The main thing is they're together.†â€Å"You're sure?†â€Å"Theirs is the greatest love of all time. It would be wrong for them to be apart, Foo.†â€Å"Well, I think we should just change them back. Now that we know the process works.†â€Å"Someday.†â€Å"Now.†â€Å"The Countess doesn't want that.†â€Å"It's wrong.†â€Å"How can it be wrong? It's my idea, and I am their dedicated minion and whatnot. I control the dark.†She ran and jumped into his arms. â€Å"I guess you do,†he said. â€Å"Okay, let's go shopping for stuff for our most fly apartment.†William arrived back at the loft just after dark, feeling very much rested and well fed from his hospital stay, but craving a sip or two of the good stuff, and terribly worried about Chet. He let himself into the stairway with his key, but when he rang the bell, no one answered, so he sat down to wait for the redhead and that guy to bring his bottle. He hadn't been there ten minutes before he heard the meowing at the door, and his heart leapt as he opened the outer door to find Chet, his red sweater still intact, purring outside. â€Å"Come on, boy. I missed you, buddy.†William scooped up his kitty and carried him into the stairwell. As soon as the door closed, Chet, the huge shaved vampire cat, was upon him.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Could Medical Services Management be for You
Could Medical Services Management be for You Are you interested in a health care career, but want to go a different route than practicing medicine and handling patient care? A great and lucrative option is a career as a medical services manager. Behind the scenes of any medical facility–whether it be an office, a clinic, a hospital, or an assisted living center–is someone in charge of logistics, making the wheels turn and the operations run smoothly. A medical services manager oversees many aspects of a medical facility: billing, patient flow, scheduling, hiring, and much more. As the health care system continues to change rapidly with evolving technology, more demand for preventative care, and constant shifts in national regulations, someone on staff must be in charge to manage the constant flow of people and information.And it’s a career on the rise: the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that demand for the profession will rise 23% in the next 8 years.Think of the medical services manager as the glue that holds a center together–a master planner and organizer who who handles the day-to-day business, making it easier for medical professionals to tend to patients.Consider this rewarding and lucrative position in the health care field if you want to play a role shaping the future of the industry.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Compiliation of 50 History Essay Topics for Successful Essay Writing
Compiliation of 50 History Essay Topics for Successful Essay Writing Being given the freedom of selecting a history essay topic looks quite appealing at the beginning, but can become perplexing as you get to it. Of course, selecting a topic for a history essay is a relatively easy assignment, but, in order to get a high grade, you will need some essay topic ideas. We have therefore created a list of good history essay topics, broken them down to respective time periods and now suggest that you use them to work on your own history paper. Assigned to write a history essay? Read how to write a history essay in the article below: History Essay You may go ahead and try to work on your history paper independently, yet if it doesnt work and you will need a sample history essay, may help you. All you need to do is contact our support staff with your essay requirements and/or place your order. While working on the paper we encourage you to select a general topic or issue and then to narrow it down in accordance with your academic requirement. Topics that are offered here, are rather general and might not be ideal for the purpose of writing a good history paper. We, therefore, advise you to modify the topic to your needs or ask our staff to do so by ordering a sample paper. History Essay Topics: A Great List of 50 Topics Ancient Egypt Describe State Organization of Ancient Egypt Society in Ancient Egypt Work Organization in the Middle Kingdom, Ancient Egypt Development of Ancient Egypt American Discovery of Ancient Egypt Gods and Religion of Ancient Egypt Housing and Architecture of Ancient Egypt Geography and Agriculture of Ancient Egypt Ancient Greece Culture and Art of Ancient Greece Athenian Legends Philosophers of the Ancient Greece Architecture of the Ancient Greece Myths of the Ancient Greece Greek Pantheon Religion Agriculture in Ancient Greece History of the Acropolis Ancient Rome Rome Foundation History Conquests of the Roman Empire and Their Impact on other Cultures Key Factors in the Downfall of the Roman Empire Role of Julius Ceasar in the Life of the Roman Empire Organization of the Roman Army State Governance within Ancient Rome Religion and Gods in the Roman Empire Middle Ages Middle Ages: The Era of Advancement Life and Death in The Middle Ages Knights of the Middle Ages Compare Middle Ages vs. The Renaissance Crusades in the Middle Ages: Reasons and Consequences Literature and the Middle Ages The Church in the Middle Ages. The Holy Inquisition Middle Ages Economy US History Atlantic World Before Colonization Colonial Era in the US History Describe Interactions Between Whites and Native Americans Impact of Puritanism on American Values Reasons and Consequences of the Indepence War George Washington in the American Revolution English Society During the Age of Colonization The Great Depression World War II Vietnam War History of Latin America Pre-Colonial Latin America Aztec Maya Empire Latin America: Colonial Era (1521-1810) Historic Cities of Latin America The Colonization of Guatemala Independence of Latin American States: Haiti, Brazil, Mexico Mexican American War Abolition of Slavery 1989: US Invasion We hope these history essay topics will be helpful in working on your history paper. The list of topics on this page is far from being complete due to the extremely large number of choices. We have attempted to provide general ideas of history essay writing, and we hope you find them useful. If you havent seen your topic on the list, you can always contact our support team and order a custom written paper on your specific history topic. Our writers will come up with a top-notch paper tailored exclusively to meet your needs. is the service you can trust!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Make a Cold Pack from Hot Ice
Make a Cold Pack from Hot Ice There are a few different ways you can make your own chemical cold pack. You could mix citric acid and sodium bicarbonate or you could mix barium hydroxide with an ammonium salt. If you have baking soda and vinegar, you can prepare your own hot ice or sodium acetate and then use the hot ice to make a cold pack. This method is pretty neat because crystallizing the sodium acetate generates a noticeable amount of heat. Dissolving the hot ice then absorbs the heat, so you can use the same chemical to make a hot pack and then a cold pack. Heres all you need to do: Hot Ice Cold Pack plastic bag with zipperhot icewater The hot ice needs to be sodium acetate trihydrate, which is the hydrated hot ice that you get right after you crystallize it. If you only have dry sodium acetate you need to dissolve it in the minimum amount of water and crystallize it. Now, just place your hot ice in the baggie and add a small volume of water. There you go... an instant cold pack! The reaction wont get super-cold (only about 9-10Â °C), but its enough to be noticeable, plus the chemicals are re-useable.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
