Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Wife Of Bath Essays - Fiction, Literature, Kingdom Hearts Characters
Wife Of Bath Essays - Fiction, Literature, Kingdom Hearts Characters Wife Of Bath The Wife of Bath, Dame Alice is quite a spiteful woman even though she desires only a few simple things in life; power and control. Through her prologue and tale, she makes mirror images of herself , which reflects the person who she really is. Dame Alice desires the obvious in life, but what she most desires above all is being more powerful than her man, her spouse, and her lover. In a relationship, she wishes to be dominant, the one who has the last to say, the one who has control over all things in the relationship. This can be first seen in her prologue, I'll have a husband yet who shall be both my debtor and my slave and bear his tribulation to the grave upon his flesh, as long as I'm his wife. For mine shall be the power all his life over his proper body, and not he(55-59). It is then shown again in her tale when knight returns the castle and fulfills the task assigned by the queen, a woman wants the self-same sovereignty over her husband as over her lover, and master him; he must not be above her (174-176). Yet another example of Dame Alice's wish to be dominant is presented later in the tale told by her. The old hag, after marrying the knight, gives him a choice. It was either to have her old and ugly but faithful o r young and pretty but wonder off. You have two choices; which one will you try? To have me old and ugly till I die, but still loyal, true, and humble wife that will never displease you all her life, or would you rather I were young and pretty and chance your arm what happens in the city where friends will visit you because of me, yes, and on other places too, maybe.(309-316) By comparing the Wife of Bath's prologue to her tale, it is quite obvious that Dame Alice wants to be the old hag. In some aspects, Dame Alice can be said to be jealous of the old hag. After all, the hag was given power and dominance over her husband. In Dame Alice's true life it was not completely true. The husbands that Dame Alice had, three of them were good and two were bad. (92) The three that she had were called 'good' because they were rich and old(93) Dame Alice had complete control over them. But for her fourth and fifth husband, there was another story. The fourth one cheated on her and the fifth one, Johnny, she loved most, the one I took for love and not for wealth(339) And it is because she loved him so that she gave up everything to Johnny. I handed him the money, lands, and all that ever had been given me before; this I repented later. . .(401-403) From this it can be seen that Johnny had the upper hand. And of course, this is not what Dame Alice desire. However, in he r tale, the old hag has the power in the relationship. She is given the choice of what to do and when to do it, you make the choice yourself(322). Dame Alice had the option of choosing taken away from her when she gave everything to Johnny. The major similarity between Dame Alice and the old hag is the appearance. Both Dame Alice and the hag are not very attractive and both are old. Dame Alice is describes herself as I was forty then, to tell the truth. But still, I always had a coltish tooth. Yes, I'm gap toothed; it suits me well(394-396). The old hag is described by the knight in the tale as old, and so abnomably plain, so poor to start with, so low-bred to follow(236-237). The old hag is then described as being old and fouler then a fen(303). After Dame Alice's tale is told, it is simple to see that all she wants is what every woman wants in a relationship, the self-same sovereignty over her husband as over her lover, and master him; he must not be above her.(175,tale) And it is because of this desire for power that Dame
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824 Landmark Legal Case
Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824 Landmark Legal Case The Supreme Court case Gibbons v. Ogden established important precedents about interstate commerce when it was decided in 1824. The case arose from a dispute concerning early steamboats chugging about in the waters of New York, but principles established in the case resonate to the present day. The decision in Gibbons v. Ogden created an enduring legacy as it established the general principle that interstate commerce as mentioned in the Constitution included more than just the buying and selling of goods. By considering the operation of steamboats to be interstate commerce, and thus activity coming under the authority of the federal government, the Supreme Court established a precedent which would impact many later cases. The immediate effect of the case was that it struck down a New York law granting a monopoly to a steamboat owner. By eliminating the monopoly, the operation of steamboats became a highly competitive business beginning in the 1820s. In that atmosphere of competition, great fortunes could be made. And the greatest American fortune of the mid-1800s, the enormous wealth of Cornelius Vanderbilt, could be traced to the decision that eliminated the steamboat monopoly in New York. The landmark court case involved young Cornelius Vanderbilt. And Gibbons v. Ogden also provided a platform and cause for Daniel Webster, a lawyer and politician whose oratorical skills would come to influence American politics for decades. However, the two men for whom the case was named, Thomas Gibbons and Aaron Ogden, were fascinating characters in their own right. Their personal histories, which included them being neighbors, business associates, and eventually bitter enemies, provided a raucous background to the lofty legal proceedings. The concerns of steamboat operators in the early decades of the 19th century seem quaint and very distant from modern life. Yet the decision rendered by the Supreme Court in 1824 influences life in America to the present day. The Steamboat Monopoly The great value of steam power became apparent in the late 1700s, and Americans in the 1780s were working, mostly unsuccessfully, to build practical steamboats. Robert Fulton, an American living in England, had been an artist who became involved in designing canals. During a trip to France, Fulton was exposed to advances in steamboats. And, with the financial backing of the wealthy American ambassador to France, Robert Livingston, Fulton began working to build a practical steamboat in 1803. Livingston, who had been one of the nations founding fathers, was very wealthy and possessed extensive landholdings. But he also possessed another asset with the potential to be enormously valuable: He had secured, through his political connections, the right to have a monopoly on steamboats in the waters of New York State. Anyone who wanted to operate a steamboat had to partner with Livingston, or purchase a license from him. After Fulton and Livingston returned to America, Fulton launched his first practical steamboat, The Clermont, in August 1807, four years after he met up with Livingston. The two men soon had a thriving business. And under New York law, no one could launch steamboats in New York waters to compete with them. Competitors Steam Ahead Aaron Ogden, a lawyer and veteran of the Continental Army, was elected governor of New Jersey in 1812 and sought to challenge the steamboat monopoly by buying and operating a steam-powered ferry. His attempt failed. Robert Livingston