Saturday, August 31, 2019
Hemingway’s Writing Style Essay
From almost the beginning of his writing career, Hemingway’s distinctive style occasioned a great deal of comment and controversy. Basically, his style is simple, direct, and unadorned, probably as a result of his early newspaper training. He avoids the adjective whenever possible, but because he is a master at transmitting emotion without the flowery prose of his Victorian novelist predecessors, the effect is far more telling. In Observations on the Style of Ernest Hemingway, from â€Å"Contexts of Criticism†by Harry Levin (Harvard University Press, 1957), the critic says: â€Å"Hemingway puts his emphasis on nouns because, among other parts of speech, they come closest to things. Stringing them along by means of conjunctions, he approximates the actual flow of experience.†Hemingway has often been described as a master of dialog, and most readers agree, upon being first introduced to his writing, that â€Å"this is the way these characters would really talk.†It is interesting to note, however, that Hemingway’s one attempt at playwriting was a failure. Actually, a close examination of his dialog will reveal that this is rarely the way people really speak. The effect is accomplished, rather, by the calculated emphasis and repetition which makes us remember what has been said. Since the critics cannot entirely agree on Hemingway’s style, perhaps the best way is to put it into the author’s own words. Shortly before his tragic death, Hemingway gave to the Wisdom Foundation in California a collection of his observations on life and art, love and death. They were published in the January 1963, issue of Playboy magazine, and in them Hemingway said of his writing: I do most of my work in my head. I never begin to write until my ideas are in order. Frequently I recite passages of dialogue as it is being written; the ear is a good censor. I never set down a sentence on paper until I have it so expressed that it will be clear to anyone. Yet, I sometimes think that my style is suggestive rather than direct. The reader must often use his imagination or lose the most subtle part of my thoughts. I take great pains with my work, pruning and revising with a tireless hand. I have the welfare of my creations very much at heart. I cut them with infinite care, and burnish them until they become brilliants. What many another writer would be content to leave in massive proportions, I polish into a tiny gem. Hemingway goes on at some length, but the essence of what he says may be in this paragraph: A writer’s style should be direct and personal, his imagery rich and earthy, and his words simple and vigorous. The greatest writers have the gift of brilliant brevity, are hard workers, diligent scholars and competent stylists. To explain Hemingway’s style adequately in a few paragraphs is impossible. Scores of articles, and even some books, have been written on the subject, and it is to these that the serious student should go for additional, more detailed information.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Educational assessments
AbstractionEducational appraisals have come into examination for many old ages. In times of technological alteration, e-assessment has been a current issue in the universe of educational appraisal. The deductions of this alteration have gained considerable media coverage that range from significant support to considerable resistance. The media article â€Å"Exams are a critical lesson†by Hilary Douglas, will function as illustrations of assessment issue that are brought about by national newspapers. The paper highlights how Continuous appraisal has besides emerged as an attach toing issue to make with e-assessment. In this paper, one argues the necessity to understand the maps of appraisal in order to to the full understand why this alteration is being proposed and the ability to to the full encompass the new chances that modern engineering provides. In add-on, one outlines some of the issues that must be considered and the troubles that must be overcome before uninterrupted appraisal and e-assessment can go a complete world. In decision, it is apparent that the age of e-assessment has arrived but there are still many hurdlings to get the better of before the full potency and benefits of e-assessment are put into pattern.IntroductionIt is with no uncertainty that appraisal and proving have a strong consequence on lives and callings of immature people. Harmonizing to Black and Wiliam ( 2006:9 ) ‘Assessment in instruction must, foremost and first, function the intent of back uping larning ‘ . But what precisely is assessment? Assessment is defined by Linn and Miller ( 2006 ) as the procedure of assemblage and discoursing information from multiple and diverse beginnings in order to develop a deep apprehension of what pupils know, understand, and can make with their cognition as a consequence of their educational experiences ; the procedure culminates when assessment consequences are used to better subsequent acquisition. Assessment serves many maps and there are large educational additions associated with good appraisal as Black and Wiliam ( 1998:3 ) reappraisal in their survey: ‘All†¦ surveies show that†¦ strengthening†¦ formative appraisal produces important, and frequently significant, learning additions. These surveies range over ages ( from 5-year olds to university undergraduates ) , across several school topics, and over several states However, in many cases, appraisal due to patterned advance intents in life may be strictly seen as unreal hurdlings to traverse over in immature people quest for employment or farther instruction. This paper will foreground issues sing maps of appraisal that will assist to understand, how foremost and first, the intent is to back up acquisition. In the eyes of many educational professional, an extraordinary assortment of classroom-targeted enterprises have been unleashed on schools over the last decennary and more. All the enterprises with the same general purpose: the betterment of student acquisition. Appraisal by instructors, whether formative or summational, is one of these developments that are considered to offer important potency for bettering student ‘s acquisition ( Harlen, 1997 ) . This development is on traveling and cogent evidence of it is one of the latest media articles headlined â€Å"Exams are a critical lesson†( July 19th, 2009 ) The article by Hilary Douglas identifies current tendencies and issues sing maps of appraisal and current and future appraisal patterns. In peculiar the article focuses on a statement by the caput of the Cambridge Assessment exam board saying â€Å"there will be a displacement from traditional high-stake summational appraisals to be replaced by computerised online testing.†The thought behind the strategy would be that pupils could take a trial whenever they are ready and resit these as many times as necessary to be able to acquire a good grade. Continuous appraisal would wholly replace the three-hour written test, instead than a mix of appraisal of coursework and traditional testing which is the norm. As Douglas ( 2009 ) indicates, nine old ages ago, Curriculum 2000 was introduced when students were allowed to recognition their classs as AS students at the terminal of their first twelvemonth. However, the debut of uninterrupted appraisal, as proposed in the article non in its signifier land breakage. Originally A-Levels were assessed through one set of tests at the terminal of a biennial class. They were besides allowed for the first clip to take tests as many times as they liked until they and their instructors felt they had achieved the optimal grade. Even though exam boards such as OCR have already tested e-assessment in environmental and land-based scientific discipline since 2007, and have 1,800 campaigners and 80 schools ( Douglas, 2009 ) utilizing it this summer turn outing to be popular for both pupils and instructors likewise, many educational experts warn that the move could be an unfastened door to the most dismaying cheating and that proving all students around the state in the same manner at the same clip and under the same fortunes is the lone true manner to be able to compare the consequences in a meaningful manner. In add-on, Alan Smithers ( cited in Douglas, 2009 ) professor of instruction at Buckinghamshire University, feels that the move must be stopped at all costs. â€Å"Making opinion about public presentations is n't easy, †he says. â€Å"The best manner of making it is cold-eyed appraisal of pupils undertaking the same undertakings under the same conditions.†It is apparent that a move from traditional summational appraisal to uninterrupted appraisal and e-assessment will convey both challenges and chances sing issues of appraisal and perchance contextualise the map of appraisal. This paper will get down with an scrutiny on the map of appraisal and pay peculiar attending to issues this alteration could convey to schools, colleges and more significantly, pupils. Current appraisal patterns in uninterrupted appraisal and e-assessment will all assistance in understanding the issues this alteration in assessment pattern may hold.Functions of Educational AssessmentHarmonizing to Newton ( 2007 ) when sing optimum design features for future assessment systems, it is necessary to bear in head the underlying intent of those systems. Overall it must be taken into history that a system which is tantrum for one intent will non needfully be fit for all intents and this is something uninterrupted appraisal and e-assessment proposals need to bare into co nsideration. The term ‘assessment intent ‘ may be interpreted in a assortment of different ways one will place the three degrees as mentioned by Newton ( 2007 ) 1. Judgemental Level ( concerns proficient purpose of an assessment event e.g. intent is to deduce standards-referenced opinion expressed as a class, use normally associated in official paperss ) 2. Decision Level ( concerns the usage of an assessment opinion, the determination, action, procedure it enables e.g. the intent is to back up a choice determination for entry into higher instruction ) 3. Impact Level ( concerns the intended impacts of running an appraisal system e.g. the intent are to guarantee that pupils remain motivated, and that all pupils learn a common nucleus for each topic ) ( Newton, 2007 ) It is of import to understand that where the distinct significances are non distinguished clearly, their distinguishable deduction for assessment design may go ill-defined. In this state of affairs, policy argument is likely to be unfocused and system design is likely to continue inefficaciously ( Newton, 2007 ) . So at what degree are the new proposals aimed at? The alteration proposed by the caput of Cambridge Assessment exam board brings a alteration to high-stakes summational appraisal. ‘High Stakes ‘ a term used to denote those state of affairss where involvement in appraisal goes beyond the immediate domain of educational measuring and beyond those persons who sit the trials ( Messick, 1999 ) . In add-on, as many authors have pointed out, the bets may be higher but the proficient jobs associated with appraisal remain the same in that all appraisal, whether high-stake or low-stakes, demands to be valid and dependable ( Linn, 2000:1 ) . American Educational Research Association ( 2000 ) noted that: If high-stakes testing plans are implemented in fortunes where educational resources are unequal or where test deficiency sufficient dependability and cogency for their intended intent, there is the possible for existent injury. Therefore if anything needs to predominate from these alterations in appraisal, are the demands for them to be valid and dependable. So what alterations are being proposed and what differences are at that place in signifiers of appraisal? This now leads one to the non covetous undertaking of briefly happening a differentiation between summational and formative appraisal. It is non 1s purpose to supply an extended literature research on formative and summational appraisal, but a on the job theory that has been taken into history throughout this paper. The position from Harlem and James ( 1997 ) and Harlem ( 2005 ) theory in summational and formative appraisal has been taken into history. Harlem and James ( 1997:372 ) attempted to separate formative from summational appraisal by naming contrasting features, for illustration, summational appraisal demands to prioritize dependability, while formative appraisal demands to prioritize cogency and utility ; formative appraisal dainties inconsistent grounds as enlightening, while summational appraisal dainties inconsistent values as mistakes. Harlen ( 2005 ) later developed this statement, and farther clarified the differentiation between formative and summational as follows: The two chief intents of appraisal discussed in this