International marketing plan strategy to pentrate new market Research Paper
International marketing plan strategy to pentrate new market - Research Paper Example The present study would cover the aspect of international marketing strategies of Emirates airline in the Indian market. The choice of market assumes significance considering the fact that it is among the fastest growing economies of the globe. The analysis would be done in two parts. The first part would constitute an analysis of the external market environment along with the information about the product and the services being offered by the company. The second section would deal with the market audit and an analysis of the marketing strategies to be employed by the firm in the Indian market. Finally, a set of plausible conclusions and recommendations would be framed on the basis of the analysis conducted in the two sections which would help the firm to establish itself in the lucrative Indian market. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Table of Contents 3 Part A 5 Introduction 5 About the Company 6 Product or Service Analysis 8 Environmental Analysis 8 PESTEL Analysis 8 Summary of Part A 11 Market Audit 11 Analysis of Micro Environment 12 Market Analysis 12 External Analysis 15 Customer Analysis 15 Competitors 15 SWOT Analysis 15 Strengths 15 Weakness 16 Opportunities 16 Threats 16 Preliminary Marketing Strategy 16 Product 16 Price 17 Place 17 Promotions 17 People 18 Process 18 Physical Evidence 18 Conclusion 19 Recommendations 20 References 22 Annexure 25 Part A Introduction The dynamics of international trade and business is changing with time. Globalization is the primary reason behind such changes and this has also brought multiple improvements in the field of international trade and business. The business organizations have become more conscious as competitiveness in the global market has been increasing significantly. Besides, the regulatory bodies of different economies are supporting the free trade policies that also led to intensified degree of competition level. In this respect, Hope and Maeleng have identified the free trade policies as â€Å"c ompetition-enhancing device†as these policies enables companies to enter into new markets with greater opportunities (Hope and Maeleng, 1998, p.52). However, when companies decide to expand their business internationally, they have to take many factors into account for success in the foreign market. There are significant differences between the natures and features of domestic market and international market due to cultural diversity, different macro-environmental factors etc. This paper will attempt to deal with international market planning strategy for Emirates Airlines. The primary aim of this paper is to offer a set of actionable and plausible strategies to Emirates Airlines for Indian airline industry. In order to meet this aim, this paper will present an extensive discussions, analyses and findings based on which a set of relevant and effective recommendations will be formulated. This paper will be presented in two parts. The first part will present a brief analysis of company, its product or service and macro environmental analysis of Indian economy with respect of airline industry. Second part will include strategy formulation for marker entry based on the outcomes of analysis. About the Company Emirates Airlines is the largest air travel service company of the Middle East. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Mr. Flanagan took the initiatives for starting an airline travel services and they founded a company called Emirates
Friday, October 18, 2019
The 2007 Cricket World Cup Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The 2007 Cricket World Cup - Essay Example Obtaining such funds was a big challenge, in that the organizers and the sports ministries involved had to present their governments with the requests for the allocation of funds to finance the renovations. This process took long before such funds were approved, with some countries like Jamaica almost wanting to cut down the fund proposals that were presented, claiming that spending $100 million on the cricket final hosting was not worth, since there was little observable benefit from hosting such an event to the country (Atherton, 2007). Low attendance is yet another challenge that faced the organizers of this event. The 2007 Cricket World Cup in the Caribbean was not attended by a large audience of fans. This lack of high attendance was caused by the restrictions that the organizers of the event had placed, for security purposes, which hindered any individual from bringing in outside items such as food, kits, musical instruments among other items mostly used by the fans during such events (Tyson, 2007). The organizers of the events over commercialized it, by requiring that those attending the event purchase requisite items for use from within, an aspect that killed the morale of the fans, who would have attended. The high prices charged for the ticket is yet another factor that hindered the large attendance of the fans to the event. This hindered the achievement of the set revenue target of $42 million (Jordan, 2006). Lack of good preparation is yet another challenge that faced the organizers of the events. Poor preparations led to some of the major venues where the event had to take place remain incomplete, by the time the event was kicking off (Chambers, 2007). Security concerns and the selection of incompetent jury, who caused confusion in the final match, are the other challenges that the organizers faced. There are various positive and negative impacts the 2007 Cricket World Cup in the Caribbean had on the countries that hosted the event. Among the posit ive impacts is the income generating opportunities that were presented to this countries, courtesy of the event (Tyson, 2007). With the event running for six weeks, there were many business opportunity that were open for the entrepreneurs in different industries of those countries to capitalize on. Such opportunities mostly favored the transport, the trade, tourism and hospitality industry as well as the entertainment industry. That was a period of high-income generation for such businesses, in that the goods and services they offer were in high demand due to a higher number of visitors. Improved cooperation and coordination is yet another positive impact that was brought by this event. The Caribbean countries were forced to enhance their cooperation and coordination, since the event required that all the countries in that island co-host the event, with each country hosting six matches. This being the situation, the countries were forced to coordinate and cooperate in the organizati on and management of the event, serving to enhance their relationships (Lakshman, 2008). Promotion of the region as a tourism destination is yet another benefit obtained by the Caribbean countries from hosting the event (Jordan, 2006). Since there were different people from various parts of the world who attended the event, they learnt the beauty of the region and its attractiveness, enhancing the chances of such visitors coming back to tour the region. Additionally, the focus of the media on the
An event that happened during my childhood that changed my life Essay