had died, but his heirs, along with Robert Fulton, successfully defended their monopoly in the courts. Ogden, defeated but still believing he could turn a profit, obtained a license from the Livingston family and operated a steam ferry between New York and New Jersey. Ogden had become friends with Thomas Gibbons, a wealthy lawyer and cotton dealer from Georgia who had moved to New Jersey. At some point the two men had a dispute and things turned inexplicably bitter. Gibbons, who had participated in duels back in Georgia, challenged Ogden to a duel in 1816. The two men never met to exchange gunfire. But, being two very angry lawyers, they began a series of antagonistic legal maneuvers against each other’s business interests. Seeing great potential, both to make money and harm Ogden, Gibbons decided that he would go into the steamboat business and challenge the monopoly. He also hoped to put his adversary Ogden out of business. Ogden’s ferry, the Atalanta, was matched by a new steamboat, the Bellona, which Gibbons put into the water in 1818. To pilot the boat, Gibbons had hired a boatman in his mid-twenties named Cornelius Vanderbilt. Growing up in a Dutch community on Staten Island, Vanderbilt had started his career as a teenager running a small boat called a periauger between Staten Island and Manhattan. Vanderbilt quickly became known about the harbor as someone who worked relentlessly. He possessed keen sailing skill, with an impressive knowledge of every current in the notoriously tricky waters of New York Harbor. And Vanderbilt was fearless when sailing in rough conditions. Thomas Gibbons put Vanderbilt to work as the captain of his new ferry in 1818. For Vanderbilt, used to being his own boss, it was an unusual situation. But working for Gibbons meant he could learn a lot about steamboats. And he also must have realized he could learn a lot about business from watching how Gibbons waged his endless battles against Ogden. In 1819 Ogden went to court to shut down the ferry run by Gibbons. When threatened by process servers, Cornelius Vanderbilt continued sailing the ferry back and forth. At points he was even arrested. With his own growing connections in New York politics, he was generally able to get the charges thrown out, though he did rack up a number of fines. During a year of legal skirmishing the case between Gibbons and Ogden moved through the New York State courts. In 1820 the New York courts upheld the steamboat monopoly. Gibbons was ordered to cease operating his ferry. The Federal Case Gibbons, of course, was not about to quit. He chose to appeal his case to the federal courts. He had obtained what was known as a â€Å"coasting†license from the federal government. That allowed him to operate his boat along the coasts of the United States, in accordance with a law from the early 1790s. The position of Gibbons in his federal case would be that federal law should supersede state law. And, that the commerce clause under Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution should be interpreted to mean that carrying passengers on a ferry was interstate commerce. Gibbons sought out an impressive attorney to plead his case: Daniel Webster, the New England politician who was gaining national fame as a great orator. Webster seemed the perfect choice, as he was interested in advancing the cause of business in the growing country. Cornelius Vanderbilt, who had been hired by Gibbons because of his tough reputation as a sailor, volunteered to travel to Washington to meet with Webster and another prominent lawyer and politician, William Wirt. Vanderbilt was largely uneducated, and throughout his life he would often be considered a fairly coarse character. So he seemed an unlikely character to be dealing with Daniel Webster. Vanderbilt’s desire to be involved in the case indicates that he recognized its great importance to his own future. He must have realized that dealing with the legal issues would teach him a lot. After meeting with Webster and Wirt, Vanderbilt remained in Washington while the case first went to the U.S. Supreme Court. To the disappointment of Gibbons and Vanderbilt, the nation’s highest court refused to hear it on a technicality, as the courts in New York State had not yet entered a final judgment. Returning to New York City, Vanderbilt went back to operating the ferry, in violation of the monopoly, while still trying to avoid the authorities and at times skirmishing with them in local courts. Eventually the case was put on the Supreme Court’s docket, and arguments were scheduled. At the Supreme Court In early Februrary 1824 the case of Gibbons v. Ogden was argued in the Supreme Court chambers, which were, at that time, located in the U.S. Capitol. The case was briefly mentioned in the New York Evening Post on February 13, 1824. There was actually considerable public interest in the case due to changing attitudes in America. In the early 1820s the nation was approaching its 50th anniversary, and a general theme was that business was growing. In New York, the Erie Canal, which would transform the country in major ways, was under construction. In other places canals were operating, mills were producing fabric, and early factories were producing any number of products. To show off all the industrial progress America had made in its five decades of freedom, the federal government even invited an old friend, the Marquis de Lafayette to visit the country and tour all 24 states. In that atmosphere of progress and growth, the idea that one state could write a law that might arbitrarily restrict business was seen as a problem which needed to be solved. So while the legal battle between Gibbons and Ogden may have been conceived in a bitter rivalry between two cantankerous lawyers, it was obvious at the time that the case would have implications across American society. And the public seemed to want free trade, meaning restrictions shouldnt be placed by individual states. Daniel Webster argued that portion of the case with his usual eloquence. He delivered a speech which was later considered important enough to be included in anthologies of his writings. At one point Webster stressed that it was well-known why the U.S. Constitution had to be written after the young country encountered many problems under The Articles of Confederation: â€Å"Few things are better known than the immediate causes which led to the adoption of the present Constitution; and there is nothing, as I think, clearer, than that the prevailing motive was to regulate commerce; to rescue it from the embarrassing and destructive consequences resulting from the legislation of so many different States, and to place it under the protection of a uniform law.†In his impassioned argument, Webster stated that creators of the Constitution, when speaking of commerce, fully intended it to mean the entire country as a unit: â€Å"What is it that is to be regulated? Not the commerce of the several States, respectively, but the commerce of the United States. Henceforth, the commerce of the States was to be a unit, and the system by which it was to exist and be governed must necessarily be complete, entire, and uniform. Its character was to be described in the flag which waved over it, E Pluribus Unum.