Thursday, December 26, 2019
Parental Involvement Of Children With And Without...
Introduction and Purpose In the article Parental involvement in children’s learning: Comparing parents of children with and without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) by M.A Rogers et al, the group of graduate students studied parental involvement in children’s learning with and without ADHD. Rogers et al indicated that parental involvement in children’s learning has a variety of behaviors and characteristics. These characteristics vary based on the mother and father’s interactions with their child, the school environment, home life and whether or not or not the children are typically developing or children diagnosed with ADHD. M.A Rogers et al hoped to gather useful data regarding how parents behave and interact with their children who are diagnosed with ADHD and non-ADHD children and how these behaviors support or hinder their academic home and school life. This topic is important because parents play an integral role in children’s development and children di agnosed with ADHD tend to struggle significantly both at home and at school with their attention and producing work. As a result of the tension created, some parents have a hard time engaging in the support of their child. The author’s indicated that while there is a lot of research on how we can assist children with ADHD with their homework, there is not a lot of research on parental involvement with regards to children with ADHD and their long term academic performance( ). Methods M.A RogersShow MoreRelatedAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1710 Words  | 7 Pages Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD which is often referred to as childhood hyperactivity, it s a severe and chronic disorder for children. It is one of the most prevalent childhood disorders, and affects 3% to 5% of the school-age population. Boys outnumber girls three or more to one. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Theme Of Empathy In The Kite Runner - 973 Words
A fear of empathy dictates one’s ability to achieve true redemption. This is proven many times throughout the novel, â€Å"The Kite Runner†by Khaled Hosseini. The character of Amir often struggles to allow people to both feel for him and to allow himself to feel for others. While the characters Hassan shares similar problems, they have different causations and solution. They both fear experiencing empathy in the beginning, effectively hindering their ability to progress appropriately. However, while Hassan is eventually able to accept his and other people’s feeling of empathy, Amir continues to fight against them, letting his fear control his life. This is shown when Amir fights against a relationship with both Baba and Hassan, while Hassan†¦show more content†¦His selfish bias making it impossible for Amir to begin earning redemption. This is again proven when he returns to Pakistan to visit Rahim Khan. Rahim Khan pleads with him to try and get Amir to rescue Sohrab, his nephew, from Kabul, but Amir refuses: â€Å"‘you know,’ Rahim Khan said, â€Å"one time, when you weren’t around, your father and I were talking. And you know how he always worried about you in those days. I remember he said to me, ‘Rahim, a boy who won’t stand up for himself becomes a man you can’t stand up to anything’ I wonder, is that what you’ve become?’ I dropped my eyes. [†¦] Finally, I settled for this: ‘Maybe Baba was right’†(Hosseini, 221). When given the choice to defend his honour and go rescue a young boy, or insult himself and look at the world through a negative lense, Amir chooses to adopt an incredibly negative persona, as per his past. He chooses to refuse the opportunity to experience empathy and relate to Rahim Khan’s desperation and pain, and instead drives a wedge between their relationship. Pushing himself further away from the redemption he crave s so desperately. As a fear of empathy inhibits one’s ability to find redemption and uphold healthy relationships. Similar to this concept, Hassan also suffers from a fear of empathy that intervenes with his search for redemption. While Hassan is not afraid of experiencing empathy like Amir, he is clearly afraid of others feelingShow MoreRelatedThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1574 Words  | 7 Pagescan give one confidence. A main theme present in Khaled Hosseini’s, The Kite Runner, is love. The Kite Runner follows Amir, the main character, finding redemption from a series of traumatic childhood events. Throughout the novel, the author uses many powerful symbols to represent the complexity of love that many experience in relationships. The use of the kite, the pomegranate tree, the slingshot, and the cleft lip all tie together to underscore a universal theme of love. To begin, the most explicitRead MorePower In The Kite Runner Essay965 Words  | 4 Pageseating the weak,†James Rollins. Those who have power are more likely to take advantage over those categorized in a lower class. In this fictional novel, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, the overall concept of abuse of power and bullying is portrayed. The protagonist, in particular, is constantly dragged into the many conflicts relating to the theme in many situations throughout the novel. The situations associate Amir and Hassan, the antagonist, Assef, and the Hazaras. Firstly, one of theRead MoreA Thousand Splendid Suns By Khaled Hosseini1421 