An event that happened during my childhood that changed my life - Essay Example On arrival, we found mum had prepared the most delicious roasted chicken I had eaten in a long time. Over dinner, the usual question regarding plans for the holiday popped up. My father had planned for us to visit our grandma all the way in Spain. Grandma Louis was our favourite grandparent and our visits there were always filled with much exhilaration. Not only this but also my father planned for us to travel by road!! The joy I felt in my heart was immeasurable. We had always begged our father to let us travel to Spain by road since the sights along the way were breath taking. He always refused because the trip was too dangerous especially because his own father had died through a road accident. To date we are yet to know what he had changed his mind. The night before our journey sleep evaded me. I packed and repacked my belongings carefully counterchecking it against my list. As was custom we said pour prayers before setting off for what would be a journey to change my life. As my father drove our brand new Cadillac, we sang songs to keep him company. Story telling happened to be my sister’s favourite past time and in no time we were engrossed in one of her stories. â€Å"Watch your language young lady!!†my father repeatedly warned my sister. The pain in my ribs was nerve wrecking, almost as if someone was pushing a dagger into my ribs. I blinked severally before opening my eyes to see my dad’s limp body around me. â€Å"Dad! Dad! Wake up!!†My mother and sister were also unconscious in the back seat with blood all over their bodies. It was then that the cold harsh reality hit me. We had fallen in a gorge fifty metres below the road. What am I to do? I wondered. Painfully, I got myself from below the wreckage, and went over to the back. My mother and sister still had a pulse albeit a weak one and showed no signs of regaining consciousness. My knowledge of first aid was sparse owing to the fact that I had slept throughout much of the class sessions. It was then that I realised that without doing something drastic, I would watch their lives slip right through my fingers. I decided to walk to the nearest police station. With broken ribs and a fractured leg I pulled myself together and started the journey. It seemed like hours before I found elderly couple and explained my predicament. They called an ambulance who on arrival pronounced my father dead while my mother, sister and I were rushed to the nearest hospital. I healed quickly and took on the responsibility of nursing my sister and mother back to health. It was very difficult for me to break the sad news of my dad’s demise to them but when I did we found comfort in each others’ sorrow. The harrowing experience particularly the loss of my loving dad changed our lives forever. The most invaluable lesson that I learnt is resilience and that everything happens for a reason. I am much stronger than before and well prepared to face life’s c hallenges with a smile (Mallenby, 2007: 123). Additionally, I learnt that friendship is one of the best gifts one can have. My best friend was there for me through the whole experience and encouraged me to get my life back and that not all was lost. My religious stand point also changed since I was an atheist before the accident, now I am a staunch Christian who believes in the power of prayer. I have learnt to respect my mother more as she took up the responsibility of taking care of us since our father’s untimely demise. Although the experience of losing
The Greatest Challenges for a Reconstructed Intelligence Community Essay
The Greatest Challenges for a Reconstructed Intelligence Community - Essay Example Furthermore, it is obvious that intelligence agencies and services are one of the most reliable factors of the inner and foreign stability of a state. So, there are a lot of greatest challenges facing the U.S. intelligence community in the years to come. This paper will discuss the greatest challenges facing different U.S. intelligence services in our days. The paper will cover the challenges of such important American intelligence agencies as FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA, DNI, State Dept Intelligence, NRO and the military services. This list is not all-inclusive, but these are the most important intelligence agencies of the state which play great role in the state and the nation security providing, and the challenges facing them reflect the full range of challenges facing all the intelligence community of the United States. 2. There are some global challenges facing all democratic states and consequently their intelligence communities in the 21st century. "The threat to the United States that the Intelligence Community must mitigate takes several forms. ... These problems are common for most countries, as well as for the United States. These global world problems facing the world are being transformed into the global greatest challenges facing the U.S. intelligence community in the years to come. How can these common challenges affect the planning and activity of the various members of the intelligence community in the United States The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) is one of the most important investigation services in the U.S. One of the challenges facing the organization today is connected with the antiterrorist coalition operations in Iraq. "The FBI is facing one of the most dangerous, difficult challenges in its history as agents and analysts try to solve a string of deadly bombings in Iraq" (2). There are about 300 FBI agents in Iraq who investigate numerous cases of terrorist bombing attacks and help to find suspects in these terrible actions. The challenge is connected with the difficulty to investigate such cases and large number of them: "The FBI is involved in about a dozen bombing investigations in Iraq, focusing on those that involve civilian or government targets rather than attacks directly on U.S. or coalition military forces" (2). The FBI agents sometimes risk their lives to follow their duty in different countries. There are some troubles facing the FBI in Iraq, Bali, Saudi Arabia and other countries: "In a telling sign of the peril, FBI agents must be accompanied by American troops whenever they leave their secure compound at the Baghdad airport. Further complicating their job is the lack of a cooperating foreign government to help them and the paucity of high-quality intelligence from either informants or
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Analysis of When I Was a Boy in China Research Paper
Analysis of When I Was a Boy in China - Research Paper Example Education equips people with understanding of the various phenomena affecting people. It is the foundation of all discoveries. Education enables people to think and reason from their vicinity, removing ignorance from the people. It thus enables people to think about the future more, especially specialists in various areas. Just like Sinha points out, education is essential for long term planning and prediction. It may take long for education to transform the economy, although its effects are long term. Lee and his friends were sent to America for fifteen years to receive education, and would latter return, fully equipped with knowledge and skills to transform the Chinese country and the general economy. Through this, evidence of the contributions of education to the transformation the world economy is seen. Long term plans are possible with education. The differences between the Chinese people and the Americans during Lee’s time were significant, especially in terms of civilization. By then, a very few Chinese people could read or write, with the educated ones having designated jobs. His uncle for example, lived a good life and had a good job working in an American firm due to his education. He was part of the few citizens who contributed to the economic development of the country. In Lee’s view, the civilized people dressed weird, spoke in funny languages, and behaved in a funny manner. This showed the level of un-civilization among the Chinese, a reason why they could not communicate directly with the Europeans. However, with the acquisition of formal education, they were in a position to communicate efficiently with the Americans, giving them an opportunity to easily and efficiently interact with them. The interaction would then enable them discuss economically and politically oriented ideas. This is a key contribution of the formal education to the country and the world general Lee (1877). Regardless the willingness of the