†Following Websters star performance, William Wirt also spoke for Gibbons, making arguments about monopolies and commercial law. The lawyers for Ogden then spoke to argue in favor of the monopoly. To many members of the public, the monopoly had seemed unfair and outdated, a throwback to some earlier era. In the 1820s, with business growing in the young country, Webster seemed to have captured the American mood with an oration that evoked the progress that was possible when all the states operated under a system of uniform laws. The LandmarkDecision After a few weeks of suspense, the Supreme Court announced its decision on March 2, 1824. The court voted 6-0, and the decision was written by Chief Justice John Marshall. The carefully reasoned decision, in which Marshall generally agreed with Daniel Websters position, was published widely, including on the front page of the New York Evening Post on March 8, 1824. The Supreme Court struck down the steamboat monopoly law. And it declared that it was unconstitutional for states to enact laws that restricted interstate commerce. That decision in 1824 about steamboats has had an impact ever since. As new technologies came along in transportation and even communication, efficient operation across state lines has been possible thanks to Gibbons v. Ogden. An immediate effect was that Gibbons and Vanderbilt were now free to operate their steam ferry. And Vanderbilt naturally saw great opportunity and began building his own steamboats. Others also got into the steamboat trade in the waters around New York, and within years there was bitter competition between boats carrying freight and passengers. Thomas Gibbons did not get to enjoy his victory for long, as he died two years later. But he had taught Cornelius Vanderbilt a lot about how to conduct business in a freewheeling and ruthless manner. Decades later, Vanderbilt would tangle with Wall Street operators Jay Gould and Jim Fisk in the battle for the Erie Railroad, and his early experience watching Gibbons in his epic struggle with Ogden and others must have served him well. Daniel Webster went on to become one of the most prominent politicians in America, and along with Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun, the three men known as the Great Triumvirate would dominate the U.S. Senate.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
E-businese system about Chinese supermarket in UK Assignment
E-businese system about Chinese supermarket in UK - Assignment Example Part A 1. Introduction of the E-Business System and Organisation The Chinese grocer chin, Huaxing Chinese Supermarket uses on e-commerce and e-marketing work system that makes to successfully make significant contributions to achieving the organization’s goals and objectives. The company implements the e-commerce business system. Under the system, the company uses an online website,, to increase revenues generated from the company’s physical store revenues. In the e-commerce and e-marketing business system, the current and future customers visit the company’s online website (Daft, 2011). The company’s fixed office phone is 01316629892. The company sells the usual supermarket products. Further, the company’s website informs the current and future customers that some of the Huaxing products are imported from different countries. One of the grocery chain food supply group is the Japan-based grocery chain suppliers group. Anoth er food supplier group includes all companies located in Korea. Another grocery chain food supply group is the China -based grocery chain suppliers group. Another food supplier group includes all companies located in South Korea. The other suppliers of the Chinese store fall under the Thailand supplier group (Shajahan, 2007). Furthermore, the company, Huaxing Chinese Supermarket in the United Kingdom, also advertises the many benefits of taking advantage of the company’s e-commerce and e-marketing business online shopping environment (Ferrell, 2010). The company can advertise the friendly personality of all online store and physical store sales personnel. One of the attractions of the company’s online website is permitting the customers to order the delivery of the grocery and other supermarket items to the buyers’ preferred addresses (Gupta, 2011). The customers can save time ordering their supermarket goods online compared to visiting the Huaxing Chinese Super market in the United Kingdom physical store. Moreover, the Huaxing Chinese Supermarket in the United Kingdom website work system includes offering the customer several choices. The website contains pictures of the company’s top selling items. With the work system’s online website pictures, the current and future customers can vividly pick out which products to check out online. With the pictures, the e-commerce and e-marketing customers can seemingly have the same feeling as the person who personally drops by the Huaxing Chinese Supermarket in the United Kingdom to see how each fruit or vegetable classification or name looks like (Bagad, 2009). Work System Snapshot of Huaxing Supermarket (U.K.) *www.huaxing offers online supermarket shopping (e-commerce and e-marketing) Customers of Huaxing Supermarket (U.K.) *People who buy supermarket products *Wholesalers and retailers of supermarket products Products *Grocery Items *Other supermarket products Business Proce ss * Current and future customers log on to *Customers pick out their preferred supermarket product choices from the available website picture choices. *Customer enters the order and pays using credit cards. * Huaxing finds the supermarket products ordered by the customers. *Huaxing delivery department delivers food choices to the e-commerce & e-marketing customers. *If the products are not in the warehouse, the delivery departme
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
ANALYSIS OF WRITTEN AND SPOKEN LANGUAGE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
ANALYSIS OF WRITTEN AND SPOKEN LANGUAGE - Essay Example Even when existing within the same genre of reporting, the differences between delivery types often dictate the way in which a report is written, including the various ways in which language is used to indicate the type of information contained, its identification as a formal or informal report, the means by which it is intended to be transmitted and the ways in which the information is strung together. The best way to understand the differences imposed by the delivery method is by comparing two different news reports, both covering the same topic, but distributing through differing media to a relatively comparable audience. In this type of comparison, one is able to look at the ways in which the report communicates its genre, how the text appears different from written to oral reporting, how the transitions change from one form to another and how the register, or tone, of the piece can change based upon the supposed audience style. Breaking news on the morning of September 10 focused upon the near shut-down of all UK airports in response to the discovery of a terrorist plot to detonate bombs on airliners while in flight. The CNN News report, aired around the world through various television channels and radio stations, immediately allowed audiences to identify the story as belonging to the genre of serious world news from the very first utterance by Robin Oakley. This is denoted by the carefully neutral tone of voice in which the report is delivered as well as the immediate introduction of â€Å"Home Secretary John Reid†, the very first words of the report. Although there is a touch to the light side, with the concept of people digesting their breakfasts, the introduction to the piece is kept as small and tightly contained as possible and the report shifts almost immediately to the words of the Home Secretary himself. In this and in other aspects, the story follows