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: Khaled Hosseini’s sophomore novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns, shares a setting with his previous novel, the turmoil of the recent decades of Afghanistan s existence. However, despite similar themes, Hosseini once again manages to craft a story that is as engaging as it is poignant, as compassionate as it is critical, and as thoughtful as it is visceral. Summary: However, when Laila’s child is born, Aziza, and turns out to be a girl, Laila’s relationship with Rasheed deterioratesRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words  | 99 Pagesof the baffling appeal of violence: proliferation of violence †¢ Music lyrics (Eminem â€Å"Kill you†), video games (Grand Theft Auto), movies (only one in five violent movies rated ‘R’). †¢ Reduced to nothing more than a few painfully ubiquitous themes 1e. Advertising General Stats: †¢ In 1880: Global advertising expenditure was $30million †¢ In 1910: $600million †¢ In 2000: $120billion †¢ By 2006, by the most conservative of estimates, $600billion †¢ Coca-Cola spent $234 millionRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesCreative Style Assessment 226 Scoring Key 226 Comparison Data 226 SKILL PRACTICE Applying Conceptual Blockbusting 227 Observer’s Feedback Form 227 Answer to Matchstick Problem in Figure 3.4 229 Answer to Shakespeare Riddle in Figure 3.5 229 Some Common Themes Applying to Water and Finance 229 Answer to Name That Ship Problem in Figure 3.6 230 Answer to Nine-Dot Problem in Figure 3.7 230 Answer to Embedded Pattern Problem in Figure 3.8 231 PART II 4 INTERPERSONAL SKILLS 232 233 BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS
Monday, December 9, 2019
Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting Agenda Consultation
Question: Discuss about theConceptual Framework for Financial Reporting for Agenda Consultation. Answer: Introducing Major Issues in the New Standard The exposure draft selected is from the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board). The IASB published the exposure draft and opened it for public comment on 28 May 2015. The draft proposed amendments to the IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements. It was a proposal results from various short-term projects under the Disclosure Initiative of the IASB. It followed the different respondents recommendations to the Agenda Consultation 2011 of the IASB. The IASB was asked to undertake a review of the disclosure requirements in the available IFRS to explore mechanisms through which it could enhance disclosures. Accordingly, ISAB commenced the Disclosure Initiative in 2013 under a package of various projects expected at improving the financial information disclosure. The draft also aimed at improving the financial reporting through the provision of a more complete, clearer as well as updated array of concepts usable by different groups including the IASB itself when developing IFRS a nd others to enable them to have a comprehensive understanding and application of such Standards (Carey, 2012). The IASB proposed a narrow-focus in the exposure draft that gave clarification of the amendments to the IAS 1 to deal with issues raised regarding the presentation as well as disclosure requirements thereby making sure that entities can utilize the judgment during the preparation of their financial statements (Nagy, 2011). The exposure draft became more completed compared to the available Conceptual Framework. The completeness was because it dealt with various areas which were either uncovered or not covered comprehensively in the then Conceptual Framework. Some of the additional issues incorporated in the exposure draft included measurement, the reporting entity, presentation and disclosure, de-recognition and financial performance covering the use of other comprehensive income. The exposure draft also clarified certain aspects of the available Conceptual Framework. The New Standard specified that the information required to meet the financial reporting objective by incorporating information which can be utilized to assist stewardship management of the resources of the entity. It also explicated the roles of the prudence as well as substance over the form in the financial reporting. The exposure draft also gave a clarification that high levels of measurement uncertainty could turn financial information irrelevant (Christensen, 2010). The exposure draft explained that significant decisions on, for instance, recognition as well as measurement, were driven by regarding the resulting information nature about both financial position and financial performance. The exposure further gave precise definitions of the liabilities alongside assets as well as comprehensive guidance in support of such definitions. The last section of the exposure draft entailed the updates to the sections of the then available Conceptual Framework which were already obsolete. The exposure draft notably clarified the role of probability in the assets and liabilities definitions. The comment letter deadline for the high exposure draft was set to end on 23 July 2014. Whether Consensus or Disagreement and Rationale ATT Response The comment letters selected for this exposure draft were drawn from various organizations including Eumedion, AAT, ACCA and Accounting and Financial Reporting Daimler Group (FAG). The AAT (ref: 15-086 (SC)) was submitted on 26 October 2015. The AAT comment