Pfizer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Pfizer - Essay Example The company is in a continuous process of investing in the area of healthcare in order to advance the health and wellbeing of the members of the society. In order to meet its mission of advancing health and wellbeing, during the period of 2000 the company opened one of the largest structures throughout the globe and this structure is devoted towards making discovery of new and improved drugs that will be assistive in advancing the health and wellbeing of both animals as well as human beings. This structure is located in the region of Groton, Connecticut where the organization is already operating a highly efficient research comp. With the introduction of this building the company has become one of the first drug development companies to invest more than $4 billion and aims and continuing to increase its investments to develop better products (, 2014). Pfizer’s main aim and objective throughout the course of its existence has been to be involved in the process of continuous improvement in order to develop various therapies that can be helpful in improving the health of patients throughout the world. The company believes that it can only achieve its objectives if it is continuously involved in the process of research and development. They believe that with the help of research and development, the company can identify and then transform up-to-date technological and scientific advancements into remedies that can be of immense importance to patients suffering throughout the world. The president of the company, Mikael Dolsten, who is the president of the company’s Worldwide Research and Development area, believes that the company has experienced a novel situation in the area of innovating biomedicine (Dolsten, 2014). It has been almost over a period of ten years since the human genome experimentation and decoding started taking place and now the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Analysis of When I Was a Boy in China Research Paper
Analysis of When I Was a Boy in China - Research Paper Example Education equips people with understanding of the various phenomena affecting people. It is the foundation of all discoveries. Education enables people to think and reason from their vicinity, removing ignorance from the people. It thus enables people to think about the future more, especially specialists in various areas. Just like Sinha points out, education is essential for long term planning and prediction. It may take long for education to transform the economy, although its effects are long term. Lee and his friends were sent to America for fifteen years to receive education, and would latter return, fully equipped with knowledge and skills to transform the Chinese country and the general economy. Through this, evidence of the contributions of education to the transformation the world economy is seen. Long term plans are possible with education. The differences between the Chinese people and the Americans during Lee’s time were significant, especially in terms of civilization. By then, a very few Chinese people could read or write, with the educated ones having designated jobs. His uncle for example, lived a good life and had a good job working in an American firm due to his education. He was part of the few citizens who contributed to the economic development of the country. In Lee’s view, the civilized people dressed weird, spoke in funny languages, and behaved in a funny manner. This showed the level of un-civilization among the Chinese, a reason why they could not communicate directly with the Europeans. However, with the acquisition of formal education, they were in a position to communicate efficiently with the Americans, giving them an opportunity to easily and efficiently interact with them. The interaction would then enable them discuss economically and politically oriented ideas. This is a key contribution of the formal education to the country and the world general Lee (1877). Regardless the willingness of the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Living in the promised land Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Living in the promised land - Essay Example In an interview segment one, Grace Kapuro a physician from Philippines living in America gives a viably different approach to life in America. She alluded that in Philippines she had an easy life compared to the life in America. She claimed that life in America could be described as busy life where one has to do all chores compared to Philippines where she could get house maids. The adjustment in language, foods, dressing and customs as she puts it, was not as easy but was worthwhile. In the career field in Philippines she was a doctor but had to do some academic adjustments to fit if the medical field in America which later became very fulfilling (Luis canjura.segment 1) According to Kapuro the Philams (Philipine Americans) were different from the Philippino immigrants in some aspect of maintaining culture. The immigrants had been able to maintain their culture but the American born Philippines had already been integrated into the American culture. After the adjustments the physician said America is the country filled with milk and honey (Luis canjura.segment 1) Benito Vergara argues that relocating to the United States for their own individual interest is a betrayal to the Philippines because they are only immigrating for their own material success. Grace grabbed the opportunity and struggled the first few years she settled in. Immigrating to America, Grace saw it as an opportunity because she wanted to fulfill her American dream (Luis canjura.segment 2). After settling in America, Grace petitioned for her husband later her father. For the majority of Filipinos, it is true that they immigrate to America for their financial requirements which according to Grace seemed different in the early years of living in America. Homesickness was a common feeling in America, based on the fact that America had own cultures, food, language and the busy life in the city (Vergers, 46). Grace stated that she attended public school where the ratio in the classroom
Monday, October 14, 2019
Impact of the Ageing Workforce