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Issues in the 2008 Presidential Elections Essay Example for Free
Issues in the 2008 Presidential Elections Essay The forthcoming US presidential election has elicited excitement from the public due to its unique characteristics. For the first time in the history of the United States there is a high probability that the next president to take the office will be either the most advanced in age or be from a minority grouping. The core of the election however is not on the superficial characteristic of the two individuals but by on the far reaching policies that affect the Americans. The purpose of this paper is to look at the nature of the policies that each candidate vows to uphold. It will also offer a persuasive opinion on who between the two candidates has the better policies. A look at the US foreign policy indicates that it revolves around a number of issues key to them being terrorism and proliferation of nuclear weapons. For John Mc Cain’s, the Republican Presidential candidate, foreign policy adversely focuses on these two issues. McCain links the ongoing Iraq war to the war on terror. To him, a win in the war will be a huge step in the eradication of terrorists especially the Islamic extremists in the Middle East. His policy points out to the need to provide additional forces in Iraq and also in Afghanistan. Afghanistan requires a surge of NATO forces to get rid of the insurgents that are currently carrying out bomb attacks against civilians and the coalition forces present. McCain’s foreign policy is mostly centralized in the Middle East. He advocates for the closer ties between the US and Pakistanis which is a strategic partner in the war against terror. He notes that America must continue to work with President Perez Musharraf to dismantle the cells and the camps that the Taliban and Al Qaeda maintain in his country (Council of Foreign Relations, 2007) On nuclear weapons McCain first target is Iran which he accuses to be a chief supporter of terrorism and hence an arch enemy of the US. He proposes the imposition of sanctions to compel Iran to forego its nuclear mission. He also advocates for the solving of the global issues through partnerships with other nations in the world through what he refers to as the â€Å"world wide League of Democracies. †(Council of Foreign Relations, 2007) In Foreign policy, the Democratic Party presidential candidate, Barrack Obama advocates for defensive attacks as opposed to pre emptive attacks. In the same breath his policy voices its opposition to the war in Iraq. He terms it as having been pre emptive. Obama’s proposal is that it is the high time that the United States began a well laid down policy that addresses pulling out the forces in Iraq. He sees no link between the war in Iraq and terrorism instead believing that Afghanistan should be the centre of attention. He argues that his core strategy will be â€Å"getting out of Iraq and on to the right battle field in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Such strategy will be backed by multilateral interactions with other partners and not through unilateral actions (George, 2008). In contrast to McCain, Obama does not believe that sanctions in Iran should be the first steps but rather he advocates for the initiation of direct diplomatic talks to address the underlying issues. (Nicholas, 2008) On health care, McCain’s core interest is on the cost and the expensive nature of health insurance cover. He notes that it is becoming increasingly costly for both employers and individuals to buy health covers. Hence, the key concern would be making it cheaper. Universal care to him is not the solution but the solution lies in addressing the factors that push the cost of healthcare. Americans, according to McCain, should be allowed to buy their insurance from any place in the nation where they deem it cheap rather than restricting them to their own states. In this hence, employers will not be compelled to provide insurance cover to their employees making his scheme to be more individual oriented (Catherine, 2008). Obama’s plan for health care differs from McCain. Whereas McCain is advocating for lesser government role health care, Obama is for increased government participation. Obama refers to his plan as advocating for managed competition where the government sponsors health care provision and also gives room to the provision by private insurers but notes on the importance of their regulation to ensure they do not deny access to some members. Contrary to McCain’s plan, Obama does not propose individual access or intra-state buying of health insurance. Obama also states that it will not be mandatory upon adults to have an insurance cover but insists that children will have to be covered (Catherine, 2008). The issue of immigration has also been given prominence in the election and it is posing tricky challenges with each candidate hoping to garner the support of over 8 million Latinos and at the same time being cautious not to vex the conservative block in their specific parties. McCain recognizes the urgency in the need to address the issue of immigration. His approach to the problem is to first seal the boarders to prevent illegal immigration then proceed from there. His policy lacks in clarity and concision especially in the knowledge that he introduced a bill in the house to address comprehensively the issue of immigration. McCain appreciates the fact that immigration is the force behind the wave of crimes that face the United States and believes that the solution lies in deporting criminals and only allowing guest workers from Latin America. He vows to introduce an electronic system that will verify the identification of workers and be able to detect aliens. This will be backed by the need to prosecute those employers that employ illegal immigration (McCain- Palin, 2008). Obama also recognizes the seriousness of the issue and how it continues to draw heated debates in the public forum. He is in support of the McCain-Edward bill that sought to address the issue and advocates for comprehensive immigration reforms. He promises to address the issue during his first year in office. Both McCain’s and Obama’s immigration policies resemble each other although Obama emphasizes on the need also to fast track the process of legalization for those that are yet to be registered in the United States, while at the same facilitating family immigrations (Farnam, 2008).. The verdict on the race to the white house indicates that it is a hotly contested election. Both candidates are running neck to neck though some polls favor Obama as having an edge over McCain. A look at the issues presented in this paper and on others in the public court indicates that both candidates have set out concrete plans to drive the nation for the next four years. However, a simple analysis of the core issues that require immediate attention reveals Obama’s policies to be better than McCain’s. Obama had vehemently voiced his opposition to the war long before his candidacy to 2008 presidential elections had become obvious. McCain on the other hand had voted for the Iraq war and has continued to support an upsurge of the military forces in Iraq. It is plausible