article are for assisting acquisition and for sum uping acquisition. It is sometimes hard to avoid mentioning to these as if they were different signifiers or types of appraisal. They are non. They are discussed individually merely because they have different intents ; so the same information, gathered in the same manner, would be called formative if it were used to assist acquisition and instruction, or summational if it were non so utilised but merely employed for entering and describing. While there is a individual clear usage if appraisal is to function a formative intent, in the instance of summational appraisal there are assorted ways in which the information about pupil accomplishment at a certain clip is used. ( Harlen, 2005, p. 208 ) Therefore, for intent of this paper it is utile to foreground the points that people frequently seem to believe that the differentiation turns on the nature of the assessment event i.e. , the usage to which assessment opinion will be put. One must take into consideration that whatever the nature of a opinion there would be nil formative occurrence unless the opinion was used in an effort to better acquisition. Therefore, even though one might measure via summational agencies, there is ever the handiness to supply formative feedback and manager pupils on where they have gone incorrect. This may be done through uninterrupted appraisal.Continuous AppraisalThe abolition of the traditional three hr test to uninterrupted assessment brings issues and chances within the educational constitutions. Continuous appraisal, harmonizing to Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Technology ( FMEST, 1985 ) , is defined as a mechanism whereby the concluding scaling of a pupil in cognitive, affecti onal and psychomotor spheres of behavior takes history, in a systematic manner, all his public presentations during a given period of schooling ; such an appraisal involves the usage of a great assortment of manners of rating for the intents of steering and bettering acquisition and public presentation of the pupil. This manner of appraisal is considered equal for appraisal of pupils ‘ acquisition because it is comprehensive, cumulative, systematic, counsel and diagnostic oriented. Having the ability to continuously measure will ease the instructor to understand where the pupil is holding trouble and act through formative appraisal. But what is the intent of this alteration and associating back to the old subdivision, what is the intent of this educational appraisal? In the instance of uninterrupted appraisal, its purpose tantrums on an impact degree, which concerns the intended impact is of running an appraisal system that attempts to guarantee pupils remain motivated, and that all pupils learn a common nucleus for each topic. It is here where even though the proposal is to convey in computerised online testing ( which shall be dealt with later on in e-assessment ) that will bring forth chiefly summational opinion may be used for formative appraisal. The ability for pupils to resit exams allows both the pupil and instructor to utilize a summational appraisal and if the pupil was unsuccessful in their first effort, utilise the consequence for formative intents. How? This allows the pupil and instructor to turn to where precisely they have gone incorrect leting assessment processs and patterns to develop to back up acquisition and underpin instead than undermine pupil assurance, accomplishment and advancement. James and Pedder ( 2006:110 ) provinces, ‘feedback focused on assisting pupils to better sharing standards of quality ‘ . This point can non be understated as the type and quality of feedback to the pupil via formative appraisal has been seen as important in other surveies ( Black and Wilia ms, 2008 ) . However, will this alteration make a difference to pupil ‘s perceptual experience of larning and more so of appraisal? Will these alterations bring large cultural differences to educational constitutions? Entwistle ( 1991 ) helps one to understand some of the issues with respects to uninterrupted appraisal and current patterns. The survey had findings that the pupil ‘s perceptual experience of the acquisition environment determines how they learn and non needfully the educational context in itself. It is apparent from the survey that formative appraisal and uninterrupted appraisal may hold a important consequence on what pupils learn and particularly how they learn. Gibbs ( 1999 ) has hence suggested that if pupils see assessment as the course of study, effectual instruction demands to utilize this cognition, in order to utilize the power of appraisal strategically to assist pupils larn. Biggs ( 2002 ) echoes the same fact when he says that pupils learn what they think will be assessed instead than what is in the course of study. The alterations from traditional appraisal to uninterrupted e-assessment will conversely, have an impact on the scholar ‘s experience of rating and appraisal finding the manner in which they approaches larning ( Struvyen et al, 2005 ) . Appraisal can therefore be looked upon logically and through empirical observation as one of the specifying characteristics of pupils ‘ attacks to larning ( Entwistle and Entwistle, 1991 ; Ramsden, 1997 ) . Within the proposed appraisal in the article, pupils are likely to take a strategic or accomplishing attack to acquisition, where Entwistle et Al ( 2001 ) believes the pupil ‘s purpose will be to accomplish the highest possible classs by utilizing good organised and painstaking survey methods and effectual clip direction, something that one along with perchance many other instructors see as a positive and encouraging alteration. Interestingly, Marton and Saljo ( 1997 ) survey serves as a good illustration in finding relation between attacks to larning and appraisal. A sum of 153 pupils from four topics in Engineering and Business degree watercourses participated in the survey from a University. Results showed that uninterrupted appraisals were preferred over a individual appraisal by a 78 % bulk. Some of the popular grounds for the penchant were easiness to analyze little subjects and hence being able to hit good Markss easy. The coursework Markss can be better because of the burdening given to each of the uninterrupted appraisal every bit good as the ability to construct a stronger foundation as one move from one subject to the other were remarks in favor of uninterrupted appraisals. It forces one to larn subjects decently earlier traveling to following subject. Each subject is given accent throughout the uninterrupted manner of appraisal ( Marton and Saljo ( 1997 ) . However, non all remarks are favorable. Remarks against this type of appraisals included ; excessively many appraisals robs one ‘s clip to larn other topics and frequent appraisal maintain you on alteration manner all of the clip, no relaxation ( Marton and Saljo cited in Jacob et Al, 2006 ) . What is apparent from research is that uninterrupted appraisal helps to look into on acquisition and that larning happens in stairss, non merely for the concluding test. Does this point to larning scheme adopted by the pupils? They seem to necessitate a cheque on their acquisition through trials, which they prefer in little units. But the logical thinking behind this was non to so much the avidity to get the hang the subject as such, but merely to do certain that their marking was helped. Associating to coursework classs, the survey concluded that those campaigners who follow a series of uninterrupted appraisals produce an enviable bulk of Higher Achievers. However, informations shows a negatively skewered distribution. This may hold deduction on the surveies dependability as the being of positively or negatively skewered distributions will be given to cut down the dependability of the trial. However, these consequences are typical for coursework classs particularly if they are designed to prove competence. In uninterrupted appraisal, with respects to assignments, pupils are supposed to seek for and synthesize information on the footing of its relevancy to the given assignment. If formative feedback from instructors is performed right, it should help in the acquisition of pupils. Overall, if the pupil completes and is able to finish the undertakings, they will obtain higher Markss. The survey besides deliberated that those pupils who did non execute in uninterrupted appraisal experienced poorer classs which were reasonably usually distributed. Is the power and influence of coursework evident here? Are some kids helped more than others? It is here where instruction constitution may run the hazard of pass oning to pupils that each unit/coursework etc as stepping rocks to enfranchisement instead than a life-long acquisition experience. Such perceptual experience of pupils encourage a strategic attack to their surveies, and allow them fall back to plagiarism, rip offing and utilizing ‘Rules of the game ‘ or ROGs as Norton et Al ( 2001 ) name. ROGs are an indicant that pupils perceive a hidden course of study where coachs say they want certain things in the appraisal undertaking. Here inquiries of cogency may stand for an issue. Taking into history Cook and Campell ( 1979 ) definition of cogency which is the â€Å"best available estimate to the truth or falseness of a given illation, proposition or conclusion†one has to measure whether pupils are accomplishing better classs because they are motivated, working harder, get bying with smaller units or is it to make with an over inclination for pupils to have coaching and specific information that helps them ‘push-up ‘ their classs. In add-on, Black et Al ( 2006 ) besides reiterates this by bespeaking that far from advancing an orientation towards pupil liberty, such patterns are interpreted as techniques to guarantee award accomplishment and likely aid pupils who are more dependent on their coachs and assessors instead than less dependent ( Torrence, 2007 ) . Modularization of A Levels is a perfect illustration where greater transparence of larning results and the standards by which they are judged have benefited scholars in footings of the increasing Numberss of scholars retained in formal instruction and preparation and the scope and Numberss of awards which they achieve ( Savory et al, 2003 ) . Clarity in assessment results, procedures and standards has underpinned the widespread usage of coaching, pattern and proviso of formative feedback to hike single and institutional accomplishment. In add-on, research grounds reported suggests that such transparence encourages instrumentalism ( Savory et al, 2003 ) . Transparency of aims together with extended coaching and pattern to assist scholars run into them is in danger of taking the challenges of acquisition and cut downing the quality and cogency of results achieved. This is mentioned by Torrance ( 2007:282 ) as a move from appraisal of acquisition, through the presently popular thought of appraisal for acquisition, to assessment as acquisition, where appraisal processs and patterns come wholly to rule the acquisition experience, and ‘criteria conformity ‘ comes to replace ‘learning ‘ and is something that needs to be to the full researched if execution of uninterrupted appraisal and unrestricted resit options are traveling to be made available for all curriculum topics. However, at this phase it is imperative to foreground the fact that the survey by ( Marton and Saljo, 1997 ) serves as a good i ndex of what may be experienced in educational scene. However, with a sample size of 153 from merely four topics in Engineering and Business grades from merely one University might demo perceptual experiences and consequences which are important to that particular survey, but might non needfully expose an association to other educational constitutions. This now leads one to measuring e-assessment and the map of its appraisal and current appraisal patterns.E-assessmentThe proposal of presenting e-assessment brings strengths, failings, chances and menaces to any educational constitution. But before we deal with these it is of import to understand precisely what e-assessment means. The term e-assessment covers the assortment of ways in which computing machines can be used to help the appraisal procedure. This might include utilizing computing machines to administrate an appraisal for formative or summational appraisal ( Attali and Burstein, 2006 ) . The proposal of presenting e-assessm ent is non a new one. Ken Boston ( Chief executive of the Qualification and Curriculum Authority in 2004 ) was bullish about the power of engineering to transform the educational experience of 1000000s of students, but that was back in 2004, and few experts would state that he has been proved right. In fact, five old ages on, none of the anticipations Boston made on that twenty-four hours has turned out to be right. For many in this field, the