Impact of the Ageing Workforce Prior to the passage of the Social Security Act in 1935 work did not typically end with a planned retirement. Average retirement (meaning the age at which 1/2 of workers from an initial age cohort remain in the workplace) was age 70 or more for men. After World War II there was a need to open the workplace to growing numbers of unemployed younger workers, particularly veterans. Also retirement leisure was becoming a symbol of success. Social security and private pension policies were designed to encourage earlier departures from work. In 1961, for example, Congress lowered the age men were eligible for unreduced Social Security benefits from 65 to 62. Average retirement dropped from age 70 in 1950 to age 65 in 1970 with age 62 becoming the norm by 1985 [Quinn, 2002; Cahill et al., 2005]. Despite this long trend toward earlier retirement since the 1940s, the 78 million baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964 comprise such a large group that there are more workers in their fifties and sixties on the job than ever before. As they leave the workforce, whether at age 55, 62, 65 or later, there will also be more retirees than ever before. To complete the picture, as these baby boomers age at work and then leave for retirement, they are followed by a substantially smaller younger generation, the baby bust of 1965–1976. The enormous economic and labor market consequences of this demographic transformation are becoming clear. In the State of Washington, for example, 29% of employed workers were 45 or older in 1995. This had grown to 39% by 2005 [Kaglic, 2005]. This growth is not being matched by younger workers. By 2015 there will be 115,000 more 60- to 64-year olds and 30,000 fewer 40- to 44-year olds in the Washington State labor force (those who are either employed or seeking employment) than there were in 2005 [Bailey,2006]. As these older workers move into retirement the direct impact will be a tighter labor market and a shortage of various skills. According to the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers by 2010 as many as 60% of today’s experienced utility workers will retire. Similarly, the average age of hospital caregivers today is about 45, with 70% of the hospital workforce eligible to retire over the next 20–25 years [Briley and Hutson, 2002]. The indirect, but equally profound, impact of the demographic changes will be economic. The integrity of our federal social security system has depended upon the labor and income of large numbers of young workers supporting the retirement needs of smaller numbers of disabled and retired workers and their dependents. In 2005 for every person 65 and older there were five people aged 20– 64 (i.e., an old age dependency ratio of 20%). The Social Security Administration e stimates that by 2080 this ratio will more than double, to more than 40%, with only 2.5 younger people for every older one. Not only will the number of retirees grow, but their life expectancy and associated duration of retirement is increasing as well. While private pension systems are theoretically fully funded at the time the commitment is made to provide the future benefit, in fact this is often not fully realized. Underfunded pension programs in both the private and public sectors are now common, the federal assurance program for these pensions is not robust, and these pensions may also be jeopardized by these changing demographics. Although the impact of the growing dependent older population will be somewhat mitigated by lower fertility rates which reduce the numbers of the very young who are also dependent on the working age population [Burtless, 2005], this will not offset the profound economic consequences of the demographic trends. As these trends progressâ€â€more old er workers moving toward retirement with fewer younger replacements substantial pressure on our social security and pension funds will accompany the anticipated shortages of labor and skills. Public and private employment policies will almost certainly evolve to encourage workers to stay on the job longer. Other factors creating incentives to stay at work longer include the need for private health insurance until at least the age of 65 in the face of relentlessly rising health care costs and the increasing uncertainty about pension benefits that comes with the trend from defined benefit private pension plans shift toward defined contribution programs. Some of the expected policy changes are already evident, including the 1978 and 1986 amendments to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 [ADEA, 1967] which have largely eliminated mandatory retirement ages, the gradual increase in the age for full social security benefits from 65 to 67, and a relaxation of the social security retirement earnings test so that workers can stay on the job longer without a loss of benefits. The Pension Protection Act of 2006 has made it easier for senior employees to phase their retirement plans by starting to draw pension income without penalty while they continue to work full or part time past age 62 [PPA, 2006]. These changes are probably not enough. Business Week magazine, for example, predicts that social security’s normal retirement age will incrementally rise to 70 [Coy and Brady,2005]. This, however, is not certain since along with predictable political opposition many actuaries assume that raising the retirement age would result in an increasing number of older people applying for Social Security disability benefits, thus offsetting the possible savings from the raised retirement age. The impact of these developments is already apparent. While the labor force participation rate among 65-year-old men dropped from 70% in 1940 to only 32% in 1985 [National Research Council, 2004] this trend shows signs of reversing as the incentives for early retirement are beginning to soften. From 1985 to 2004 the labor force participation rate of 25- to 54-year olds stayed essentially stable (à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡uctuating between 82% and 84%) while the rate among 55- to 64-year olds increased consist ently from 54% to 62% [Toossi, 2005]. This trend is likely to continue, as signaled by a May, 2005 Gallup survey showing that the percent of people planning to put off retirement until after age 62 had risen from 35% in 1998 to 55% in 2004. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the percent of older workers staying on the job will continue to rise at least through 2014, even without major changes in social policy such as further increases in full social security retirement age. The impacts of age on cognitive function are more complicated. Some mental processes such as those requiring spatial abilities, problem solving, and processing of complex stimuli are especially age sensitive. Cross sectional data sets suggest declines in these domains beginning as early as 20–30 years old, while the onset is a bit later for longitudinal studies. Performing multiple simultaneous tasks or holding multiple items in working memory are examples of these age dependent processes. Psy chologists distinguish these ‘‘fluid’’ functions which involve processing input at the time of performance from other ‘‘crystallized’’ cognitive functions which are the cumulative results of earlier processing and are better preserved with age. The ‘‘crystallized’’ knowledge of word meaning or the ability to retrieve familiar information, for example, is relatively age stable. In addition to these crystallized semantic skills, memory for procedural skills such as typing, which relies on early learning, is also relatively well maintained with age [National Research Council, 2004]. The ability to work successfully with increasing age is thus the integrated result of many factors. For example, older typists have been shown to have slower tapping rates and reaction times, but are able to compensate for declining motor speed by