to say that the war in Iraq has contributed a lot to the woes facing the United States today. The government has spent billions in a war that meant nothing to Americans in the face of the spiraling economic recession. McCain is vowing to continue with the war, risking more of American soldier’s lives and spending additional billions. Obama has advocated for a withdrawal vowing instead to concentrate efforts in Afghanistan which is believed to be the cradle of terrorism. This is a sound foreign policy strategy and majority of Americans are siding with him. Most Americans draw parallel between the wars in Iraq and woes facing the economy. With no additional expenditure on the war and with a better plan to revive the economy, Obama indicates he is in touch with the immediate problems facing the United States. This is further evident in his health plan. While it is clear that both candidates are seeking for the extended health coverage for Americans, Obama’s idea of regulating health insurance companies and emphasis on the increased role of the government emphasizes the importance of the government to directly safeguard the health interests of its citizens. It is indeed clear that with the proposal for a multilateral approach to global problems, the sound health policy and the recognition of immigrants’ labor importance, Obama is the natural choice of the forthcoming presidential elections.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Abuse and Child Development Essay -- Domestic Violence
Abuse and Child Development This paper will investigate the abuse of children and some of the ways which young children are affected developmentally. I will try and present an overview of the major types of abuse but my big focus and most of my research has been to cover sexual abuse and its effect on development in young children and how it can affect brain development. Child abuse is defined as the mistreatment of children or minors, resulting in a variety of harmful and damaging results with regard to the well being and safety of the victim. Child abuse can range in the details and circumstances in which the offence takes place; child abuse can take place in a direct physical fashion, which includes attack and physical assault however child abuse can take place verbally and psychologically also. Abuse includes physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, verbal, and neglect (medical and other). Physical abuse is physical force or violence that results in bodily injury, pain or impairment. It includes assault, battery and inappropriate restraint. In the U.S., state and local protective services investigated 3.6 million reports of child abuse or neglect in 2006. Of these, more than 900,000 children were identified as victims of child maltreatment. (Craig & Dunn, Ex.: 2010, p. 195) Parents are most likely to be perpetrators of child maltreatment: In 2006, 83% of victims were abused by a parent, either acting alone or with another person. Mothers are somewhat more likely than father to maltreat their children, in part because they spend more time with them. (Craig & Dunn, Ex.: 2010, p. 198) Physical abuse can have a number of long term effects. It can cause physical injury, brain damage, and may lead to emotional dev... ...le River, N.J. Developmental stages. Retrieved from Effects of maltreatment on brain development. (n.d.). Retrieved from Effects of maltreatment on the brain. Retrieved from Effects on brain development [Educational report]. Retrieved from Yale psychiatric institute: Erickson’s third stage of development. Retrieved from How does physical abuse impact a child? (2008). Retrieved from Lamont, A. (2010). Effects of child abuse and neglect for children and adolescents [Family study]. Retrieved from Australian institute of family studies: Perry, M.D., Ph.D., B. D. (2002). Helping traumatized children [Issue Brief]. Retrieved from The child trauma academy:
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Martin Johnson Heade Essay
Martin Johnson Heade (originally Heed), the eldest son in a large family of Joseph Howell Heed was born on 11th August, 1819 in Lumberville, a small rural location near Doylestown in Bucks country of Pennsylvania (Hollis Taggart Galleries, Para. 1). His father owned a farm and a lumber mill. His life is said to have been influenced by the two cousins, Thomas Hicks and Edward Hicks who probably taught him his first art lessons locally. His passion for art grew considerably in the 1840s, and it is around this time that he took a study tour to England and stayed in Rome Italy for two years. By the year 1843, he was residing in New York and later moved to Brooklyn, where he changed his name to Heade, and later on moved to Philadelphia (Hollis Taggart Galleries, Para. 2). In 1848, he took his second academic European tour to return later in 1850. The second trip did not leave him settled either, as he continued to travel while settling down briefly in the towns of St. Louis, New Haven and Providence. It was in this decade that he deeply studied and explored the effects of light on the environment, a subject that was equally dear to American Luminists Sanford Gifford, John Kensett C as well as Fitz Lane Hugh. Consequently he fully got into landscape painting (Hollis Taggart Galleries, Para. 2). In 1859, he rented a studio in the famous tenth street studio building in New York and became a full time painter (Lurie and Mappen, Pp. 355. ) It is in relation to this that he is remembered for his flora, fauna and landscape paintings that do not only have a rich effect of color and light but could also portray some poetic sentiments. Its while operating from the same studio that he met Fredric Edwin Church from the Hudson River school who was later to become his close friend and associate. This period is seen as the turning point in his life as it signaled the onset of his unique lifestyle and a lasting interest in landscape and paintings. In 1863, he interpreted the chaste Latin American coastal landscape in a unique manner and later toured Rio de Janeiro in Brazil in the same year (Hollis Taggart Galleries Para 3). The goal of the tour was to illustrate a complete different version of South American Hummingbirds. He was so enthusiastic about the Hummingbirds that he hoped to prepare an outstanding and an elegant album about these creatures in Britain. Though he hoped to have this album published in Britain, it was never to happen. Hummingbirds however continued to be a dear subject to him as evidenced by the paintings that he did in the rest of life. He continued making trips to the Latin America notably in Nicaragua, Colombia, Jamaica and Panama. In the course of those visits, he studied the local flora and fauna, painting both large and small landscapes of hummingbirds and orchids, works that saw him get recognition at the gallery exhibition in New York and Boston. At the age of sixty four in 1883, Heade got married and moved to St Augustine in Florida. This is where he was to spend the rest of his life while he continued to exhibit his paintings in northern towns such as Boston and Springfield Massachusetts. He was almost forgotten in the New York City but was later rediscovered during the revival of the Hudson River painting school and has from then on been accorded the respect and major status that he commanded out of his outstanding work. In Florida, an oil tycoon and hotel magnate Henry Morris Flagger invited Heade to set up another