large inquiry has been why, given that technological alteration has happened rapidly in so many other countries of life, the gait of reform in this country means that, for most students taking tests still means scrabbling on paper. However, Multiple-choice inquiries ( MCQs ) are a perfect illustration on how educational constitutions have embraced the development of e-assessment. MCQ can be used as a agency of supplementing or even replacing appraisal patterns. The growing in this method of appraisal has been driven by wider alterations in the higher instruction environment such as the turning Numberss of pupils, modularisation and the increased handiness of computing machine webs. MCQ ‘s are seen as a manner of heightening chances for rapid feedback to pupils every bit good as a manner of salvaging staff clip in taging. However, there are recognized restrictions with this method. First, research workers discourage the usage of MCQ, reasoning they promote memorization and factual callback, and do non promote high-ranking cognitive procedures ( Scouller, 1998 ) . Some research workers, nevertheless, maintain that this depends on how the trials are constructed and that they can be used to measure acquisitio n at higher cognitive degrees ( Johnstone & A ; Arnbusaidi, 2000 ) . The advantage of MCQ with respects to assessment is its high degree of dependability that can be good as an alternate signifier of appraisal. However, the existent trouble for e-assessment has to make with the nature of analyzing. It is a high-stake activity as we have observed antecedently, which is closely scrutinised. Boyle ( 2009 ) deliberates that there is echt antipathy to put on the line in this country, within authorities, within suppliers of appraisal, amongst pupils, parents and staff. Because of this, things will be given to travel easy. Boyle ( 2009 ) adds that e-assessment nowadayss some serious practical challenges. Having an full twelvemonth group sit and take an test at the same clip, as happens with major conventional GCSEs now, would ask holding two sets of computing machines ; one for those taking the trials and another for other twelvemonth groups, which is expensive and frequently impractical. This therefore brings with it proficient troubles in implementing such initiatives.. Taking into consideration past experiences viz. the compulsory ICT test for 14 year-olds it is non difficult to see why the predicted roar of e-assessment has non occurred. In 2007, authorities had to draw the stopper on a compulsory ICT test for 14 year-olds, developed over five old ages at the cost of ?26 million ( Mansell, 2009 ) after it was found to bring forth consequences for students that were dramatically different from instructor ‘s ain appraisals of their charges ‘ work. It was due to go statutory last twelvemonth, but in the terminal, was offered merely voluntary to schools. Repercussions were highlighted by Andre Harland, head of the Examination Officers ‘ Association stated, â€Å"it did foreground some possible large hazards and jobs with e-assessment. The trial involved taking computing machines in a school out of operation at the same clip, and it merely did non turn out deliverable in the end.†An issue with dependability in summational appr aisal is a cardinal defect as Harlem and James ( 1997 ) reiterate, dependability in summational appraisal is important. In add-on, Boyle ( cited in Mansell, 2009 ) and functionaries from all five tests boards in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, sets out other jobs, including that it may be easier to rip off by looking over person ‘s shoulder at what is on screen, instead than on a desk, and guaranting that high-tech testing does non present some alteration in the criterion of the test. However, it is 1s belief that the proposal made by Lebus is one that focuses chiefly on the computerisation of the externally set and graded high bets summational scrutinies of educational attainment that lead to makings. Surprisingly, was an article by Polly Curtis in the Guardian rubrics â€Å"Computerised proving probably to replace traditional tests, says caput of board†released in the 12th July 2009, stated that Lebus said â€Å"that traditional-style test would still be available for those who preferred them, but the new system would profit pupils who are exam-phobic. There are some people evidently who get really frightened by tests or could n't for other grounds do them well.†One must pull importance to this statement. Merely a hebdomad after the article Hilary Douglas ( 2009 ) stated that uninterrupted appraisal would wholly replace traditional tests, non supplying all the information. This brings to light issues with dependability and cogency of information the media publishes covering with of import appraisal issues. This demonstrates the ballyhoo artist attack to a serious issues sing instruction, and foremost the use of information. In the instance of A-Levels we already implement uninterrupted appraisal and supply resit opportunities the computerisation of these would be a good starting point for high interest summational appraisal. But why computerise? Why computerize a conventional trial if the new trial is meant to measure precisely the same things? Possibly the most common grounds given are that computerised will delver ; I. Increased efficiency/lower costs II. Greater flexibleness sing disposal ( e.g. trial on demand V trials at fixed – and infrequent – times ) III. Instant scores/feedback IV. Fewer mistakes V. Positive promotion through being seen to be ‘up-to-date ‘ VI. The first measure that must be taken earlier more sophisticated computer-based appraisals can be introduced. ( Raikes and Harding, 2003 ) At present, most of the academic makings aimed at 16-18 year-olds in the UK are assessed through a mixture of coursework and summational pen and paper scrutinies. Written scrutinies are still handwritten on paper, and are frequently criticised for restraining instruction, suppressing schoolroom invention, smothering pupil ‘s creativeness and for being progressively divorced from an of all time more technological universe ( Heppel, 2003 ) . There is hence force per unit area to develop appraisals that make full usage it IT developments, non merely in low-stake appraisals but high-stakes likewise. In pattern this can be difficult to accomplish for two chief grounds, even if the advanced appraisals exist. First, schools and colleges will all differ in the quality and measure of their ICT substructure, in the ICT support and in the degree of ICT accomplishments possessed by instructors. In such fortunes it would be really hard for an scrutiny board to present a high bets, advanced computer-based trial that would be accessible to all schools and colleges, and furthermore, which would non disfavor pupils from schools and colleges with destitute ICT resources. In add-on, likely demands for equity in appraisal would necessitate a traditional paper-based test. Second, a really high value is placed in the UK on the care of ‘standards ‘ from twelvemonth to twelvemonth, and this would be hard to show clearly since written trials define past criterions. The contention stirred up in the UK in 2002 about the consequences of new A Level scrutinies was caused mostly by ‘the absence of a clear apprehension of the criterions or degrees of demand ‘ ( Tomlinson, 2002 ) and how they relate to the old A Level system ; this once more serves as another illustration as the dangers involved in presenting wholly new types of high bets appraisal. Both equity and the criterions troubles may be addressed by first computerizing bing trials. Equivalent pen and paper and computing machine versions of the same trial may so be analogue that will ease all stakeholder to so concentrate on the migration from pen and paper to computing machine ( Raikes and Harding, 2003 ) .When about everyone is taking the trials on computing machine, it becomes easier to present some invention. By holding a procedure that moves in gradual phases it is believed it will ease the move towards valid trials whilst cut downing the concern about criterions. However, there are already cases where e-assessment is being implemented and demoing mark of success. Literature from Linn and Miller ( 2005 ) that clip required is a major issue when it comes to assignment taging. Two chief factors are to be considered: clip spent on administrative undertakings and the clip really spent on prosecuting the pupils work and the proviso of quality feedback. E-tools are developing and conveying positive alterations to instructors. The country were e-tools can do a existent impact on efficiency in disposal: providing paperss, easy accessible to all involved, accepting assignments entries, covering with safe and unafraid storage, pull offing the distribution of assignments to markers and easing the communicating within the marker squad ; returning taging sheets etc some in add-on to advantages mentioned earlier. Detecting plagiarism was another issue that was mentioned as a major advantage of utilizing e-tools. Having the assignment in electronic signifier means it can be cross-checked against past twelvemonth ‘s assignments and current assignments, and an e-tool like Turnitin can besides test for citations from text books. ( Heinrich et al, 2009 ) Overall, if research documents encountered and the deficiency of cardinal scheme from the authorities is any indicant to travel by, one believes that the execution of e-assessment when it comes to uninterrupted summational appraisals still has a batch of development to do, particularly if past mistakes are to be rectified and assurance in it dependability and cogency starts to better. There are promoting developments and as Professor Peter Tymms, of Durham University says: â€Å"The test boards are all on it, they are all believing about it, and seeking difficult to make it. But they have non yet found their manner frontward yet.†It hence leads one to believe that it is merely a affair of clip before e-assessment replaces traditional signifier of appraisal.DecisionThe purpose of this paper was to critically near appraisal patterns, maps of appraisal and interrogate current appraisal patterns through a media history. Continuous appraisal, formative and summational appraisal an d e-assessment were the chief subjects developed by the media article. Within these sub groups there were common subjects covering with cogency and dependability that helped understand the possible impacts these development in appraisal may hold for pupils, instructors and the wider universe. Overall, it is apparent from the research that the map of appraisal is of great importance when planning to alter any assessment systems. The passage from traditional summational appraisal to uninterrupted appraisal by the caput of Cambridge Assessment exam board leads one to believe that the assessment way appraisal boards are heading is one of impact functional degree, which concerns running an appraisal system that attempts to guarantee pupils remain motivated, and that all pupils learn a common nucleus for each topic. Due attention and attending will be needed, in order non to put inordinate demand on a criterion-based appraisal. This will take pedagogues to measure what the scholar can make in relation to the undertaking required of them and put small involvement on placing what else the scholar can make. The handiness of limitless resits and importance of criterion-based appraisals may hold serious larning reverberations as a displacement in accent of doing certain that pupils hiting are helped instead than an avidity to get the hang the subject. There has been a move from ‘assessment of larning ‘ to assessment for larning ‘ and now assessment as larning ‘ ( Torrance, 2007 ) The proposal made with respects to execution of uninterrupted appraisal as a series of e-assessments is non intended to to the full replace the traditional schoolroom appraisal and that is something everyone in educational constitutions, One believes, needs to take into history. But it can efficaciously complement the latter particularly in the context of big categories. MCQs have demonstrated successful illustrations on how to include e-assessment into the schoolrooms. Increased efficiency, greater flexibleness in working and instant tonss are some of the advantages e-assessment has brought into schoolrooms and schools. However, at this minute in clip, and taking past experiences into consideration, implementing e-assessment in footings of high-stake appraisal options will be difficult to accomplish ; either due to quality and measure of substructure or equity and criterions. It is true that impulse is constructing and as Durham University Professor, Peter Tymms says â€Å"the test boards are all on to it, they are all believing about it, seeking difficult to make it. But they have non yet wholly found their