using experience to scan characters further in advance than younger, less experience d typists [Salthouse, 1984; Bosman, 1993, 1994]. Similarly, despite significant age-related declines in the cognitive ability to recall short musical melodies, at every age those with musical experience and skills tend to maintain their advantage in musical memory over those with less experience and skill [Meinz and Salthouse, 1998; Meinz, 2000]. Based on a comprehensive review Salthouse [2006] has concluded that while many types of cognitive and physical performance are improved at all ages with training and practice, this does not appear to change the rate at which capability declines with age. In other words training, practice and experience can enhance performance at older ages and can often result in older workers outperforming younger ones, despite the fact that age-related declines continue at the same rate as they do in workers with less experience and practice. Laà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡amme and Menckel [1995] have summarized these relationships in a study of work injuries by noting that skills and experience can compensate for age-related physical and cognitive declines only when the job demands remain lower than overall work capacity and that this compensation is not feasible when work organization and working methods are rigid. Several recommendations have been made for the implementation of practical programs consistent with the evidence summarized above. Four strategic dimensions have been suggested, including interventions that focus on the work environment, the way work and retirement are arranged and organized, the health and fitness of the individual worker, and the social context of work [Moyers and Coleman, 2004; National Research Council, 2004]. We are beginning to experience profound work place changes related to the demographic changes of an aging population. Those who do encourage older employees to remain at work but fail to take steps to support their productive capacities and minimize their vulnerabilities may experience adverse impacts on qu ality, productivity, workers’ compensation and other insurance costs. On the other hand employers who promote and support the work ability of employees as they age may gain in safety, productivity, competitiveness, and sustainable business practices. There are several possible reasons why employers have been slow to anticipate and meet the needs of an aging workforce. First, some of the actions that that have been suggested such as phased retirement programsâ€â€might require complex changes in pension law, benefits agreements and personnel policies. Second, many employers still harbor false beliefs that older workers are less reliable, less productive, less safe and more expensive than younger ones [Wegman, 1999]. Third, some employers are insuffiently informed about laws governing workplace bias and equal opportunity and are fearful that measures perceived to favor older workers might open them to charges of discrimination. Two recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions should mitigate these fears, but knowledge of them is not widespread [General Dynamics, 2004; Smith, 2005]. In combination these decisions make it clear that while age sometimes does affect an individual’s capacity to do certain types of work, employers may attend to the special needs of older workers without providing equivalent assistance to relatively younger workers. Thus, it is permissible to treat older workers preferentially in comparison to younger workers, but it is not permissible to deny them advantages or privileges extended to younger workers. It is important to note, however, that programs and policies which most effectively meet the needs of an aging workforce are not just programs for older workers but are those starting when workers are young in order to prevent or slow the effects of aging at work. Fourth, while there is strong evidence to support the implementation of some of the interventions discussed in this paper (e.g., ergonomic measures to prevent mu sculoskeletal disorders and clinical preventive services to reduce disability from cancer and cardiovascular disease), the evidentiary is limited and unknown to most employers. Research is needed to determine the effectiveness of the various program designs together with a substantial effort to disseminate results and recommendations to employers and employee organizations References Quinn J. 2002. Changing retirement trends and their impact on elderly entitlement programs. In: Altman SH, Shactman DI, editors. Policies for an aging society. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, p 293-315. Kaglic R. 2005. 2005 Washington State Labor Market and Economic Report. Olympia, Washington: Washington State Employment Security Department. Bailey S. 2006. Data projections from Washington State Office of Financial Management, adjusted by Washington State Employment Security Department. Private correspondence. Briley T, Hutson T. 2002. Who will care for you: Washington hospitals face a personnel crisis: Washington State Hospital Association. Burtless G. 2005. Can rich countries afford to grow old? In An Ageing Society. Research Centre on Financial Economics. Portugal: Lisbon. ADEA. 1967. 29 USC section 621 et seq. 1967 as amended by Public Law 95-256 (1978) and Public Law 99-592 (1986). PPA. 2006. Pension Protection Act of 2006 Public Law 109-280 section 905. Coy P, Brady D. 2005. Old. Smart. Productive. Business Week. National Research Council, Committee on the Health and Safety Needs of Older Workers. 2004. Health and safety needs of older workers. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. Toossi M. 2005. Labor force projections to 2014: Retiring boomers. Mon Labor Rev 128:25–44. Salthouse TA. 1984. Effects of age and skill in typing. J Exp Psychol Gen 113(3):345–371. National Research Council, Committee on the Health and Safety Needs of Older Workers. 2004. Health and safety needs of older workers. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. Meinz EJ, Salthouse TA. 1998. The effects of age and experience on memory for visually presented music. J Gerontol B Psychol Soc Sci 53(1):P60–P69. Salthouse TA. 2006. Mental exercise and mental aging: Evaluating the validity of the ‘‘use it or lose it’’ hypothesis. Perspect Psychol Sci 1(1):68–87. Laà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡amme L, Menckel E. 1995. Ageing and occupational accidents: A review of the literature of the past three decades. Saf Sci 21(2):145–161. Moyers P, Coleman S. 2004. Adaptation of the older worker to occupational challenges. Work 22:71–78. Wegman DH. 1999. Older workers. Occup Med 14(3):537–557. General Dynamics Land Systems. 2004. Inc. v. Cline 540 U.S. 581. Smith v. 2005. City of Jackson, Mississippi, 544 U.S. 228.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Canto 18 of The Inferno by Dante Alighieri Essay -- Dante Alighieri Th