studio, which was to be last studio, in a building behind Ponce De Leon, a hotel that was owed by Flagger in St Augustine. In his two decades stay at St Augustine prior to his death on September 4 1904, he continued to paint while fascinated by the flora and fauna located in Florida. His works were mainly Cherokee roses, orchids and magnolias (Hollis Taggart Galleries, Para. 4). The works could often depicted the same flower over and over again but in different blooming states thus bringing out the hidden beauty of the environment that is not obvious to many. During his stay in St Augustine Florida and prior to his death, Heade made more than one hundred and fifty pieces of work . Most of this work focused on the exuberant nature and landscape, flowers, sceneries and fruits of the American south , topics that were dear to him also. It is against this background that he is remembered, having not only taken a lot if interest in a rare subject but also having pursued it with vigor, passion and up to the old age. He did what he liked most and did it best. The outstanding feature of any artistic work done by Heade is their capture of their botanic and scientific accuracy. They note every line on the leaf, every mark on the facet, fruit or blossom. The figures below are example of the artistic work done by the 19th century artist and depict the mystery surrounding him and his interest in the natural world. Though the work was done more than a century ago, the beauty and elegance has surpassed the passage time. Fig. 1 Source: http://www. martin-johnson-heade. org/ Although little is documented in writing about Martin Johnson Heade as he left no identifiable body of writing, his contribution to the field of art and painting is immense. Such is evidenced by the Martin Johnson Heade, a function organized and premiering at the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) in Boson from the 29th day of September 1999 through the 17th of January 2000 which shed light on Martin Johnson Heade as one of the most original and all time artists in the history of mankind (Traditional Fine Art Online Inc, Para. 1). MFA owns an outstanding collection of work done by Heade including about 30 paintings, numerous drawings and other materials such as sketches and sketch books that he used. Although he was practically unknown during his own days, Heade is today also recognized in America as a great romantic painter and uniquely as a master landscape painter as far as floral still life is concerned. With a career that spanned over seventy years, a lot went to his name’s credit as noted during the function organized by MFA, having produced a varied body of work more than any other American artist of the 19th century. â€Å"Martin Johnson Heade is sure to give new insights into the work of one of the most intriguing of American artists, whose paintings have a strange and almost surreal intensity. Heade was one of America’s most productive and inventive artists, and his work reflects a wide range of talent and creativity. The exemplary work captures such a variety of moods, from his atmospheric effects, the glory of light, the sumptuous warmth of his orchids and tropical scenes, and the inexplicable sensuality of so many of his works in every genre. I hope recognition of his genius grows as more and more people are introduced to these superb paintings†(Traditional Fine Art Online Inc, Para. 6). During the popular Mesueum of Fine Arts event, Heade’s favourite hummingbirds painting was revisited. It was recounted that even if he never managed to secure the two hundred subscriptions needed to print his expensive book, which was never printed anyway, he produced four hummingbird chromolithographs for the book and could at the time be viewed in Boston as well as the sixteen paintings that were intended for the gems of Brazil from the Manoogian collection (Traditional Fine Art Online Inc, Para. 7). Earlier on in 1955, a historian and the then director of Macbeth gallery Robert Mclntyre had donated some work done by Heade to the Archives of American Art. Such included his sketch book, notebooks as well as letters and correspondeces between him and his close friend and associate Fredric Edwin Church between the year 1866 and 1899. In addition, they included a detailed notebook about hummingbirds that is handwritten as well as a circa dated in the range between 1853 to 1877. The scattred papers measure 0. 3 linear feet and date between 1853 and 1904. In the year 2007, the above were completely digitized to enhance archiving and are now avilable online as the Martin Johnson Heade Papers Online. They had first received a preliminary level of processing immediately after donation before being microfilmed in the same order that they were donated. The notebook and the sketchbook being the first ones to have been donated were therefore proffesionally conserved in the year 2004. Another area that is seen to have captured Heade’s passion is still lifes of southern flowers especially the magnolia blossoms laid on velevet. This was an advancement of an interest that he had since the 1860’s. In his earlier work in this genre, he had done flowers keenly arranged in an ormate flower vase and placed either on small or a large table, but covered with a mere cloth as opposed to velvet. At the time, he was the first and the only american artist who could create such an extensive body of work either in still lifes or in landscape and environment. In 2004, Heade was again recognized and honored with an outstanding stamp from the United States Postal Servive featuring a piece of his 1890 oil-on-canvas painting otherwise called Giant magnolias on a blue Velvet cloth. There were few artists who emulated head in the 20th century owing to the fact that he was unpopular at the time. However his work and art has been duplicated and forged by many especially in the 20th and 21st century. Such is attributed to the way his work has continued to turn up in garage sales as well as other unlikely places as opposed to works by other artists such as his friend Fredric Edward Church or ohn Kensett.. The popularity of his work can be attributed to the way he related with middle class buyers, his outstanding passion and effort put in as depicted in his various trips and his willigness to distribute his work all the country. Though unknown to him even at the end of his life, Martin johnson Heade was one of the most outstanding artist that ever existed on the face of earth. His passion in what was then an unpopular venture tells it all. His keen interpretation and approach towards the light and the environmet at large, his representation of the same on his paintings as well as his vigor and dedication to distribute his work, all leave no doubt that he did what he loved and in return loved what he did. His work does not only reveal what is unobvious to many but also unearths what is sincerely unknown and his spirit therefore continues to live moreso through his elegant work. Martin Johnson Heade is no doubt a legend whose life deserves recognition by and over generations while his work continues to demand respect over centuries. Works Cited: Hollis Taggart Galleries. â€Å"Hollis Taggart Gallaries. †2007. 26 May 2010 . Mappen, Marc and Maxine N Lurie. Encyclopedia of New Jersey. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2004. Traditional Fine Art Online Inc. â€Å"Meseum of Fine Arts Boston. †29 September 1999. www. mfa. org. 26 May 2010 .