manner frontward yet. There is no uncertainty that the age of e-assessment is upon us. However, there are still many hurdlings to get the better of before the full potency and benefits of e-assessment are gained.Reference ListAmerican Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association and National Council on Measurement in Education ( 1999 ) Standards for educational and psychological testing ( Washington, DC, American Educational Research Association ) . Bigg, J ( 2002 ) cited in Jacob, S. , M and Issac, B. ( 2006 ) Impact on pupils larning from traditional uninterrupted appraisal and an e-assessment proposal. The Tenth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. Black, P. J. ( 1998 ) Testing: friend or foe? The theory and pattern of appraisal and testing ( London, Falmer Press ) . Black, P. J. & A ; Wiliam, D. ( 2003 ) ‘In congratulations of educational research ‘ : formative appraisal, British Educational Research Journal, 29 ( 5 ) , 623-637. Black, P. , & A ; Wiliam, D. ( 1998b ) . Inside the black box: Elevation criterions through schoolroom appraisal. London: GL Assessment. Boston, K ( 2004 ) cited in Douglas, H. ( 2009 ) Exams are a critical lesson. July 19th 2009 in hypertext transfer protocol: // Curtis, P. ( 2009 ) Computerised proving probably to replace traditional tests, says caput of board. July 12th 2009 in hypertext transfer protocol: // Douglas, H. ( 2009 ) Exams are a critical lesson. July 19th 2009 in hypertext transfer protocol: // Entwistle, N. , J. ( 1991 ) Approaches to larn and perceptual experiences of the acquisition environment. Introduction to the particular issues. Higher Education, 22, pp 201-204. Entwistle, N. , J. and Walker, P. ( 2001 ) Stretegic watchfulness and expanded consciousness within sophisticated constructs of learning. Instructional Science, Vol 28, 335-361 Gibbs, G. ( 1999 ) Using assessment strategically to alter the manner pupils learn, In Jacob, S. , M and Issac, B. ( 2006 ) Impact on pupils larning from traditional uninterrupted appraisal and an e-assessment proposal. The Tenth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. Henrick, E. , Milne, J. , Ramsay, A. , Morrison, D. ( 2009 ) Recommendations for the usage of e-tools for betterments around assignment taging quality. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, Vol 34 ( 4 ) pp 469-479.. Jacob, S. , M and Issac, B. ( 2006 ) Impact on pupils larning from traditional uninterrupted appraisal and an e-assessment proposal. The Tenth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. James, M. and Pedder, D. ( 2006 ) Beyond Method: Appraisal and Learning Practices and Values. The Curriculum Journal, 17 ( 2 ) , 109-138 Linn, R. L. , ( 2000 ) Assessment and Accountability, Educational Researcher, vol. 29 ( 2 ) , 4-14. Linn, R.L. , and M.D. Miller. 2005. Measurement and appraisal in learning. Columbus, OH: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall. Mansell, W. ( 2009 ) Why has n't e-assessment arrived more rapidly? July 21st 2001 in hypertext transfer protocol: // Messick, S. , ( 1999 ) , Performance appraisal, in F. M. Ottobre ( Ed. ) , The function of measuring and rating in instruction policy. UNESCO Printing: Paris Marton, F. and Saljo, R. ( 1997 ) cited in Jacob, S. , M and Issac, B. ( 2006 ) Impact on pupils larning from traditional uninterrupted appraisal and an e-assessment proposal. The Tenth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. Newton, P. E. ( 2007 ) Clarifying the intents of educational appraisal. Appraisal in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice. Vol 14 ( 2 ) 149-170 Raikes, N. , Harding, R. , The horseless passenger car phase: replacing conventional steps. Appraisal in Education, vol. 10, ( 3 ) , 267-277. Savory, C. , Hodgson, A. and Spours, K. ( 2003 ) A general or vocational making? The Advanced Vocational Certificate of Education ( AVCA ) ( 7 ) Smithers, A ( 2009 ) cited in Douglas, H. ( 2009 ) Exams are a critical lesson. July 19th 2009 in hypertext transfer protocol: // Struyven, K. , Dochy, P. & A ; Jansenns, S. ( 2005 ) Students perceptual experiences about rating and appraisal in higher instruction: a reappraisal. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, Vol 30 ( 4 ) , 325-341 Tomlinson, M. ( 2002 ) Inquiry into A degree criterions, Final Report ( London, Department for Education and Skills, available from hypertext transfer protocol: // Torrance, H. ( 2007 ) Assessment as larning? How the usage of expressed larning aims, appraisal standards and feedback in post-secondary instruction and preparation can come to rule acquisition. Appraisal in Education: Principles Policy and Practice, Vol 14, ( 3 ) , 281-294
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Creative writing in non-fiction Essay
Creative nonfiction (also known as literary or narrative nonfiction) is that branch of writing which employs literary Styles, techniques and artistic vision usually associated with fiction or poetry to create factually accurate narratives on actual persons and events. Creative nonfiction contrasts with other nonfiction, such as technical writing or journalism, which is also rooted in accurate fact, but is not primarily written in service to its craft. It is a hybrid of literature and non-fiction because it comprises of Non-fiction elements and Literary elements which are essay form, story/narration, explanation/exposition, place/scene/setting, standard rhetorical patterns, characterization, focuses on ideas, facts (not only language),author personally engaged, researched facts, literary voice/feel, artistic, instinctual, polished language. The primary goal of the creative nonfiction writer is to communicate information, just like a reporter, but to shape it in a way that reads like fiction. As a genre, creative nonfiction is still relatively young, and is only beginning to be scrutinized with the same critical analysis given to fiction and poetry. Though only recently identified and taught as a distinct and separate literary genre, the roots of creative nonfiction run deeply into literary tradition and history though has been in use as earlier as 1970s but was originally made official in the year 1983 in the United States of America at a meeting convened by the National Endowment for the Arts to deal with the question of what, exactly, to call the genre as a category for the NEA’s creative writing fellowships. The NEA long recognized the art of nonfiction but has been trying to find a way to describe the category so writers would understand what kind of work to submit for consideration. â€Å"Essay†is the term used to describe this â€Å"artful†nonfiction, but it didn’t really capture the essence of the genre for the NEA or lots of other folks experimenting in the field. Technically, scholars, critics, and academics of all sorts, as well as newspaper op-ed reporters, were writing â€Å"essays,†although that was not the kind of work the It had in mind. â€Å"Journalism†didn’t fit the category, either, although the anchoring element of the best creative nonfiction requires an aspect of reportage. For a while the It experimented with â€Å"belles-lettres,†a misunderstood term that favors style over substance and did not capture the personal essence and foundation of the literature they were seeking. Eventually one of the NEA members in the meeting that day pointed out that a rebel in his English department was campaigning for the term â€Å"creative nonfiction. †That rebel was Professor Lee Gutkind. Forms within this genre are personal essays, memoir, travel writing, food writing, biography, literary journalism, and other hybridized essays. Personal essay is often a free-wheeling device of self-expression. If you ever want to experiment with prose and with loosened structure, this is where you can do it. A memoir is a piece of autobiographical writing, usually shorter in nature than a comprehensive autobiography. The memoir, especially as it is being used in publishing today, often tries to capture certain highlights or meaningful moments in one’s past, often including a contemplation of the meaning of that event at the time of the writing of the memoir. The memoir may be more emotional and concerned with capturing particular scenes, or a series of events, rather than documenting every fact of a person’s life (Zuwiyya, N. 2000). Literary journalism refers to the use of fictional techniques in writing a work of nonfiction. In other words, it’s a true, well-researched, journalistically-sound story that might normally be written in a dry newspaper manner that has been instead written with style, vivid description, and narrative flow that immerses the reader in the story. The quality of the writing used to tell the story is just as important as telling the truth of the story. Narrative history is the practice of writing history in a story-based form. It can be divided into two subgenres: the traditional narrative and the modern narrative. Traditional narrative focuses on the chronological order of history; it is event driven and tends to center upon individuals, action, and intention. Modern narrative typically focuses on structures and general trends. A modern narrative would break from rigid chronology if the historian felt it explained the concept better. Docufiction (often understood as docudrama) is a neologism which refers to a cinematographic work in a genre mixing fiction and documentary. Docudrama is wrongly used as a synonym of docufiction, confusing drama with fiction. The use of docufiction is common in television, consisting in illustrating facts or events with actors. The term docudrama is apter in this sense. The term docufiction is sometimes used to refer to literary journalism (creative nonfiction). Controversies over the legitimacy of creative nonfiction, both as a term and as a genre; flares up regularly, perhaps even annually. In recent years, several well-publicized incidents within the United States have called into question the truthfulness and factual standards of creative nonfiction. Given its different styles and characteristics, it is not held to the same journalistic ethics and standards as direct reporting or news publications. Its allowances of artistic license to authors are not standardized, and some have accused writers of glorification of interpretation, and even of fabrication. A recent example of these incidents is the James Frey controversy in regards to his memoir A Million Little Pieces, published in 2003. In his memoir, Frey claimed to certain experiences (claim to have helped a high school friend sneak out with her boyfriend on the night she died in a car wreck. But, according to thesmokinggun. com, police reports and the girl’s family indicate Frey had nothing to do with the tragedy. ), which purported to be a memoir but contained fictionalized events, is unmasked in 2006. Such scandals seem to inspire frenzies among literary and cultural critics, an excuse for predictable (but nevertheless often satisfying) expressions of Schadenfreude and sanctimonious pronouncements about Truth in Art. Writers are warned to not be too cre ¬ative with weaving their stories, however. If you add characters, dialogue, invent scenes and alter facts, you moved to the realm of historical fic ¬tion, a noble genre but still, fiction. Lee Gutkind, an English professor at the University of Pittsburgh, credited as the founder of the creative non-fiction movement. â€Å"There’s this research aspect of creative non-fiction (Ethics of Literary Non-fiction) that you can’t get away from  that a lot of writers try to skip over or do without. †Authors seem to be getting the emotional aspects of a nonfiction topic across successfully. Many authors try to carry the emotion with anthropomor ¬phism or an abundance of exclamation points, rather than building the story in such a way that the natural drama of it comes through. Sometimes, the descriptive language is not as strong as it could be. Nonfiction authors are more likely to use a simple, somewhat familiar description rather than searching for a more evocative, unique way of saying the same thing. Works Cited Gutkind, Lee (2007). The Best Creative Nonfiction, Vol. 1. New York: W. W. Norton, xi. ISBN 0393330036. Johnson, E. L. ; Wolfe, Tom (1975). The New Journalism. London: Pan Books. ISBN 0330243152 Wyatt, Edward. â€Å"Best-Selling Memoir Draws Scrutiny†, The New York Times, 2006-01-10. Anderson, Chris (1989). Literary nonfiction: theory, criticism, pedagogy. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, xix-x. ISBN 0809314053. Nancy E. Zuwiyya, School Library Journal, Fox’s work, Colombia, Heinemann Library (Chicago, IL), 2000
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Personal statement MA publishing Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