letter was drafted by the Association of Accounting Technicians in response to the high exposure draft. AAT added their comment to increase the value to and highlighted elements that needed to be taken into consideration (Nagy, 2011). ATT mainly emphasized on the operational aspects exposure draft and gave an opinion on the practicalities of implementing the outlined measures. AAT supported the revision to the Conceptual Framework for based on various reasons anchored on page six of ED such as certain critical areas remained uncovered, the lack of clarity on guidance and obsoleteness in certain aspects of the existing framework. AAT also supported the revision stressing the importance role of the standard in the process of setting standards by helping the IASB to develop standards anchored on consistent concepts. The ATT also supported the modification citing that it provided the necessary guidance for the preparation of the financial statements not addressed by the IFRS based on transactions, conditions or event as well as where the accounting standards provide an option for accounting policy like IAS 16 Property, Plant, and Equipment. ATT also supported because the Exposure Draft helped both users and preparers to understand and interpret the standards. Daimler Response The Daimler focused on highlighting the issues that were uncovered by the IASB during the Exposure Draft (ED) preparation. The organization held a view that the business model or activities needed to play a key role throughout the Conceptual Framework rather merely being restricted to the unit of measurement, account, disclosure, and presentation. They suggested that individual business model needs to be entitled to varying accounting practices. They suggested that the new standards or key amendments needed to answer the question of whether the amendment or standard ensured useful information for every business model in scope. Daimler took issue with the definition of liabilities and assets (Marques, 2012). They agreed with the definition of an asset as a right but dissented that such a right has adequate potential to generate economic benefits in case there are purely remote conditions whereby such benefits will flow to the firm. In their view, Daimler held that solely circumstances that favor economic substance needed to be considered during the assessment of whether an item meets the asset definition (Nagy, 2011). They also opposed the proposed criterion for recognition suggesting that it could result in far more liabilities and an asset to be acknowledged in the financial statements. They held the dissenting view that such criterion did not necessarily improve relevance or faithful representation but rather headed for costly with no enhancement of information usefulness. They held that embracing such an approach could negatively affect the preparers during the development of accounting policies for circumstances whereby no extra standards apply. The Daimler supported the definition of the statement of profit or loss by the IASB with reservation demanding for a precise definition of the statement of the comprehensive income to favor a shared understanding of the OCI thus clarifying what income and expenses to be entailed in the OCI (Marques, 2012). They supported the presumptions that acknowledge expenses and income in profit or loss as well as the recycling of all expenses and income recognized in OCI to the profit or loss as entailed in the Exposure Draft. Nevertheless, they held the dissenting view that inconsistencies between existing standards and ED could result from such presumptions and urged the Board to give guidance on situations where such presumptions may be rebutted to improve understandability as well as decrease complexity. They agreed that the IASB was in the right direction with a reservation for more research without hurried implementation of the amendments as outlined in ED (Nandelstadh Rosenberg, 2013). ACCA by Fangwei Lin Fangwei solely focused on parts of the ED since he had not finished reading the entire document. He focused on chapter four (the elements of financial statements) mainly income and expenses to entail amounts produced by transactions alongside other events such as alterations in the carrying value of liabilities and assets. He agreed with the definition of expenses and income by alterations in them but reserved that such a definition indicated the all-inclusive concepts to understand expense and income where there lacks a difference between abnormal and normal business (den Hertog, 2010). He favored the comprehensive use of operating concept alongside all-inclusive concept and suggested that the qualitative features of useful information like comparability and relevance will improve where one distinguishes abnormal and normal operations to define expense and income. Like Daimler ACCA called for further research by ISAB into countries considering to adhere to IFRS to understand the rea l scenarios before developing IFRS. Eumedion Corporate Governance Forum by Rients Abma (Executive Director) The Eumedion supported the inclusion EDs proposal to provide priority to incorporate the significance of giving the information required within the financial reporting objective for assessment of stewardship management of the resources of the organization. They concurred that it is as significance to issue useful information to examine stewardship as to provide information for the assessment of