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Bentham’s Act Utilitarianism can be used in making
Explain how Bentham's Act Utilitarianism can be used in making moral decisions BY AltceReid20 Jeremy Bentham was a philosopher, economist, atheist and social reformer. Being a social reformer means that Bentham worked to make a gradual change to society. Being an economist meant that he had knowledge in the social science and discipline of economics. Bentham was a philosopher because he studied ways of thinking about the world. This all had an impact on the way his ideas were influenced. He developed the theory known as Act Utilitarianism.His version of Utilitarianism is referred to as Act' Utilitarianism because it states that the principle of utility should be applied to every act performed in each unique situation. Any act is Justifiable if it produces ‘the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number'. By the principle of utility Bentham meant the ‘usefulness' of a situation. The principle states that we should aim to achieve ‘the greatest happiness for the greatest number'. Act Utilitarianism depends on each action or each individual dilemma being calculated.According to Act Utilitarianism it is the value of the consequences of the particular act that counts. In 1789 he wrote the book ‘An Introduction to the principle of morals and legislation' He believed our main aim in life was to achieve ‘happiness' and to avoid ‘pain', he wanted to introduce this to society to maximise the amount of happiness produced in certain situations. His theory was made to drive a human being; pain v pleasure. As people are motivated by pleasure and pain is considered evil. As stated in his book: ‘Nature has placed mankind under the governance of to sovereign masters, pain and pleasure'.Jeremy Bentham's theory is considered as relativistic; this means that here are no universal norms or rules and that each situation has to be looked at independently because each situation is different. It is also thought of as a teleological the ory. This means that it is concerned with the end purpose or goal of an action in this case it should always be happiness. Bentham's theory was also considered to be consequentialist; this means that moral decisions should be based on the outcome or consequences of an action. Bentham felt that society needed a form of structure for making moral decisions influencing him to introduce ActUtilitarianism to help treat each moral decision as unique. He was very concerned with the social conditions of his day, becoming particularly involved with both hospitals and prisons. He also believed in women's vote and the decriminalisation of homosexuality. He developed the principle of utility in his theory which states that an action is right if it produces the ‘greatest happiness for the greatest number'. He had strong beliefs of maximising the quantity of happiness; he was not concerned about prioritising which form of happiness were superior to others. Bentham wrote in theRationale of R eward: ‘Prejudice apart, the game of push-pin is equal of value with the arts of sciences of music and poetry'. Bentham's position was that all pleasures are of equal value. From this he devised the hedonic calculus as a means of measuring happiness. Hedone meaning pleasure. There are 7 parts of the hedonic calculus being intensity, duration, certainty, remoteness, richness and purity which all link to measuring the amount of happiness that a certain situation will produce. An example be applied by using the hedonic calculus to help decide whether it is morally right.A scenario, of a 16 year old girl called Katy wants an abortion because she doesn't want to have a baby. However, her parents are Christians and do not agree with her having an abortion. Abortion is thought of as an ethical issue because people argue whether it is right or wrong. As Bentham's theory is concequentialist all Judgements made should be based on the outcome. Using the hedonic calculus can measure/estim ate the amount of happiness that will be produced. To decide upon the action taken on abortion the intensity of happiness will be produced.In this scenario, the strength of the happiness of the girl, the parents and society will be taken into to help provide the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people. The duration of the happiness will also be taken into account, to measure how long the happiness will last for. In this case, how long will the happiness of the girl last if she has an abortion? The certainty of the situation will be measured to determine whether happiness is guaranteed to be produced. Will having an abortion actually produce happiness for Katy and her parents?The extent of the happiness will be evaluated to decide how many people it will effect. In this example, will it affect her parents and society more than it'll effect her if she has an abortion? The remoteness of abortion will be checked to determine how soon the happiness will occur. It w ill be debated whether having an abortion will immediately make the girl happy straight away and/ or in the future. This links to the richness of a situation evaluating how much happiness it may produce in the future. In this case, will abortion still provide the girl ith happiness in the future? r will it affect her family and society more so? Again, this links with the purity of the situation which is the decision of whether it will provide unhappiness in the future. Will abortion cause unhappiness for the girl, her family and society. As you can see the hedonic calculus works towards bringing the greatest happiness to the greatest amount of people measuring the quality of happiness not the quantity. In this example, the hedonic calculus would help to decide whether abortion is morally right helping to make moral decisions.The edonic calculus helps you to weigh out what is morally right in a situation giving an objective view reducing opinions and biased options. It takes multiple choices into account excluding religion. In this case, the hedonic calculus would decide that is morally right for Katy to have an abortion. The hedonic calculus would conclude this because society may think that 16 is too young to have a baby which would provide them with more overall happiness of the girl having an abortion. However, having the abortion may cause unhappiness for her family but forgiveness is in the heart ofChristians, if they understand that having an abortion will create a very high amount of happiness for Katy and many people of society may agree with her having an abortion it outweighs the unhappiness of the parents. If Katy was to follow through with her abortion it would provide her more happiness in the meanwhile and future as having a baby may affect multiple aspects of her life. As you can see the hedonic calculus works towards bringing happiness to the greatest amount of people therefore supporting Bentham's beliefs and following Act Utilitarianism.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Thesis Writing Format