MA publishing - Personal Statement Example I know that there are so many things I still need to learn about especially those which could be handed down to me by experts in the field. Quality training and education are among the reasons for me why I would like to study at University College London (UCL). I value education given by experts not only in theoretical studies but especially those who worked to gain more knowledge and understanding of the theories taught. I understand that UCL offers high quality services from professors of the aforementioned caliber. In addition, it would be an honor to become a part, a learner of one of the world’s top universities which prides itself of achievers. Cultural diversity is another reason why I choose the school because as I really want to indulge myself in media, I know how important it is for me to meet different people from different cultural backgrounds. This would be another angle of my learning experience which would open my eyes to a wider scope of perception. I believe the atmosphere in the school encourages an opportunity for students to lead and excel in their chosen field of specialization and I look for ward to an engaging and highly profitable experience in the school. I graduated Accounting and Finance at the University of Birmingham in 2011, with second class honour degree. I am currently taking Foundation Diploma for Postgraduate Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies which, in some way propelled me to decide on pursuing MA in Publishing. As mentioned earlier, media is now becoming more and more indispensable and is rather a topmost essential with the development of technology. I am looking forward to landing a job as a marketing manager as my post-graduate study will strengthen my qualifications having graduated Accounting and Finance. If not, I am also inclined to aiming a Public Relations Executive position, which of
An eassy on HRM in John Lewis (UK Department Store) - employee owned Essay
An eassy on HRM in John Lewis (UK Department Store) - employee owned company - Essay Example Ultimately, whereas the EOB model promotes sustainable operational and financial profitability, its application to other contexts is limited to small-scale businesses since its governance model may come under pressure as the firm expands. Introduction This paper is a study of the general business and HRM of John Lewis Partnership, an employee-owned company and evaluates the various mechanisms of HRM policy and application of JLP in the context of the 4 key functions of HR which include; resourcing the organization, human resource development (HRD), employment relations, in addition to, performance and subsequent remuneration. Additionally, it also considers both the vertical and horizontal integration of JLP’s human resource component with its operations, the benefits and challenges of employee-owned business model, as well as the extent to which it can be applied in other contexts. Overall JLP’s business and HR strategy The John Lewis Partnership’s overall busin ess strategy is partners’ approach; the JLP’s approach to business entails prioritizing its clients and partner’s happiness and welfare which is achieved by placing their interests at the core of its operations (Aston, 2013). In this respect, the wellness of partners is of key importance to the business strategy of the John Lewis Partnership since the partnership believes that it yields many positive gains for the business (The John Lewis Partnership, 2013), which dedicates itself to serving customers with flair and fairness. The John Lewis Partnership’s overall Human Resource strategy, on the other hand, is employee ownership, which top management at JLP believes has a massive positive influence on the wellbeing of partners; in this regard, the John Lewis Partnership takes investing in people and seeing them as the core of the business as a fundamental Human Resource strategy. Employee ownership is built on values such as strong communication, from the b ottom upwards, and thorough consultation, both of which lead to inclusiveness and engagement of the employees in the day-to-day decision-making process at John Lewis Partnership effectively; employee ownership has a multi-plier effect on business gains since employee participation motivates high performance. JLP’s HR policy and practice The human resource is the primary source of competitive advantage to any organization today; all firms can potentially boost both their operational and financial performance through well-structured high performance human resource practices, thus the need to attract, recruit, and retain the best talents. Strategic HR management practices such as recruitment and selection, training and development, as well as performance management are fundamental aspects of John Lewis Partnership’s Human Resource policy and practice. The JLP recruits its human resources through selection and engages in effective talent management through training and dev elopment programs, as per the needs of the partnership. The task of resource recruitment goes beyond merely selecting the best people for the job; organizations must invest in human resources, which are not only valuable and
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Hospital-acquired conditions (HAC) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Hospital-acquired conditions (HAC) - Assignment Example The discussions will guarantee proper documentation and patient analysis. This may also include dedicating sufficient time to reconciling POA queries and documenting discharge summaries to ensure effective implementation of the rule. I can enhance patient safety through implementation of the rule by facilitating teamwork between different hospital departments, adhering to evidence-based guidelines, preventing patient falls by offering sitters, adopting new protocols for testing UTIs, and testing patients during admission (Sorensen et al., 2014). These measures can enhance identification and diagnosis thus improving clinical quality and safeguard patients from hospital-acquired infections and injuries. As a nurse practitioner, I can also use adopt leadership duties to promote patient safety by participating in executive committees, mobilizing healthcare resources and strategies, and mediating between nurses and other medical personnel (Wald et al., 2012). Moreover, I can promote the i mprovement of clinical quality through implementation of the rule by advocating for the root cause analysis, ensuring proper documentation, and monitoring Hospital-Acquired Conditions (Sorensen et al., 2014). Peasah, S. K., McKay, N. L., Harman, J. S., Al-Amin, M., & Cook, R. L. (2013). Medicare Non-Payment of Hospital-Acquired Infections: Infection Rates Three Years Post Implementation. Medicare & Medicaid Research Review, 3(3), 1-13. Wald, H., Richard, A., Dickson, V., & Capezuti, E. (2012). Chief nursing officers’ perspectives on Medicare’s hospital-acquired conditions non-payment policy: implications for policy design and implementation. Implementation Science Journal, 7 (78),
Monday, August 26, 2019
Satellite Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Satellite Communications - Essay Example This paper seeks to highlight the concept of multi-channel communications satellite systems, the concept of systems operation, the advantages and disadvantages of the system and how to improve performance and reliability of the system in the presence of man-made interference and atmospheric noise. Satellite communication, heavily relies on the use of a spacecraft in orbit around the Earth. The spacecraft is able to receive and re-transmit signals mainly radio signals. The use of satellite systems for communication, have over time undergone evolution. They have been in use for some time now and many changes have been made enabling higher performance of these satellites. Communications satellites are not only able to amplify and route signals but they are also able to sort these signals. Earlier on they used to function like the ground microwave repeaters but as mentioned earlier, these systems have undergone great evolution and now they are quite different from ground microwave repeaters. Whereas ground microwave repeaters relay radio signals between two fixed points, the satellite communication systems are able to interconnect a multiple of locations both fixed and mobile. This is the superiority of these systems over the ground microwave repeaters. As far as evolution of the se systems is concerned, the current functions of both switching and rerouting of signals with the switchboards being onboard and airborne. Communications Satellite Orbits The choice of orbit is very important to the performance of communications satellites. In fact, the height of the satellite which is in a circular orbit determines not only the time of orbit but also the coverage. For instance, a 35,860 km orbital satellite has a corresponding orbital period of about 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds (roughly one day). The orbit of the satellite may coincide with the equatorial plane and this will therefore mean that the satellite will hover in one fixed point in relation to the rotating earth and as such it is said to be geostationary. A geostationary satellite has the capacity of supporting two fifths coverage of the earth's surface and this therefore implies that three geostationary satellites are able to support world coverage. Most of the satellites that support communications (fixed and mobile) are the satellites which are in geosynchronous equatorial orbit (Korhonen, 2003: pp1-7). The geostationary satellites have much capacity for coverage but are not able to cover the high latitude regions. These regions require that other types of satellites are used which are inclined at an angle with respect to the equatorial plane. For instance, the Russians launched a satellite with its orbit inclined at 63.50 in 1965. This satellite was meant for their domestic communications. The Molniya system is the type of this satellite system because it is found in the Molniya orbit and it was launched at 63.50 orbit inclination with respect the equatorial plane with the following specifications: Perigee - 500 km Apogee - 40,000 km Orbital period - 12 hours As far as the above inclination is concerned, there is no rotation of line of the aphides and as such there is reduced orbit correction sand manoeuvres (Takashi et al, 2003: pp168-172). The satellites need
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Analysis The Blind Faith of the One-Eyed Matador Essay
Analysis The Blind Faith of the One-Eyed Matador - Essay Example Juan Jose is a seasoned bullfighter (torero) in Spain who comes from a family with bullfighting brothers and a retired torero in his father. The author introduces the reader to the story showing Juan Jose and the Bull in the bullfighting zone and the event known as the Feria Del Pilar that is a highly anticipated date in the bullfighting calendar. The author describes the bull by revealing its name, Marques- ashy black. This allows the reader to see how the bull is huge and indicates the power and muscle that the bull has over Jose. The author also reveals that the bull is a 5-year-old bull and weighs 1,100 pounds. Russell then goes ahead to describe Juan Jose as a father of two, 38 years of age and one of top matadors in Spain. This sets the atmosphere for the reader because it makes the reader part of the action making him/ her feel present at the event (Russell 1). Russell then describes the action that occurs between Padilla and Marques. The author’s description makes the reader feel as if Marques is a human being just like Juan Jose. For instance, the author states, â€Å"Padilla and Marques are alone in the sandy pit, but a carousel of faces swirls around them. A thousand eyes beat down on Padilla, causing sweat to bead on his neck†(Russell 1). This makes the reader feel as if Juan Jose and Marques are two fighting opponents with similar attributes (Russell 1). The author describes in detail how Marques injures Juan Jose in the bullfighting match. Preceding the injury the author sets the atmosphere to prepare the reader for the worst. For instance, just after the match begins, she says, â€Å"A glancing blow from Marques unsteadies Padilla; his feet get tangled... Padilla has the bad luck, the terrible luck, of landing on his side. And now his luck gets worse†(Russell 1). This prepares the reader for the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Research Methods and Design Assignment 2 - literature Review Paper