Canto 18 of The Inferno by Dante Alighieri It was once said by Marcel Proust that â€Å"We do not receive wisdom, we must discover it for ourselves, after a journey through the wilderness which no one else can make for us, which no one can spare us†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This journey through the wild to discover wisdom is exactly what transpires in The Inferno by Dante Alighieri. The Inferno is an epic poem that is the first section of a three-part poem called The Divine Comedy. The Inferno is about the narrator, Dante, traveling through the layers of Hell and learning about the men and women in Hell, and ultimately why God is punishing them there. One of the most representative parts of The Inferno as a whole is Canto 18. Canto 18 is the eighth circle of Hell called the â€Å"Malebolge†, which translated means â€Å"Evil-Pouches†. This is where â€Å"ordinary†fraud is punished. The Canto begins with a very detailed description of the Malebolge. Dante then visits the first of ten pouches loc ated in the eighth circle. The first pouch holds panders and seducers who are being beaten by horned demons. While watching the sinners in this pouch, Dante recognizes two men. Virgil, the famous poet and Dante’s guide through Hell, then leads Dante into the second pouch where Flatterers are immersed in excrement. Here, in the second pouch Dante again recognizes two of the sinners, a man and woman, who are spending eternity covered in feces. Once Dante has seen the second pouch, Virgil leads him out because he has seen enough. Initially, after reading Canto 18 for the first time, I was very much shocked at how Dante illustrates the entire scene. First, as I read about why the people Dante knew were in Hell, it really makes me think about ... ...e last insight Fowlie provides me with is more background information to the figures he uses in examples of the sins. Fowlie says that Dante’s inclusion of Caccianemico is â€Å"an extreme case of pandering†(120). Fowlie believes the main purpose Dante uses Caccianemico is because Caccianemico is from Bologna, and he is lashing out against the city. Fowlie says Dante knows that Bologna is full of the â€Å"practice of pimping†; thus, Dante feels that Bologna is the perfect place for the sinner of pandering to originate from. I find this interesting because it is as if Dante has a grudge against Bologna and is attempting to ruin the city’s name. Overall, Fowlie’s discussion on Canto 18 reveals many new ideas and thoughts that improve my knowledge and understanding of the entire poem. The material stated in Fowlie’s discussion ultimately sheds new light on my Canto 18.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Life and Writings of Edgar Allan Poe Essay -- Authors
Edgar Allan Poe is a famous poet from the 1800. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809. His parents were David and Elizabeth Poe. David was born in Baltimore on July 18, 1784. Elizabeth Arnold came to the U.S. from England in 1796 and married David Poe after her first husband died in 1805. They had three children, Henry, Edgar, and Rosalie. Elizabeth Poe died in 1811, when Edgar was two years old. Giordeno also mentioned, â€Å"She had separated from her husband and had taken her three kids with her. Henry went to live with his grandparents while Edgar was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. John Allan and Rosalie was taken in by another family. John Allan was a successful merchant, so Edgar grew up in good surroundings and went to good schools†(Giordeno). Before Poe became a writer he was enrolled in the army at eight teen years old, but he did not stay long her was soon dismissed. Poe was very poor while he was living and did not become famous until after his death in 1849. He is most famous for writing border line horror stories and poems. Some of his most famous poems are The Tell-Tale Heart, The Raven, The Fall of the House of Usher, and The Pit and the Pendulum. In The Raven Poe discusses many different literary terms. The three that stand out the most is symbolism, tragedy, and beauty. In The Raven Poe uses symbolism. One way he demonstrates symbolism is the bust of Pallas. Poe explains about the bust of Pallas when he says, â€Å"Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door -Perched, and sat, and nothing more†(Poe l41-l42). Courson thinks that the bust of Pallas symbolizes intellect, â€Å"Then Remorse enters, and fixes itself firmly on his mind, ‘the bust of Pallas,’ the emblem of intellect.†(Courson) However, Za... ...emy of American Poets, 2012. Web. 12 Jan 2012. Smith, Dave. "Edgar Allan Poe and the Nightmare Ode." Southern Humanities Review 29.1 (Winter 1995): 4-10. Rpt. in Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Ed. Lynn M. Zott. Vol. 117. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 12 Jan. 2012. Wardrop, Daneen. "Quoting the Signifier 'Nevermore': Fort! Da!, Pallas, and Desire in Language." ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 44.4 (1998): 274-299. Rpt. in Poetry Criticism. Ed. Timothy J. Sisler. Vol. 54. Detroit: Gale, 2004. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 12 Jan. 2012. Zayed, Georges. "The Symbolism of the Poems." The Genius of Edgar Allan Poe. Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman Publishing, 1985. 127-136. Rpt. in Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Ed. Lynn M. Zott. Vol. 117. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 12 Jan. 2012.
Friday, October 11, 2019
A New Kind of Dreaming – Summary
Anthony Eaton’s a new Kind of Dreaming helps the reader to recognise the various challenges and conflicts that cause the characters to change and grow. Anthony Eaton best expresses Jamie as an outsider that is trying to find his place in the world, while uncovering the secrets of Port Barren’s shady past. This changes Jamie from an adolescent delinquent to a responsible and admirable person. Jaime develops friendships that lead him to trusting and sympathetic qualities that are unusual for him in his past of crime. Jamie faces a challenge to build a stronger relationship with Cameron, but this is an obstacle for Cameron as he tries to understand Jamie and tries to push the stereotypes of him away. Early in Jamie’s arrival in Port Barren, he evolves different relationships and forms a close bond with Cameron that challenges him to trust and care. His mentor and guide in this story is Archie, who challenges Jamie with a dreamtime story called ‘The Wanderers and the Lost Ones’ which makes him really think about where he lays. While Jamie was traveling through the desert with Cameron, he is challenged to take on new qualities and discover a new person. The challenges and conflicts that Jamie faces, turns him into a new and more preferable individual. Body Paragraph 1: As Jamie begins to strengthen his relationship with Cameron he becomes a different and greater character. Jamie discovers more admirable qualities from Cameron such as trust and loyalty. Cameron was the one person that didn’t judge Jamie by his reputation or personality and stood by him the whole entire journey, this was the beginning of their long lasting relationship. This experience was new to Jamie as he spent of lot of his life changing foster homes. He valued Cameron for his down to earth character. This example is shown to the reader from the novel when Cameron says, â€Å"I was out for my morning run when I noticed you lying here, you sure you’re okay? †[Page 53] this shows that Cameron really cares about Jamie and for his welfare even through everyone were judging him for his criminal records and stereotypes of him were soon spreading across the community. Having Cameron in his life changed Jamie and challenged him to become a more preferable person. Body Paragraph 2: A challenge that Jamie has to face and overcome is when he tries to have some sense of belonging to the community of Port Barren. Archie, his guardian throughout the novel, tells him his version of a dreamtime story called ‘The wanderers and the lost ones’. This story challenges Jamie to think whether he is lost or a wanderer. This makes him feel responsible for finding out who is disturbing the