Thesis Writing Format Thesis Writing Format Thesis Writing FormatThe specifics of thesis writing format depend on the broad area of your study. In other words, the specifics of your educational process and the requirements of your supervisor determine the elements of master thesis writing format. Usually, thesis writing is a report on conducted research project. Therefore, the essential elements of thesis writing format are the following:Introduction (introduce the reader to the research thesis topics; explain the importance of your research)Literature review (show what has already been written on the chosen topic)Explain the research design (methodology should cover the steps you have taken to conduct a research)Present the findings (what did your research show? What are the key findings?)Discussion on the findings (what do the findings mean? What is the contribution of your research to the existing literature?)Conclusions (present the limitations of your study and give recommendations on further research)A typical a cademic thesis written for a university or college should include a cover page, abstract (200 words or less), outline, body with all key chapters, and a reference list. Pay special attention to the reference list style required by your teacher. APA, MLA, and Harvard are very different to each other and sometimes a small mistake in referencing may cost you a grade. Thesis Writing Format ElementsAs it was mentioned above, every institution has its own requirements for thesis writing and formatting and you should be very careful to follow all requirements in detail. You may not simply ignore the importance of referencing style or decide to leave table of contents out. If you value your own education and do not want to waste your time revising and rewriting your thesis 25 times, it is better to do everything right from the very beginning. If you do not want to spend time on writing and formatting your thesis because it is a time consuming process, you have an opportunity to request thes is writing help at our site. Our thesis writers know how to write a thesis and they are able to assist you with every aspect of thesis writing and ensure that your thesis or dissertation is written in full accordance to academic standards and format requirements. We deliver custom written theses on time and we guarantee free unlimited revisions. Thus, you get a perfect thesis written by professional thesis writers from scratch. In addition, you may request professional help with argument essay writing as well as cause and effect essay writing!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Dos and Don’ts of How to Quit Your Job
The Dos and Don’ts of How to Quit Your Job There comes a time in every worker’s life when he/she needs to quit a job. Maybe it’s for personal reasons, maybe the best job ever has just become available, or maybe the work environment is toxic and unfair and you just HAVE TO GO. No matter what the reason, it’s always best to leave with dignity and integrity. So put that middle finger away, hold on to your f-bombs, and make sure you read this list on how to quit your job first.DON’T ever do this when quitting your job. Do it in publicEven in an open plan office, it’s important to schedule a one-on-one with your supervisor somewhere private enough to have a discussion without an audience or without putting your boss in an uncomfortable position. Keep it confidential.Be afraidNobody is going to be â€Å"mad at you.†And if they are, then that’s more a reflection on the company or the culture and, well, good riddance. You have to look out for your own professional growth. Leaving o ne job for another doesn’t have to be an insult.NegotiateUnless this was your strategy all along and you go in prepared to stay. If you’ve already accepted another offer, or you are truly miserable where you are, don’t even humor the counter offer. Even if the money is too good to be true. It probably is. Remember why you were leaving in the first place.Be vulgarNo expletives. No curses. No middle fingers. No door slamming. No desk-slapping. You get the idea. Stay calm and class it up.GhostJust never showing up to work again is not the way to go. You’ll look like a lunatic, or worse. Make sure to actually have the conversation and follow the appropriate protocol.BackstabNot about your evil boss or your arch nemesis, or the colleague who tormented you. Now is not the time. Save it for a ranting session over happy hour with your out-of-work friends.Treat it like Senior SpringSo you’ve given your notice. Great. Don’t stop working. You’ll obviously have a little less to do as your projects taper off in your transition, but don’t just sit there painting your nails or playing on Facebook until your final day. Stay respectful; be respected.DO Give noticeThis is by far the most important. Give sufficient notice so you won’t leave anyone hanging or any colleagues under undue stress. Even if you hate them!Bring treatsWhy not bring something as a parting gift to your co-workers on your last day? Think a plate of cookies or brownies or order a pizza for the break room, just to show your appreciation for the people you have worked with and learned from in your time there. It’s probably a good gesture even if you don’t respect a single one of them.Give back your stuffGive back your company laptop and phone and security passes. Yes, even your company iPad. If you’ve really gotten close with your stapler†¦ well, we’ll look the other way.Be honestWith your boss and in your exit i nterview. Who knows, something constructive could come out of it, for one or both of you.Consider the counter offerBut, as above, only if you are prepared to stay and wouldn’t be totally miserable. You’re allowed to take a day to think it over.Do it in personNot over the phone. Not over email. NOT OVER TEXT. You owe your boss, even an awful one, this courtesy.If you stick to these parameters, you can leave your job without humiliating yourself or anyone else, and with preserving your integrity and respect-worthiness. You never know when you’ll run into these people again. Keep ‘em sweet on your way out the door!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Reading Reflection Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reading Reflection - Research Paper Example Indeed, the Count fails to define it explicitly; yet in his word choice, one can unpack the meaning and subtlety of such almost philosophical concept. In analyzing and interpreting the piece, I have used heavily the reader-response and formalist analytical approaches. As a whole, these approaches have greatly facilitated and enhanced my reading to Hemingway’s novel. The reader-response approach vitally helps me understand in greater depth pertaining to the â€Å"message†conveyed in the literary work. After reading A Farewell to Arms, for instance, I have wondered whether or not the primary factor that captivates my imagination is the sense of curiosity or inquisitiveness. Perhaps my curiosity to Count Greffi’s notion of wisdom and its philosophical implication substantially facilitates me to read and be engrossed in the novel. On the other hand, the formalist approach in considering the novel’s message substantially reinforces my initial impression or con nection to it.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Class Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Class - Movie Review Example The opening clips are really not surprising because the United States Secretary of Defense is always accusing the Iraqis of presenting a biased view of the American operation yet the Iraqi Minister of Information was doing the exact same thing. The way that the documentary shows these two opposing views side by side is making fun of them in a way because it shows how single minded some news organizations can be when they have already decided what the news will be and then they find a story to suit that. Other networks are shown to only select news stories that fit their point of view, while a producer for Al Jazeera comments that he wants his news channel to set the standard for news reporting in the Middle East. â€Å"Control Room†follows the careers of three main individuals: Josh Rushing, David Shuster, and Tom Mintier. All of these reporters are American and so they have instruction to only show the Iraq War in a certain light. Josh Rushing is perhaps the most interesting of these three reporters because he works at the U.S. Central Command, or what is known as CENTCOM. At the start, Rushing shows how much he dislikes the Al Jazeera network because it does not show any of crimes committed by Iraqi soldiers. An American reporter then claims that there is no footage of such events even though they are likely occurring. The problem is that without any evidence of these crimes, most Arab people had a hard time believing it. Rushing also says that many American news media are guilty of the same thing, except in the opposite way. The whole film is built around this central idea that news media organizations in general are bias and only show stories that fit their beliefs. The problem i s that the truth is not told, and this is a really important during the time of war. The film changes tact part way through and focuses on American
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