Methods and Design Assignment 2 - literature Review - Research Paper Example Brynt & Idey (2001) mentioned that they display more fantasy proneness and greater absorption (as cited in Wilson & Barber, 1981; Barber & Glass, 1962). They also experience greater imaginary involvement (as cited in Hilgard, 1979) and a strong attention focus (as cited in Kumar, Pekala & Cummings, 1996). For measuring individual differences, Braffman & Kirsch (2001), discovered two detriments i.e. â€Å"simple and go/no go reaction times†. Hypnotisability was positively related with simple reaction time and negatively with go/no go reaction time, when non hypnotic suggestibility was statistically controlled. Specific, noteworthy characteristics make some individuals more susceptible to hypnosis than others. For many years, hypnotisability scales are in practise, in both clinical and research settings. A set of standardized suggestions are used to check individuals’ responses, following standardized induction, to know the measure of hypnotic ability they possess. As hypnotisability is a stable construct, identifying its predictors would help to comprehend the individual differences observed in suggestibility (Paulson & Matthews, 2003, p.198). Barber, Spanos and Chaves (1974) proposed that individual differences in ability to respond to hypnosis could be described with the aid of imagination and absorption constructs (Paulson & Matthews, 2003, p.198-199). Absorption is termed as an individual’s characteristic, which encompasses openness, to experience changes in cognitive and emotional, state over a range of circumstances (Milling, Kirsch & Burgess, 2000, p.32). It is the capacity for self altering attention that is considered to be a significant component of hypnotisability (Green & Lynn, 2008, p.156). Highly susceptible individuals, on measures of absorption, are believed to get involved in a variety of imaginative practices (Milling, Kirsh & Burgess, 2000, p.32). Another
Friday, August 23, 2019
Federalism and the Thirteen Independent Sovereignties Coursework
Federalism and the Thirteen Independent Sovereignties - Coursework Example blish how the documents presented in Chapter 5 support this contention as well as identify exactly what were the main issues that are deemed to have been responsible for pitting Americans against Americans as well as colony against colony. One of the key issues that is seen to have pitted Americans against each other and in the process lend credence to the postulation that was made by Knox is that there appeared to be a raging conflict between members of different classes in the early American society. Zinn (2010), notes that the military across the various American states was regarded as being a place for the poor as it afforded them the opportunity of rising in rank, acquiring some money and eventually being able to change their social status. However, this dream was not realized by most of the poor Americans that joined the army as Zinn (2010) points out that Governor Robert Morris who had been appointed as the superintendent of finance had implemented policies that largely ignored the common soldier who was not getting paid, was suffering in the cold, dying of sickness while all along watching the civilian profiteers progressively get richer. Another conflict that is noted to have pitted Americans against Americans is the conflict over land that pitted Native Americans against the colonialist Americans. Zinn (2010) points out that Native Americans had for the most part bee ignored by the fine words of the Declaration which had been drafted and designed in such a manner that it would not grant them equal rights to those that were granted to White Americans. Before the Revolution, the Indians that had been living in New England and Virginia had been subdued by force and that that had been living in other regions of the country had been forced to work out modes of coexistence with the colonies. However, despite their having worked out modes of coexistence with the colonizing Americans, by around the 1750, the fast growing colonial population served to increase
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Supply and Demand Paper Essay Example for Free
Supply and Demand Paper Essay There are many factors that should be considered before buying a new car; this decision should be based on in-depth consumer research prior to stepping foot onto a dealership lot. In today’s vehicle market you can expect to see varying interest rates, varied vehicle supply and depending on the economy, dealership promotions and gimmicks which all play a role in the decision making process for a new vehicle purchase. The vehicle sales market is very competitive; do not let the undertaking duty of purchasing a new vehicle become overwhelming. Instead, prepare yourself with ample consumer research and knowledge before you go new-car shopping. Most adults have heard the saying ‘Supply and Demand’. But, what is Supply and Demand? Supply and Demand can be defined as a monetary rise and drop of the cost of a good. When the price of a good goes up, the quantity of the good diminishes and reversed, when the price falls then the demand will rise. When applying Supply and Demand theories, in today’s economy, you can see the demand for new vehicles has decreased. Supply and Demand are two words that seem to be synonymous with the word competitive. In regards to a vehicle purchase, competitive markets are what keep good car dealerships in business because they have mastered the competitive technique to work with Supply and Demand. Essentially, Supply and Demand determines the vehicle prices. Research, of your local area, can help a buyer determine the local economies position as well as other factors that could cause variation in the Supply and Demand of new vehicles. When considering the purchase of a new vehicle, it is important that a buyer look at other factors which may shift the demand curve. Factors that may shift the demand curve will include: the cost of related goods, style, expectations, income, and the number of buyers. The cost of related goods, meaning a new vehicle, is nearly the same but a responsible cons umer should research for the best price. Income will always be a factor in the demand curve. If there is a downward shift in income then the demand for a new car will also follow the down trend because consumers will have less money to spend. If your income is stable then the curve will be a great benefit because the cost of a car will drop while your income stays the same. If your income has dropped and the market has dropped as well, then you are still able to afford a new vehicle because the market has lowered prices in an effort to increase demand. If a new car is not within your budget or grasp you can consider several substitutes such as a taxi, car-pooling, public transportation or even riding your bicycle. Complementary goods are double-edges sword when you are considering these goods as factors of a new vehicle purchase. Complementary goods are essentially counterparts of a vehicle; these goods are products that are included with a vehicle. Complementary goods are items such as tires, an engine, a stereo system, engine size and, seats. The prices of complementary goods add to the total cost of the vehicle. This additional cost may have a negative effect on the demand for special products in a vehicle. The negativ e effect is because price of a complement can increase which makes the cost of the vehicle go up. In a poor economy, the demand for automobiles with extra or special complementary goods will decrease. One example of a complementary good would be a sports car or an SUV with a V8 engine; this vehicle consumes a lot of gasoline. Gasoline costs can affect a consumer’s decision to purchase a car, truck, SUV or sports car. We all know a vehicle will not operate without gasoline, so, are you willing to spend a larger sum of money to fill the gas tank because you purchased a vehicle that gets low miles per gallon? If you consider gasoline as a complementary good then you realize when the price of fuel rises, that quantity demanded falls in the beginning. However, if the price of fuel stays high for an extended period then you may want to seek a fuel-efficient vehicle or other transportation substitutes. As a consumer you should think about long term possibilities of complementary goods before your purchase. The negative result of complementary goods is perceived as a negative cross-price elasticity of demand. In economics, the cross-price elasticity of demand measures the demand fo r a good and the price. This measurement is known as the percentage of change in demand and the response to the change in price. A change in price can persuade consumers to move away from a vehicle if the price rises. A new automobile has an elastic demand which means if the price drops, then there will be a significant increase in demand for the vehicle. What factors determine the price elasticity of demand? Goods with close substitutes have an elastic demand. Substitutes, in this case, would be other modes of transportation. Another factor to consider is the definition of the vehicle market in your area. Closely defined markets have more elastic demand than a broadly defined market. Vehicles have an elastic supply; automobile manufacturers can produce vehicles more rapidly if the demand increases. On the flip side, automobile makers can produce fewer vehicles if the demand decreases. Elasticity usually depends on supply and the supply can vary by vehicle market. It is true that supply is more elastic in the long term over the short term. The decision to purchase a vehicle comes with so many factors; another element to think about is one of necessity or desire. Is the choice to get a new vehicle a necessity or a desire? Are you choosing a vehicle that is a standard base-model or a luxury model? Necessities are an inelastic demand. This means the quantity demanded responds to changes in price. We all have personal preferences when it comes to vehicles but, you have to decide if a new vehicle is a necessity or desire. If you can afford a new vehicle then you can get a model made with your personal preferences. If you are getting a new vehicle purely out of necessity then you will likely choose a base-model which will be cheaper and inelastic. Two years ago I decided to purchase a newer vehicle. I work in a stable market and know that my job is secure; with this in mind I was able to purchase a new vehicle with peace of mind. Prior to car shopping I did weeks of research; I made a list of what I wanted and then was able to choose a vehicle. I searched for a vehicle that was certified and came with a warranty as well as a high resale value and from a manufacturer that had a reputation for longevity. I commute to work each day so I needed a vehicle that boasted a good fuel economy. I am particular about the vehicle I own and I desired a medium line vehicle that had several upgraded features. Because I chose a vehicle with longevity I know I will not need to purchase another vehicle for several years. Hopefully our economy will rise within the next few years however, this will affect the supply and demand when I am ready to purchase again. Today is a buyer’s market for vehicles, which is great for the consumer. With that being said, consumers should consider all costs of vehicle ownership before signing on the dotted line.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Module one review parenting skills Essay Example for Free
Module one review parenting skills Essay 1. What are the different parenting styles used by families? Which do you think is better? Why? The first type of parenting styles is the authoritarian style where the parents have all authority and say so in every matter. The second type is the permissive style where the parents are extremely passive and give the children a lot of power. The third is the democratic style of parenting where the parent considers the thoughts and feelings of the children but ultimately they make the decision. The democratic style is my personal favorite because it makes they child feel like their opinion matters but does not give them the power to run all over their parent. 2. What makes a person ready for parenthood? When should an individual consider entering parenthood? Who should postpone parenthood? Should everyone become a parent eventually? Do you think some people should not become parents altogether. I think a person is ready for parenthood when they are financially stable, emotionally stable and have a good support system behind them to help them raise a child whether that means they are married or they have family. I think an individual should consider entering parenthood when they had all of the things previously stated meaning that they are ready and when they are 100% sure that they ready and that they are not being pressured into it. I think that young people, newlyweds, and people with any doubt at all should postpone parenthood. I do not think that everyone is meant to be a parent so not everyone should eventually become one, some people are better off not having children. I think there are people in this world who should never have chi ldren altogether because they are not capable of providing a safe and loving home for them.