the prospect for coming cash flows to a firm (Nagy, 2011). They believed in the definition of stewardship as a distinct primary goal would protect its role where standard formulation would be varying for both stated objectives hence the reason for further requirements of additional relevant information as currently needed to assess the prospect for future cash flows for efficient management of stewardship. The held that the Conceptual Framework required to entail additional guidance on the consideration of stewardship when amending the existing standards and developing new ones as well as inte rpretation. Public Interest, Private Interest, and Capture Theories Assumptions Relevant Comment Letters The theory of public interest assumes that economic markets remain extremely fragile with tendencies of inefficient operations and favor the concerns of an individual as they ignore societal importance (Kuan, 2015). Government interventions are, thus, useful to ensure effective direction and monitoring of the commercial markets (Black Christensen, 2009). This theory best explains all the comments letters since financial reporters only want to hoard information by operating inefficiently to give the imperfect public information so as to benefit at the expense of the society (Hanretty Koop, 2009). All the comments are supporting the need avail useful information and suggest the ED is an indication of a right direction and some like Daimler and ACCA have called for further research to ensure efficient IFRS that allow efficient economic market operation for the public rather than an individual entity (Black Christensen, 2009). Regulatory capture theory assumes that a regulator is in t urn dominated by the industries or entities it is supposed to regulate. However, I do not see any comment letters being premised on this assumption (Bowen, Davis Matsumoto, (2015)). Finally, the private interest theory holds that those who are engaged in government are attracted to similar motivation that those individuals in the private have, and they are hence motivated by a narrow self-interest concept, wealth, power, and fame (Entwistle, Feltham Mbagwu, 2011). All the four comments letters do not ascribe to this assumption and hence they can only be explained by the theory of public interest. References Black, D. E., Christensen, T. E. (2009). US managers' use of pro formaadjustments to meet strategic earnings targets. Journal of Business Finance Accounting, 36(3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 4), 297-326. Bowen, R. M., Davis, A. K., Matsumoto, D. A. (2015). Emphasis on pro forma versus GAAP earnings in quarterly press releases: Determinants, SEC intervention, and market reactions. The Accounting Review, 80(4), 1011-1038. Brown, N. C., Christensen, T. E., Elliott, W. B., Mergenthaler, R. D. (2012). Investor sentiment and pro forma earnings disclosures. Journal of Accounting Research, 50(1), 1-40. Carey, J. L. (2012). The independence concept revisited. Research in Accounting Regulation, 20, 295-302. Christensen, J. G. (2010, June). Public interest regulation reconsidered: From capture to credible commitment. In Regulation at the Age of Crisis ECPR Regulatory Governance Standing Group, 3rd Biennial Conference, University College, Dublin. den Hertog, J. A. (2010). Review of economic theories of regulation. Discussion Paper Series/Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute, 10(18). Entwistle, G. M., Feltham, G. D., Mbagwu, C. (2011). Financial reporting regulation and the reporting of pro forma earnings. Accounting Horizons, 20(1), Hanretty, C. J., Koop, C. (2009). Measuring Regulators' Statutory Independence. In APSA 2009 Toronto Meeting Paper. Kuan, K. (2015). Why private interest theory should be used to evaluate the adequacy of the auditor independence requirements in CLERP 9. Marques, A. (2012). SEC interventions and the frequency and usefulness of non-GAAP financial measures. Review of Accounting Studies, 11(4), 549-574. Nagy, J. (2011). The Emergence of the Public Sector Expectations Gap. In International Conference-Accounting, Auditing Management in Public Sector Reforms, Zaragoza (Espagne), 79 September 2000, EIASM (pp. 459-475). Nandelstadh, A. V., Rosenberg, M. (2013). Corporate governance and firm performance: Evidence from Finland (Vol. 497). Working Paper Number.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Solutions for College Dropout Essay Example
Solutions for College Dropout Paper The Solution to Increasing Dropout Rates While there are many problems college students face while attempting to obtain a degree, the largest hindrance from completion is that of financial ability. One of the largest contributors to college dropout rates is the lack of financial support. Many college students must work either full or part time to support themselves or their families. With the declining economy and increasing costs of college tuition, funds are being scarcely distributed and many college students find that they are unable to continue their education due of this. The degree Of importance placed on college education is in decline, and each year the number of students completing their degree is decreasing. There have been a vast number of surveys and polls of college students and some of the outcomes are astounding. According to the US Department of Education, only 20 percent of young students who enter a two year institution will graduate within three years. While