balance and it is up to him to try and restore it. This is shown to the reader when Jamie thinks, â€Å"It was weird, no beginning, no middle, no end, no plot. And yet he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something important behind the strange words. He pondered it but couldn’t make anything of it†[page 126]. The story makes Jamie wonder who he is and how he belongs in the community. This challenges him to think more about himself and what he needs to do to change and become a better person. This also made him change the way he thought about himself, it made him to thrive to do the best he can. Conclusion: Jamie faces many conflicts and challenges throughout the novel and they all have an effect that makes him change in character. Jamie’s close relationship with Cameron helps him to thrive to be more confident about himself. This also gives him the good qualities to trust people and give them respect that they deserve. Archie’s story ‘The wonderers and the Lost ones’ challenges Jamie to look for the answer and made him change the way he though about himself, the story left him wanting him to have some sense of belonging in his life. Trekking through the desert has changed Jamie as a person and the way he looks at life. Jamie experiences countless challenges and conflicts through the novel, a new kind of dreaming, and all lead him to growth and change in the way he lives.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Literary arguement
Good writers write about life and someone living it, while great writers write about living itself and a living out a struggle that not only captures one person, but it also captures the soul of having a struggle in general. Although story of The World According to Garp has received its fair share rant and rave reviews by the judging public, what makes this book a great read is that it gives us something to talk about. It’s so powerful, that you only either hate it or love it. The storyline is so compelling, that it will you’re your eyes into looking more in the problems not only in the characters of the story, but also the struggle that we face in general. May it be in struggles of classes, or gender and most importantly, fighting for your rights. In the story of the The World According to Garp, from the very opening of this novel, it was pretty evident that the story was not for the weak of heart. It was obvious that the novel was to be dealing with the harsh realities of life that will really grip your attention, not only because of the drama but more importantly; because the story depicts something that we see in the streets and sometimes even our lives itself. What can we read in the novel that is so gripping that it has caused a craze in its time of release? The answer is struggle. From the very beginning â€Å"This was shortly after the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor and the people were being tolerant of soldiers, because suddenly everyone was a soldier, but Jenny Fields was quite firm in her intolerance of the behavior of men in general an soldiers in particular. (Iriving 1976, page1)†The story revolves around exactly this; how men, in general was a threat to women like Jenny. Unfortunately, in the harsh reality presented in the book, very few women were empowered to fight against abuses of men. Predictably, like most novels, women were once again depicted as victims and the men were the antagonists whom inflicted pain and suffering to women roles in this novel. What sets this story of story apart though is the level of stress the author took in the brutalization of sex as one of the major sources of oppression for women. Irving has been known to write about this topic not only in this novel, but also in his other works like the â€Å"The Hotel New Hamshire†. Irving has been notorious about putting stress in this issue that a number of book reviews coming from columnists like Doane and Hodges notices that Irving views a great strength in male power and he not only sees it as a day to day occurrence, but more importantly, that he found it as one of the things that are inevitable in the present day scenario. In the perfect words, he explained how he viewed brutalization of sex in The World According to Garp: â€Å"We are all terminal cases. Imagining something is better than remembering something. In this dirty-minded world, you are either somebody's wife or somebody's whore  or fast on your way to becoming one or the other. Between men and women, only death is shared equally. Lust makes the best men behave out of character.†In this statement, Irving caught perfectly in words how the scenario is with women and their battle against any abuse coming from the opposite sex. He capture the scenario its utmost reality to the core of why it was considered as one of the inevitable battles known to women. He dared say what was lying right under our noses but refuse to talk about, human nature at its utmost real and brutal sense. I guess to a certain extent, he had to do it to stress a point, someone had to point a finger to that problem for people to start facing the possibility of finding a solution to how men generally treat women. Even though some feminists responded to his novel with great retaliation to how he depicted women in his novel, what most feminists failed to notice was that his intentions in painting color to brutalization in sex into his novels was intended not to put down women to accept such roles, but rather to fight it. Unlike most authors who make women roles the typical traditional roles that box up women to be submissive and weak, Irving’s intention of writing about women in that light was to point out a problem that women face to come up with the end result of inspiring readers to do something about it. He took a man’s role and a woman’s role and torn all its clothes out to the point where in it was completely naked for us to pick on what was wrong with the picture that we have always been presented to but never really had a chance to look at. If you ask me, I think no author has ever done that simply for the reason of having people get the wrong impression of what he was trying to say. It’s a pity that very few try this tactic, coz you know if you have a great novel in your hand if your only allowed to have two of the varying reactions to reading it; you either hate it or love it. Why is this so? Because in the two varying ends of the pole, the book achieved what it’s author’s intention was to begin with; stir your emotions and strike a chord. As for Irving’s Goal in stressing a point in exposing brutalization in sex in his novel, I think he pretty much achieved it by simply stirring an outburst of public opinion in the feminist movement. Even though the general reaction to the context of his novel may initially be bad for women in the feminist movement, eventually true colors came up to float and women now realize the real point of Irving’s writing about how painful it is to be a woman. On the contrary, by showing women’s weaknesses in his novel, he achieved the exact opposite by illustrating how strong women are by coping with it, this is pretty evident in the story and characters of the women in the novel, especially Jenny References: Irving, J., Mc Caferrey, L. 1982, ‘An interview with John Irving’, Contemporary Literature 23, no. 1, winter, pp.1-18. Irving J., The World according to Garp [online] 1996, Available:[2007, October 17] Larson J., ‘The World According to Garp’ and ‘The Hotel Hampshire’ [online] 2005, available: [2007, October 17]
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