Effect of Schemas on Our Understanding of the Social World
Effect of Schemas on Our Understanding of the Social World Victoria Lishman With reference to relevant research studies, evaluate the extent to which our understanding of our social world is constrained by our schemas. Every[p1] day people use their senses to gain a lot of information about the world they live in. To help filter the important information, (people) human beings have developed processes to help make sense of the world around them. One process that people use is schemas; these (are based on) can produces stereotypes but provide (and) predictability. Schemas relate to particular objects, roles, events or people, they are based on memory and knowledge. However there are times where schemas can be wrong for instance if people jump to conclusions based on a stereotype which turns out to be false. There has been a variety of different research studies into the topic of schemas, how they work, how they change as well as what happens when a stereotype turns out to be wrong. This assignment will examine some of the research studies and their value in evaluating how far schemas constrain how people understand the world. People gain too much information from the world around them to accurately (understand) process it, filtering needs to occur in order for people to clarify what is important. Heider suggested that for people to understand the world they use regularity, predictability and cause and effect (Buchanan, Anand, Joffe and Thomas, 2007). Schemas contain knowledge about particular objects, people and scripts, and the information is organised in memory. It is stored and accessed in a certain way and can be added to changed or used as people learn new or different information that will change the stereotype they have on a certain object (Buchanan, Anand, Jaffe and Thomas, 2007). There are many different types of schemas, they can be about people, social roles or events, they are all used as a way of filtering as people do not have the ability to take on all information (Buchanan, Anand, Joffe and Thomas, 2007). As schemas contain generalised knowledge about objects, they can be wrong and can aff ect how people see future situations related to the object. This shows that how people see the social world can be constrained by their schemas. Information some see as being unimportant may alter the view of a person that someone else may have a different opinion of. Schemas can affect how people see the world as what people perceive is shaped by their knowledge, expectations and assumptions about the way the world is (Buchanan, Anand, Joffe and Thomas, 2007), this means that schemas can often control how people see their social world. The research study which found that schemas exist suggests that peoples social world is controlled by schemas was the research by Bartlett, (1932), who found that when English people were asked to retell a Native American folk tale it became more English over time (Buchanan, Anand, Jaffe and Thomas, 2007). They added more English expectations to it, changing the story to make sense to them, making it easier to remember and retell. This research study could be made more valid if it was done in more cultures, for example if an Indian person was asked to retell an English story, as it would allow for more participants and allow for a more generalised conclusion. The experiment by Bartlett held a lot of value as it st arted other psychologists looking in to the subject of schemas and their influence on how people understand their world and how much control they have over how people understand their social world. The method of this experiment is impacted by memory as it is unknown over what length of time the retelling of the folk tale occurs, there could have been a controlled condition where the same people were asked to retell an English folk tale to see how much they change or remember of it. This suggests that the understanding of the social world is controlled by schemas[p2]. A different research study by Darley and Gross (1983), showed that when people were asked to give their view on a girl’s academic ability based on whether she came from a high socio-economic status or a low socio-economic one, they suggested she would have an average ability. However after watching a video of her doing an oral exam which showed her having an average academic ability, their view changed. The participants who had watched the introductory video of her from a high socio-economic background suggested she had a high academic ability. However the participants that had watched the low socio-economic background introduction video suggested she had a low academic ability. This shows that the participants’ stereotypes which they had after the introductory video seemed to be confirmed after the oral video. This research study suggests that rich children are judged to be more similar to each other than to those from a lower socio-economic background (Buchanan, Anand , Jaffe and Thomas, 2007). This research study showed that while people do not generally want to seem as stereotyping others, (stereotypical,) by not jumping to a conclusion after just watching either introductory video, they seemed to have already made up their mind before watching the second video. This shows that schemas are very powerful and can lead people to conclusions without gathering all the information. The[p3] method is (accurate) valid as it allows for both the high socio-economic status stereotype and the low socio-economic stereotype. This suggests that how people see and understand the social world is constrained by schemas as the roles people are given determine other generalisations. The research study that Ruscher et al (2000) did showed that when a person is dependent on another person as well as themselves, the impression of another person is likely to be less b(i)ased on schemas and involve more information which may contradict the expectations of the person which were first thought of. This suggests that when it matters people can be more open to going beyond their initial expectations (Buchanan, Anand, Jaffe and Thomas, 2007). This experiment also shows that schemas are more efficient as people avoid doing more work unless they have to. The method of the Ruscher et al (2000) experiment was valid as it used four different conditions and the conclusion was drawn up by looking at the average time it took participants to make a comment about the target person. The conclusion drawn from the experiment showed that motivational relevance does effect the importance, people place on schemas and shows that people can form impressions based on characteristics not belo nging in the original stereotype of a person, object or event (Buchanan, Anand, Jaffe and Thomas, 2007). This research study allows for the research into schemas to be extended, it suggests future research into what other reasons people might allow for not simply going with the stereotype, is there other reasons or different motivation apart from monetary gain? It would also be interesting to see if people would do this without any motivation at all. The research shows that in some cases the social world is not constrained by schemas, that people can look beyond stereotypes; however it also asks more questions in this area[p4]. This[p5] assignment has examined several different research studies that look at schemas and shown that although in some cases schemas do control how people understand the social world, there are experiments that have shown that people can go beyond the stereotype and look at people, objects or events in different ways. The Bartlett study showed that people use schemas to change a folktale to fit in with their culture, what they understand to be right, how people are supposed to behave. The Darley and Gross study showed that people interpret things in a way to support a stereotype which they already believe to be true. However, the Ruscher et al study has shown that people can change what they believe to be true, that they can add or take away characteristics of a person so that they no longer fit with a previous stereotype. These studies together have shown that while most understanding of the social world is controlled by schemas, it is possible for stereotypes to be changed. Howev er the Rusher et al study which showed this, used motivation for people to change their stereotypes and therefore it means that there could be more research done in this area. Word count: 1357 Bibliography Buchanan, K., Anand, P., Jaffe, H. and Thomas, K. (2007) Perceiving and understanding the social world in Miell, D. Pheonix, A. Thomas, K. (Eds.), Mapping psychology (2nd ed.). Milton Keynes: The Open University. [p1]A reasonable introduction which shows understanding of the issue, and tells the reader how you mean to tackle the question. [p2]Clear account of Bartlett’s work with some relevant commentary about the methodology. [p3]However, it could be said to lack ecological validity since the scenario is presented in a very different way to the real world. [p4]Clear, accurate and concise account of this study, its methodological benefits and implications in relation to the question. [p5]A clear and well- focused conclusion, which clearly summarises you points, in relation to the question,
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Never-ending Story: Sexual Orientation and Genetics Essay -- Biolo
The Never-ending Story: Sexual Orientation and Genetics It is my observation that the average person gains insight into the nature vs. nurture debate when some particular human trait that is politically or socially volatile at the time is announced as having a specific genetic origin. This observation was confirmed when, in surfing the web, I came across an article entitled, "Female Inner Ear Comes Out of the Closet (1)." While reporting on a study published by a UT psychology professor who found that homosexual women exhibit tones in the inner ear similar to those of male test subjects, the Daily Texan journalist, with no explanation or sources, effortlessly mixes and confuses the social construction with the "science" of sexual orientationâ€â€even in her or his title. Attempting to get to the root of how an individual's sexual preference is determined, and the subsequent attempt to designate these individual tendencies into definitive statements regarding large groups in society has become a seductive topic for numerous media source s within the past decade or so. A closer look at this debate reveals the relative error of exploring one side without an equal exploration of the other. Dean Hamer et al at the National Cancer Institute published the initial paper that is accountable for the explosion of interest and argument regarding genetic determination of sexual preference in 1993 (2). Hamer's study found that, of thirty-two pairs of brothers who were "exclusively or mostly" homosexual, twenty-two pairs of brothers shared the same type of genetic material. This introduced the idea that there is a gene for homosexuality. Hamer went on to identify a specific genetic sequence that exists on the maternally passed-on X chromosome... ... our society than whether or not sexual preference is a choice: that humans today are too focused on the why and the how of society and not the what and for what good. References 1)University of Texas Psychology Page, a short article from a local newspaper citing new and strange study 2)Bryn Mawr College Student Biology Page, good overview of major genetics of sexual orientation studies in last decade 3)Hampshire University Website, thoughtful and comprehensive discussion of genetics of sexual orientation 4)Frank Aqueno Website, an interesting but biased conversation between a famous professor/author and an gay rights activist
Monday, August 19, 2019
Anorexia Essay -- essays research papers fc