those who enroll in a four year institution have a slightly higher graduation rate of 40 percent in six years. In doffs society higher education is key for the majority of the josh market, but many college students find that even tit a college degree they cannot find work. The standard college student today is no longer 18 years old and enrolling in a four year university program. The new standard that is vastly seen is that of a part-time, older individual who is often working while trying to juggle their busy schedule. We will write a custom essay sample on Solutions for College Dropout specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Solutions for College Dropout specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Solutions for College Dropout specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer According to a report in the New York Times, two-thirds of students said the economic climate had significantly affected their college choice, and 13 percent said they could not afford to attend their first-choice university, the highest percentage since that question was first asked in 2006. With college tuition rates increasing many students without a credential are plunged underwater financially. Men students leave college with no credential and a load of debt, they may be worse off than when they entered. With so many college students facing the financial burdens that college tuition imposes, this has grown to increase the degree completion rate to an all-time high. Students often find themselves forced to choose between continuing their education and simply putting food on the table. It is not surprising to see that many forgo completing their education in order to do so. According too survey of college drop outs, 71 percent of students agreed that the reason for not completing their intended program was that they needed to go to work and make money. Having less off burden to financial responsibility would definitely help many of the students facing these problems. Am proposing a plan to the US. Federal government to implement a new plan for receiving financial aid. This plan will not only be based upon merit and satisfactory grades or financial need, but the biggest change will come from increased rates for trine completed. This new system Will integrate the college dents current course level and anticipated graduation date and base financial aid accordingly. Think of this increase in financial aid for students as you would a raise in a job for performance. The main goal of this program is to provide incentive for students to continue on their education pathway and obtain their degree. The current process for financial aid for a student is based on the students financial status. If a student has an EPIC (Expected gamely Contribution) of O they will qualify for a fully funded Peel Grant which is roughly enough to cover the needs Of one year for a full time community college student. If a student plans to attend a four year university, the current amount of financial aid given does not even cover half Of that cost. The new proposed program Will use the same standards for initial financial aid awarded to a student, but for each year that the student satisfactorily completes their courses, their financial aid Will increase by 15 percent. This new program will be provided to all current and new applicants who are currently eligible to receive a LIST federally funded Peel Grant. The program is to still be funded by the US Federal Government, but to increase he funding for this propose a one percent federal tax increase on all major corporations and businesses with an annual income of $250,000 or greater. This will likely incur great opposition initially as to why the increase in tax rate is on that of large businesses. In response to this, the effort of this new program will be to eliminate additional costly training by employers to undereducated employees. By having college students who are actually obtaining their college degrees working for these large companies, the need for additional training will decline, Thus, saving funds in order to finance the one percent proposed increase to increase financial aid. The proposed program will set to be launched during the upcoming years financial aid process and coincide with the initial financial aid applications. A new committee of current financial aid staff will be formed to oversee the addition to the program, and will be set in place to answer questions and to help prevent fraud. The method for monitoring the students progress is to still be the responsibility Of the institution to where the student is enrolled. If a student fails to enroll for the following year and apply for financial aid, then no increase in financial aid funds Will be provided to them. Also, if any break of one semester or more is taken during the school year the increased financial aid Will be lost. If a student fails to meet the standard 77 or above grade in any course that is being federally funded then financial aid will be lost as well. The program is intended for students who satisfactorily complete a consecutive term year after year until degree completion is obtained. This newly proposed program will help to alleviate the financial burden that many college students face, By offering a greater incentive to students to complete their degree in a Emily manner, the degree completion rate will increase.
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