"Anorexia Nervosa" Bizarre, devastating, and baffling are three words that describe the anorexia nervosa disease. By definition, anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a normal-weight person diets and becomes significantly underweight, yet, still feeling fat, continue to starve themselves. The term "anorexia nervosa" literally means nervous lose of appetite. People with the disorder are suppressing a strong desire to eat, because they are afraid of becoming fat. Anorexia is characterized by extreme starvation that leads to a disastrous loss of weight. Anorexia nervosa affects a large number of people today in the world, and does not discriminate against anybody. Its victims can be overweight, thin, young, old, or either sex although, its primary victims are young girls between the age of thirteen and nineteen. This disorder has become more and more common around the world today. It has populated many college campuses, and it is spreading. Recent studies show that almost 20% of c ollege women suffer from anorexia or bulimia (bulimia is a eating disorder similar to anorexia), and the statistic increases to about 50% when so called "fad" bulimics and anorexics are included (Baker 9). This disease takes ordinary, often very beautiful people and drives them to starvation for no apparent reason whatsoever. They do not even seem to realize the extreme danger that comes with not eating a balanced diet. These young people lose so much weight that it makes them extremely fragile and sometimes causes death. Death was very near to a girl named Patti, who suffered through anorexia for more than two years. She ate nothing but two cream-filled cookies a day for more than seven weeks. The first cookie was breakfast and lunch, and the second was for her main meal. When she decided that these two cookies had too much fat in them, she proceeded to scrape off the cream filling from both of the cookies to decrease her fat intake. But still that was too much fat, so she cut down to one cookie without the filling. She now gets fed intravenously in her arm to get nourishment in the hospital. She is being fed against her will to save her life. But of course not all cases of this disorder are quite as severe or dramatic as this, yet all cases should be helped, because they can take a... ... is also accompanied by the National Association for Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD). These groups are paving the way to make these disorders easier to cure. They provide family therapy, psychotherapy, and hypnosis. Since there are so many philosophies about treating anorexia nervosa, exploring for a suitable therapist is suggested. This terrible, bizarre disorder has became more popular in the past few decades, but there are newer and better ways of treating it. There are no general answers to why people become anorexic and why when on the brink of death they continue to starve themselves, but they need to know that there is help out there and they are wanted. With the continued investigation of anorexia, we will undoubtedly come up with better and better ways to treat it. Bibliography Baker, C. The Perfect Trap: College-age Women and Eating Disorders. Copyright Catherine Baker. Pirke, K.M., and Ploog,D. eds.(1984) The Psychobiology of Anorexia Nervosa. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Lord Of The Flies - Discovery :: essays research papers
Lord Of Flies( The Importance of self-discovery) 1Human should understand the importance of self-discovery. In the Lord of the Flies, Ralph, Simon and Samneric learned the weaknesses and darkness within the human hearts. People grows up when they faces a challenge. Ralph ‘s challenge is how to be a good and responsible leader. Simon’s challenge is how to speak at front of people. Samneric’s challenge is how to make right choice. The truth about self-discovery may be cruel, but it is worth to learn from it. 2Ralph is being a playful, innocent child in the beginning of the story, but towards the end he matures significantly. Excluding Piggy, Ralph is the most mature and responsible member of the boys, for he is concerned throughout the book with keeping the fire on the mountain going, and building shelter. " If a ship comes near the island they may not notice us. So we must make smoke on top of the mountain. We must make a fire." pg,37 Ralph always has the strong belief that all the children will be saved from the island sooner or later, but at middle part of the story he begins to doubting it. At end of the story, after the death of Piggy, Ralph’s encounter with the Lord of the Flies, he knocks over the pig’s skull. " A sick fear and rage swept him. Fiercely he hit out at the filthy thing in front of him that bobbed like a toy and came back, still grinning into his face, so that he lashed and cried out in loathing." pg206 Ralph realize the evil is part of him and just as to other boys. However, he is the only person who acknowledges the importance of being responsible, and he takes over as a true leader even though he is not necessarily good at it. 3Sam and Eric represents the crowd in modern society, just like every ordinary human. They are faithful and mostly good. They can be described as loyalist in the story. Their rule is to serve whomever is the leader. For example when Jack says " Grab them! No one moved. Jack shouted angrily. I said " grab them"! " Samneric finally give into his threats on their travel to Castle Rock. Later, then betray Ralph, by showing his hiding place to Jack. " You’re sure he meant in there? The twin moaned faintly and then squealed again. " " He meant he’d hide in there?" pg. 214 In this way, Samneric symbolize the weakness of human nature. They have lose any real sense of loyalty to others.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
It strategy vs business strategy Essay
In most organizations IT expenditure is considered as one of the larger if not the largest contributor to capital investment and expenditure. Technology has a significant effect on the business landscape of most organizations and the market place they operate in. The goal of IT as such should be directed toward the alignment of IT strategy with an organization’s overall business strategy (Mulcay, 2001). It is argued though that the inability to successfully derive value from IT investment is, for the most part due to a lack of alignment between IT and business strategies. Johnson and Scholes cited by Riley (2012) define strategy as follows â€Å"Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long-term: which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources within a challenging environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfill stakeholder expectations†. In unpacking the definition, simply the business strategy that the business has decided to follow needs accurate configuration of resource – human resource, technology resource, financial resource etc., so as to gain competitive advantage, meet objectives and stakeholder expectation. Henderson & Venkatraman (1999) argue that there is no IT application or system, regardless of how cutting edge or sophisticated it maybe, that will build and sustain a competitive advantage for an organization for a sustained period of time. Organizations, in order to sustain competitive advantage should continuously endeavor to exploit it’s IT functionality and resource to maintain an advantage. In my opinion this is achieved by out of the box, evolutionary thinking by both business and IT leaders. Furthermore, both business and IT leaders need to understand fully the role that IT can support and re-shape business strategy decisions and improve IT effectiveness and ultimately improve business performance. SHOULD A COMPANY’S IT STRATEGY FOLLOW ITS BUSINESS STRATEGY OR SHOULD IT LEAD ITS BUSINESS STRATEGY? WHY In my opinion IT is vary rarely the core business unless of course we mention Microsoft or Google and the like where technology is the primary focus area but it must noted that the actual business process for each is different and intellectual property is what is regarded most valuable. Hence, I agree with (Abate 2009, Henderson & Venkatraman 1999, Skriletz 2013) and many other researchers and commentators, that IT’s role should be regarded as the enabler or driver of the business strategy. IT’s strategy, investment; architecture even projects all need be dictated by overall business strategy, but should be part of process that helps the formation of the overall strategy. IT leaders need to possess the knowledge of new enabling technologies and how these technologies can be integrated into the business. Very often the business strategy is formed and developed in isolation and IT is seen as a support function only, rather than as function that can contribute to forming the strategy itself. IT leaders need to be part of the process that delivers the direction the business chooses to follow. Luftman & Brier (1999) echo this sentiment in that just as HR and marketing are important parts of strategy so to should IT. Venkatraman and Henderson (2000) assert that business strategists cannot be seen to take the leading role whilst the IT strategist is seen as a support role. It is imperative both take the lead in designing the business platform. â€Å"Business and IT strategists working together to shape new business; IT is not subordinate to business strategy but an extricate part of it†. FACTORS TO CONSIDER Technology is seen as one of key elements that drive change and transformation. Intelligent use of technology can deliver a competitive advantage, streamline processes create cost efficiencies and optimization for most organizations and as organizations strive for these competitive advantages and efficiencies it would really not be prudent to exclude the technology people from the process of strategy development as those organizations that do include them, will certainly claim the competitive edge and advantage. â€Å"Regardless of what industry you’re in, it’s hard to think about a business that couldn’t exploit IT for competitive advantage if they chose to,†says Barbara Gomolski, an analyst at Gartner cited in an article by Moore (2011). The industries that have seen growth by aligning IT and business strategy and have used it as a driver and an enabler include the airline industry that has leveraged IT and now allows customers to book directly with carriers rather than involving third party agents. The banking industry has really embraced technology with the likes of online banking and transactions, which show true alignment and involvement of IT in business strategy and goal setting. Technology drives their growth. The sentiment shared and one that I agree with is that by including IT in the formulation of business strategy will certainly assist the organization in achieving its goals. The exploitation of technology as a means is key and if you don’t necessarily feel that, then I guarantee IT is treated as being outside of the core business strategy and as a result the organization is not deriving value from one of it’s most if not the most valuable resources. References Venkatraman N & Henderson JC. 2000: Business platforms for the 21st Century, in Mastering Information Management, edited by DA Marchand, TH Davenport & T Dickson. Great Britain: Prentice Hall: 283-289 Mulcay K. 2001: The IT Dilemma. World Trade, 14(4): 48-48. Henderson JC & Venkatraman N. 1999: Strategic Alignment: Leveraging information technology for transforming organisations. IBM Systems Journal, 38(2&3): 472-484. Luftman J & Brier T. 1999: Achieving and Sustaining Business-IT alignment. California Management Review, 42(1): 109-122. Abate R, (2008) IT should be an enabler to business [Available online at] http://www.information-managem e (Accessed 18 June 2014) Skriletz R (2013) How to make IT a business enabler [Available online at] (Accessed 18 June 2014) Moore J (2011) Make It part of your Business Strategy [Available online at ] (Accessed 18 June 2014) Riley J, (2012) What is strategy [Available online at] (Accessed 18 June 2014)
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